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Child Hunger In America Research Paper

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Child Hunger in America
Katherine Foronda has taught herself not to feel hungry until the school day has ended. It’s wasn’t that she didn’t like eating in public, or that she couldn't eat food, it was the fact that she didn’t have any food to eat or any money to buy food with. In high school she failed an English class and rather than having to retake this class she opted for an after school skills course that came with a meal and sent them home on the weekends with food. Katherine also obtained knowledge that there was a way that she could go to college, even though she couldn’t pay for it. Now that she was filled with hope and a full stomach she soon went on and founded a program that offered food support to the students in her high …show more content…
One main one is parents or legal guardian that are unemployed. For example in Mississippi, where the hunger rate for children is 35%, a typical household would make less than $37,095 in 2012. This is a lower median income than any other state in America. In Nevada, where the unemployment rate was 11.5% in 2012, at least half of the children their were eligible for reduced lunch programs. In Las Vegas 80% or 124,600 children were living in food-insecure households (Thomas, 2014). All of these tell us that one reason behind Child hunger in America is unemployment (Brown, 2011).
Another Factor of child hunger is poverty. Poverty is the state of being extremely poor. The national poverty rate is 23%, but this is an average, some states have higher averages that has been brought down by the states with low poverty rates. If we manage to end poverty we can also end …show more content…
Michael Peck is food services director for Pittsburgh Public Schools and he expanded the free meal program so that 66 schools and 18 early-childhood centers offer free breakfasts to all students. He also made sure that 41 schools and centers with the highest hunger rates offer free lunches to all students. Even though this is a step in the right direction, according to Just Harvest and the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, Pennsylvania alone could receive about $754 million in additional food stamp funding. (Common Dreams, 2017). There is still a long way for America to go in eliminating Child hunger and hunger in general. However, we should try our best to eliminate child hunger in America and around the world for

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