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RH King's Speech

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Every year the student body of RH King elects two people from their grade to represent them for the student government. I had to create a speech to best represent myself and present it to the entire student body. The speech had to include what I wanted to do for the council, and how I wanted to make the school a better place. I was elected one of the grade 12 representatives against five other runners.
As grade 12 rep it was very important that I equally represented all of the grade 12 students in my school. In addition, some of my responsibilities included helping to solve school problems such as making sure we raised enough money during our annual terry fox run. To ensure we reached that goal we brought in inflatables to the fundraiser and charged $1 per entry for each inflatable. This resulted in the student council making $400 more than our initial goal of $1500. Other responsibilities were creating and running school activities like, Niner Day, The Halloween Haunted House, and the upcoming semi formal.
A huge part of student council is, the communication with the rest of the student body. This was very important for when an event was taking place and for encouraging student participation in all school events. For example, for our niner day event, the …show more content…
For example, many of the grade 12’s felt that because it was their last year, having a school dance would be a great way to remember the year by. I first did a survey amongst the school to figure out if a school dance was something that the entire school wanted, and a majority of the school did. Next, I created and brought a proposal to the rest of the council and they loved the idea. I later presented this proposal towards the staff advisors, and at the end, the Vp and Principal. The idea was passed through and we now will be having a school dance towards the end of

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