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Satchel Paige: Professional Baseball Player

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Leroy “Satchel” Paige

Professional Baseball Player
Leroy was one of the greatest Baseball players of all time.
He was an Inspiration to all African Americans of His time and other African Americans to come. His Baseball highlights spanning over five decades.
And he was known originally as one of the Greatest Baseball players in the Negro Leagues.
But finally in 1948 he was inducted into the Major Leagues by The Cleveland Indians due to the knowledge of his great Pitching and Batting. Finally the thing that makes Satchel so famous besides the apocryphal folk tale is the time he stayed In the league. Which Is because he rarely mentioned age and when he did he said something like “ Age Is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind It don’t matter”. And Finally in 1971 Leroy “Satchel” Paige was given the ultimate honor in Baseball by being elected to join the very best in baseball history in the hall of fame. Last but not least now Leroy “Satchel” Paige Is still well known and or learned about because not only did he break the Color Barrier but he also was inducted into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame being one of the few of his color to do so.
Charlie Chaplin

Professional English Actor …show more content…
Starting Acting in England to get money and then doing comedy with the Fred Karno Repertoire Company eventually taking him to the United States in 1910 immediately he was a hit and when he returned in 1910 with the company was offered a motion picture contract which he finally agreed to in 1913 after this he eventually made his own Studios which thereafter he continued to make tons of movies silent movies i might add despite life’s continued struggles. He eventually died in 1977 on christmas

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