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My Political Party Analysis

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My highest party match is the single-interest group or party such as women’s equality, transhumanist, and working families on most political issues. However, the major party that came into the fourth highest match is the Democratic party, which came from the idea of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. One of the most major component of the platform of this party is advocating social and economic equality, along with the welfare state. Which I further support because the most important issues to me are social, domestic policy, and environmental. Significantly, these three issues have a strong relationship with the top three rankings of my political party. Furthermore, social issues play a bigger role in this modern democratic world, where more …show more content…
My beliefs are considered moderately Authoritarian on an ideological scale, meaning I tend to believe it is the government’s role to provide stability, equality, and opportunity for its citizen. This description given is accurate about me and I do have to agree with it. There are many political themes that emphasize this ideology. First, I side moderately towards “Pacifism”, meaning I believe we should use non-violent diplomatic discussion to resolve conflicts. Secondly, in this modern world, I move towards the “Secular”, supporting policies that reflect a separation of church and state; an example, is abortion should be available since unwanted pregnancies are increasing, overpopulating the Earth and taking much of the limited resources. Thirdly, I want a progressive nation that values personal freedom, expression, and diversity, less on tradition. Fourthly, I believe in a bigger government, because they should do more to address social inequality, corruption, and assistance for its citizens. As well as being a “Keynesian”, believing that the government should provide economic assistance to stabilize the economy to keep the healthcare system for everyone. Lastly, I believe in a policy of “Collectivism”, which protect and support the best interests of all citizens and the “Multiculturalism” that embrace cultural diversity. However, unfortunately, I am tough on love and have little sympathy for those that break the law or make bad choices. With all the political themes provided, I tend to want equality, morality, and a stricter government for the people, less of a democrat who wants personal and economic

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