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Blue People Research Paper

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Have you ever seen a person whose skin was blue? Me either, but they really do exist. These odd people are simply known as the Blue People. The Blue People are a family of people in Kentucky who have a recessive gene that causes some of the people in the family to be blue. These people are all related due to inbreeding. This inbreeding caused a recessive gene that is missing an enzyme to be passed on. These blue people tie into anatomy because of the enzyme they are missing. These people all descended from a man named Martin Fugate who immigrated to Kentucky from France in 1820. This man was blue and married a woman who also had this recessive gene. After many children and many generations of inbreeding, multiple people got the recessive gene and had a blue tint to their skin. The Fugates lived in isolation from the rest of the world, so it was very common for them to just marry whoever was convenient, regardless of if they were related. The reason this was caused from inbreeding is because the gene is recessive. The gene was so rare that it would have been highly unlikely for them to marry someone who also had the recessive gene, had they married outside of their family. …show more content…
A missing enzyme is what made these genes different. This enzyme is called diaphorase and is found in most people’s red blood cells. Hemoglobin is a red protein in our red blood cells; our body naturally converts hemoglobin into methemoglobin at a very slow rate. What the enzyme diaphorase does is convert this methemoglobin back into hemoglobin causing people that lack this enzyme to have a greater presence of methemoglobin in their blood. This presence of methemoglobin in their blood causes the Blue people to lose the red color in their blood causing them to appear

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