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College Freshman Research Paper

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College freshmen have a lot of pressure put on them when they first start college. The transition from high school to college stresses the students out. The reason being a majority of freshmen are not use to the open and free atmosphere in college. However, that is a reason why freshmen succeed their first in college. The transition from high school to college gives freshmen the will to want to work hard to succeed in their first year. However, in Academically Adrift it states that the 68th percentile of a new group of freshmen have fewer improvements when learning in college. It is a new year to experience a new atmosphere as well as school. As freshmen go into their first year of college they are back to the bottom. They were on top walking around high school as seniors, however this is why the change of college changes their way of thinking. Going into college a majority of freshmen go in ready to start off their career and that is what motivates them to want to succeed. However, because they were in high school, that means they are going to have to learn the academic ways. Stated in an article called “How to Deal With the Pressure of Being a Freshman in College” says, …show more content…
Going into college, freshmen could have the mind set on what they want to major in and graduate with because that means they will be going into a career that they want. Stated in an college prediction article says “Another goal of the present research was to examine the interplay of ability, prior performance, and achievement motivation in predicting the specific achievement goals that students adopt in their classes”(Harackiewicz, Barron, Tauer, Elliot 564). Once someone latches onto a goal that is when he or she wants to better him or herself to want to succeed. When a freshmen has a certain goal to want to succeed, he or she will which means they could improve their academic

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