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Animal Attack Research Paper

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One: Rodents

The cooler temperatures of autumn often leads to homeowners experiencing a rodent invasion at the animals seek a warm place to nest, breed and find food. Rodents include mice and rats in addition to other animals such as squirrels and chipmunks. All of these animals can carry diseases such as leptospirosis, Hantavirus and bubonic plague. Signs of a rodent infestation in a home include hearing rustling noises in attics or walls, noticing foul odors from urine and seeing feces on floors near baseboards.

Two: Flies

There are numerous species of flies in the Missouri and Illinois areas that will invade homes to survive cold weather. Flies are annoying because the insects often buzz or try to bite humans and family pets. Flies …show more content…
There are several varieties of stinging insects, including wasps, hornets or bees. Signs of hives and nests in a home are hearing buzzing noises from inside the walls or seeing stinging insects inside. With a careful examination on the exterior of a building, a homeowner may notice the insects hovering near an opening such as a utility line.

Four: Ants

There are hundreds of ant species that live in Illinois and Missouri that seek a warm shelter during the winter to survive. Ants live in large colonies under the ground or inside wood to breed and care for young. When a species of ant that consumes wood enters a home, the insects can cause serious damage to its wooden frame. Homeowners may notice ants in kitchen areas as the insects search for food sources to carry back to a nest.

Five: Stinkbugs

Stinkbugs are an invasive insect introduced accidentally from Asia but proliferating now in the United States. There are several species of stinkbugs with one thing in common. The insect creates a horrible odor when it is smashed or crushed, leading to its descriptive name. Stinkbugs enjoy sunlight and warmth, causing it to invade on certain walls of a home where the insects attempt to enter around windows and doorways. The hoards of stinkbugs will live inside the walls of a home until spring before beginning to breed, leaving behind a foul

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