In many school systems across the United States, there are many different opinions on whether or not junk food should be banned. Some people favor the thought of junk food in school systems and feel as though kids should be able to eat what they want. Others believe that schools should provide students with healthier snacks and meals to eat. The true question is, how much is too much? There are certain school systems taking over meal plans and completely banning the food selection for kids to only health choices. Kids should be able to make choices for themselves and eat the food they want too eat. Having junk food in school systems has been known to bring up the percent of obesity in kids, but having junk food will give students freedom of choice, will help the vending contract revenue, and it will save money and complications in creating a new lunch program. Schools that allow students to eat what they want give’s the students dining options and also freedom of choice. Many school systems in America are strict enough already; they do not need to be even stricter and be told what to eat and what not to eat. When students can pick out their own food, it gives the student the feeling of personal responsibility. Margaret Johnson, an English and French teacher at West Las Vegas High School in Las Vegas, New Mexico, explains, “ junk food should be sold in schools-along with other food. Students will buy anything that coast under a dollar, is profitable, flavorful, visually appealing, and gives a quick ick-me-up”(Johnson). And above all Margaret explains, “ students like freedom of choice.” Students are looking for healthy food, but they are also looking for the quick junk food and “pick-me-up” food every once in awhile “(Johnson). Students need to have a choice of both types of food to give them some variety and to make sure they are not forced to just