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Healthy Lunch Ideas For Kids

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Luckily, there are many healthy lunch ideas for kids and a good majority of them do not require moms to spend an hour cooking in the kitchen or busy buying rare vegetables at the Sunday grocery store. To give kids a boost, here is a look at some healthy lunch ideas for kids:
Kids are always hyper active and at a young age they need an extra dose of healthy snacks and meals to provide the energy they need. Without healthy kids snacks and lunches they'll quickly get exhausted, feel stressed both physically and emotionally, and they'll quickly lose their fuel to stay up and active.

#1 BLTA Wraps
You can't go wrong with bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, and avocados. Properly prepared bacon is very healthy because of its high content of protein but for …show more content…
This quick and healthy lunch wrap also contains a high amount of protein, something kids need if they are going to stay energetic all throughout the day.
Just make sure to use whole wheat wraps to ensure you get as much nourishment as possible. Typical white-flour wheat wraps aren't as healthy as whole wheat.

#2 Shrimp Rolls
Low-carbohydrate diets aren't necessarily recommended since the body needs carbs to stay fueled and energized but if you want a low-carb food choice that is designed to flush off a few pounds then you cannot go wrong with shrimp. The best thing is that shrimp rolls are very popular with today's kids.

Perhaps it's the fresh seafood taste or the unique blend of shrimp with other ingredients but kids love shrimp rolls. For this particular meal you'll need to chop cooked shrimp and then combine it with lemon juice, mayonnaise, chopped celery, and then add in some black pepper and fresh tarragon.
Stuff the mixture in a whole-wheat hotdog bun and you've got one delicious healthy lunch pack for kids. They'll enjoy it and their bodies' will benefit from

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