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Atlantic Health Customer Service Model

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The purpose of the paper is to discuss the customer service mode used at Atlantic Health System (AHS). Atlantic Health works on customer service from many angles. If you type AHS Patient Experience into a search engine, you will find many pages available. Each hospital in the system has a page which lists what you can expect during your visit to the chosen facility. Many facilities have the PRIDE promise listed on the patient experience page. PRIDE defines the standards used to provide care at AHS and includes patients, family and co-workers working in a climate of professionalism, respect, involvement, dignity, and excellence. All staff are made aware of the PRIDE promise when onboarding to the organization. There is no reward for using the …show more content…
AIDET was developed, by Studer Group, as a means for doctors to improve communication with patients (Braverman, Kunkel, Katz, Katona, Heavens, Miller & Arfaa, 2015). Although AIDET was meant for the physician use, it is used by everyone in my facility as a means to communicate with patients. The premise of AIDET is that you acknowledge everyone in a room, introduce yourself, define the expected duration of the interaction, provide an explanation of diagnosis which is in layman’s terms, and finally, thanking the patient which shows the patient respect (Braverman et al., 2015). At AHS, the customer service model works for many reasons when we combine PRIDE and AIDET. First, the patient and family deserve and receive respect as seen in the way we introduce ourselves and by letting the patient know how long to expect the visit to last. This allows the patient to voice any concerns with the time frame should they have another commitment. Secondly, excellence is very big at AHS and we hold each other to high standards of care, and as a result the patient is the recipient of quality …show more content…
We are expected to use the PRIDE promise as a focus of care with AIDET as a communication tool. It is very interesting the response received from a patient the first time they receive a thank-you for coming in for a visit. All staff, including the nurses, are expected to follow the same practice. The Wound Center manager is charged with overseeing that we follow these standards, along with the task of reviewing our patient satisfaction scores. Patient satisfaction is measured using the outside source Press-Ganey. Press-Ganey sends questionnaires to patients randomly upon discharge from the center. The patient has the opportunity to rate the wound center along with the likelihood of recommending the center to others. There is also a free text area where they can relay specific accolades or complaints. Currently, we have a very good rating due to much effort put in last year to raise our scores for patient wait times. We maintain goods scores by keeping the expectations for care high and listening to our patients if they have a complaint. If there is a complaint, we set out to resolve it before it becomes an

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