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My Educational Goals

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On the first day of graduate school, my professor said something that changed how I had previously regarded my education. She said, "unlike undergrad, graduate school is not about you. Grad school is about your clients. It is about becoming the best clinician you can be for them." These words have stuck with me, and provided perspective throughout the past 6 months. I learned that grades are not the most important part of my education, nor are they solely indicative of my current, or future success. While maintaining my GPA is important for graduation, it no longer motivates me to succeed. Rather, my educational goals are, and should be directly correlated with my career goals. For the sake of my clients, my goal is to learn as much as I can …show more content…
Financially, this grant would allow me to concentrate on my educational goals and passion. In addition to the loans directly in my name, I am responsible for half of the student loans in my parents' name. I worked my way through undergrad and following graduation, I worked 40+ hours a week to save up for the cost of graduate school. I continue to work in the evenings after class, and on the weekends in order to afford the necessities, and costs associated with graduate school. The small income I receive, helps me cover the cost of rent, bills, books, and any unexpected financial burdens. Although I receive a bi-weekly paycheck, my current expenses significantly surpass my income, forcing me to dip into my savings each month. I have decided to move back home with my parents this summer, and will continue to live at home until graduation in order to save money. However, the money I save in rent will not change the cost of education and the additional anxiety caused by my growing debt and steady decline in my bank account. Because of this move, I will be unable to work for my current employer next year. My manager provides flexibility and works with my schedule in a way that would be nearly impossible to find elsewhere. However, without this grant, I will be forced to find another job and divide my time between my education and job requirements. This grant would provide peace of mind, and allow me to focus on the reason I came to graduate school, my education and more importantly, my

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