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How Does Osteoporosis Affect The Body

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Jacob Nedrow Skeletal system This system includes all bones and joints in the body.
Each bone is complex organ made of cells. The skeleton acts as a scaffold by supporting and protecting soft tissues that make rest of the body. It provides attachment points for muscles; allows movement. The skeleton grows through childhood; it’s the framework for body. The bones are arranged into two major divisions; axial skeleton; appendicular skeleton. Axial- skull, hyoid, Auditory ossicles, ribs, sternum, vertebral column. The skull is made of twenty two bones fused together except for the mandible. They are separate in children to allow skull and brain to grow but fuse to give strength and protection. The Hyoid is a small, U-shaped bone inferior …show more content…
Having this means that you might have weak and less dense bones. It is common when bones fracture. Some bones collapse and break because they are to weak. Symptoms of Osteoporosis are back pain, loss of height, stooped posture, bone fracture, more easily than expected. Osteoporosis means porous bones. When under a microscope healthy ones look like honeycombs. When this happens holes and spaces in honeycomb are much larger than a healthy bone. They lose density or mass and abnormal tissue. About 54 million Americans have osteoporosis. When people with osteoporosis have bone breaks they are more likely to occur in the hip, spine, or wrist. This can cause permanent pain. It is often called a silent disease because you can’t feel bones weakening. Few medical procedures that can increase the likelihood of osteoporosis. Some medicines can harm your bones. If you need to take one of these medications talk to your doctor to get the lowest dose you can to help …show more content…
This system gives support, movement, protection, blood cell production, calcium storage and endocrine regulation. The female pelvis is flatter, more rounded and larger. A males pelvis is about ninety degrees or less. A typical bone has a dense and tough outer layer. Next, is a layer of spongy bone, which is lighter and more flexible. In the middle of some bones is jelly-like bone marrow. The axial skeleton consists of the vertebral column, the rib cage and the skull, transmit weight from head, torso and upper extremities down to hips which helps maintain posture. Osteomalacia is softening of bones, caused by vitamin D deficiency and is a defect in bone building. Osteomalacia can lead to bowing in younger children or maybe even younger adults. It differs from a different type of deficiency. Treatments for this could be getting in enough vitamin D. Also it will help to prevent the condition completely. Symptoms can be aching pain in back, pelvis, hips, legs, and the ribs. The pain could get worse at night. Certain surgerys can cause this disease. Celiac disease is like a minor disease of this type. Kidney or liver disorders can affect this condition or also

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