Dr.Nasir Mousa Wassem Sami Maghrabi LAB 404
Knowledge Management
Why Knowledge Management?
Before we start to explore and understand the details of what knowledge management is, and how to implement knowledge management projects and initiatives, we need to first ask ourselves why we want to consider knowledge management in the first place?
What are the real benefits that can be gained from effective knowledge management for the individual, the team, the entire organization, the community, the nation, or even the entire planet Earth?
Knowledge management is far reaching. Maybe you are considering developing your own personal knowledge management competencies, to become a more effective player in the global knowledge economy, or becoming a more competitive knowledge leader and knowledge driven organization.
Maybe you wish to develop and apply knowledge management strategies to government, military operations, global poverty eradication, international disaster management and even, now, knowledge management for global climate change.
The list is endless. Knowledge management is applied today across the world, in all industry sectors, public and private organizations and humanitarian institutions and international charities.
Most importantly, effective knowledge management is now recognised to be 'the key driver of new knowledge and new ideas' to the innovation process, to new innovative products, services and solutions.
Once we can understand the value and benefits to be gained, we will then become far more motivated to look further at the implementation of knowledge management. Doing ‘knowledge management’ for knowledge management’s sake is likely to produce a failure, or mediocre results at very best.
Knowledge management, as a discipline, must result in better achieving, or even exceeding, your objectives. The