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'Minimal But Necessary Force In United Passenger'

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In my last article, United Passenger was dragged off the plane with “minimal but necessary force,” Police Say, the passage was about defending the officers involved with the incident or with United Airlines. This article tells the story from the police officer's’ side. It mentions how the passenger was being violent and not cooperating with the commands of the officers. Another key element part of this article was the mentioning of the changes made with the United Airlines company and other companies as well. With the quote, “The Chicago Department of Aviation is defending the officers in the infamous United Airlines video,” (Philips, Kristine, Aratani, Lori; United Passenger was dragged off the plane with “minimal but necessary force,” Police …show more content…
Dao’s. I see this article as a little biased because it does not cite the the evidence it uses completely, as seen through the passage, “A report from the department describes what the officers say happened,” (Phillips, Kristine, Aratani, Lori; United Passenger was dragged off the plane with “minimal but necessary force,” Police Say). Even though the article uses great evidence in the article, the piece of work does not provide actual evidence to go by. In the quote, The report says, “Dao became increasingly combative and began swinging his arms with his fists closed after one of the officers tried to grab him,” (Phillips, Kristine, Aratani, Lori; United Passenger was dragged off the plane with “minimal but necessary force,” Police Say). I feel this article is a little biased towards United Airlines because of the way the author describes the passenger. In the quote, the passenger seems to be violent and more angry than he seems in other articles. The piece of the article, “The Chicago Department of Aviation,” (Phillips, Kristine, Aratani, Lori; United Passenger was dragged off the plane with “minimal but necessary force,” Police Say) is seen in the beginning and seen as the fallacy of Appeal to

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