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Hillary Clinton Pros And Cons

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Super Tuesday is the first Tuesday of March when 12 states and one territory all hold primaries to vote for presidential nominees. This is an extremely important day for candidates, because it is critical that they do well if they wish to continue running: front runner Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, and Ben Carson represent the Republican party, and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders represent the Democratic side. Because of her popularity in the south, Hillary Clinton will win Super Tuesday nationally, and because of her past experience and presence in Massachusetts, she will win there as well. “Nationally, according to FiveThirtyEight, Hillary Clinton has a high percent chance to win the majority of of the Super Tuesday States, which includes a tight race in Massachusetts with Bernie Sanders.” …show more content…
In Vermont, however, Bernie Sanders has a >99% chance to win, because he was a Senator from there. In Oklahoma, the race is a considerable amount closer, but still, Clinton has a 75% chance to win, compared to Sanders’ 25%. To win the Democratic Nomination, Clinton or Sanders will have to receive 2,383 votes total, and 1,004 of those votes will come from Super Tuesday. Because there are multiple southern states participating in the primary process on Super Tuesday, Hillary Clinton will likely take most of the delegates because she appeals to African American voters; many of which live in the southern

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