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Justice Thomas Argumentative Analysis

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As stated above Justice Thomas takes a more general original approach towards the Constitution. Clarence main focus is to examine the original intent of the Constitution; he seeks originality through the Constitutional Convention. (Matthew Franck, 2014) Thomas is often found attacking precedent, with Thomas only focusing on the original text he is limited on the impact on public policy shaping. Justice Thomas believes that the text when it comes to decision making, should focus on “legal rights, wrong doing, and remedies for the public”. However, most writers that follow the Justice believe that his approach towards the Constitution cannot conclede every case of a case. Moreover, it is Clarence job to do a final interpretation of the Constitution, discussing amendments, final federal decisions, and law of the land period is at the fingertips of this Justice. However, the Constitution does not give the Supreme Court sole power over everything or everyone; its …show more content…
(Oyez). It’s often that Justice Thomas votes with his other conservative bench members Rehnquist and Scalia however, he believes that the Framers intent was for the U.S. to follow the birth of America; the Declaration of Independence. An example of his interpretation of the Constitution, is his argument that rights come from one’s nature and not their race, and that the affirmative action program is in violation of the “colorblind” idea of the Constitution. (Corey Robin, Jacobinmag) Justice Thomas held a high place in the jurisprudence part of the court, he is the firm believer in the original meaning of the United States Constitution. Justice Thomas judicial approach was that all Justices should interpret the Constitution through its original intent. (Keeping the Republic: Power and Citizenship in American Politics,

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