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Vegan Research Paper

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Why are Record Numbers of People Now Going Vegan?
While researching I have found out many new pieces of information which I knew nothing about previously. These newly acquired knowledge has affected my way of living. I was a vegetarian and I drank milk and used other dairy products (anything made from animals). However, now I prevent myself from using such products after knowing more about how animals are being forced to give milk and how they are being slaughtered for their flesh. While researching, I read some journals, books, magazines, and watched documentaries. I got emotional and I was affected and disturbed by what I read and watched. My goal in this paper is to make it clear that we can live without meat and flesh but we cannot live …show more content…
It appears to me as though the empathy and compassion that men used to have over their fellow inhabitants of the earth, is diminishing. However, over the time many people have raised their voice on this topic and they are turning themselves into vegans. In the third section, I talked about how consuming meat affects our environment and how it is contaminating nature.
Singh 1
Veganism is a way of living life healthily. Based on a person’s diet we can judge if the person would live a long and healthy life or if he or she would have to live a painful life, held captive by various illnesses. So, what does vegan mean? “Vegans are the people who tend to use nonhuman animal products for food, cosmetic, clothing etc.” (McDonald 1) People …show more content…
Most people don’t know that what they call healthy food, is poisonous now. “Eating meat as a diet is connected to health threats such as Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease and so on.” (Monk 18) “Cholesterol, saturated fats and concentrated protein can be found in animal products in large amounts. Heart attack victims usually have high cholesterol levels. Accumulation of cholesterol on the inside walls of the coronary arteries tend to damage the flow of blood to the heart, thus causing a heart attack” (Dickinson 35) This knowledge is so underrated and not many people are aware that what they used to call healthy food is causing them to have diseases. “Study on average American male by scientists shows us that they share 50 percent chance of dying by heart attack, where, American average vegetarian male has 4 percent chance.” (36) If humans were carnivores it would have made so much difference but in reality, they are not. “Research by Dr. William Collens, a scientist New York Maimondes Medical Center, shows us that carnivores have almost infinite capacity to manage saturated fats and cholesterol but, the human body is not able to control these both.” (Tej and Sheth 12) As new and more researches are done on consuming meat, the new diseases and effects on human health are being introduced. One of them is colon cancer usually caused by eating flesh. “The passing process of meat through the human intestine is very slow.

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