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College Admissions Essay: The Loss Of My Life

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Everybody loses someone at one point in his or her life. Whether it was someone you barely knew, or someone you knew everything about, it can still hurt. Personally, I’ve lost people I’ve known well and haven’t known well, starting when I was about ten years old. Through these losses, I learned that you need to keep people close and enjoy another’s company while you still can.

Since a very young age, I’ve gone through tough situations in which someone I know has been close to death or has passed away. This started as early as the fifth grade. A girl in my class and her sister were shot and killed by their own father. I only semi- knew her. She played clarinet, just like me, and we sat by each other in band. Her sister always sat in on our practices in the morning. Both …show more content…
I, again, did not know her well. She was never in any of my classes, but I saw her in the hallways and had heard about her on more than one occasion. I had almost forgotten the lesson I’d learned by this time. From what I’d heard, we had a lot in common. We were both in various honors classes, although we somehow never got in the same class period. Knowing that we had some similarities made me feel even worse about not getting to know her. I remember when she passed away; I started crying thinking about how devastating it must have been for her friends and family. Then I thought of what it would be like if I was one of those friends. This made me realize that I could have talked to her at some point and we could have been friends. It’s sad to know that I could have had an impact on her and vice versa, but I never took a chance to be more social and talk to her. It also made me think about how I would feel if this happened to one of my closest friends or to myself. Her death made me realize that things can be over in a flash, so I’d better treasure what I have while I still have

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