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Why Go Vegan Research Paper

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According to the “Why go vegan?” article, turning to the plant-based diet is easier than ever before with veganism becoming increasingly mainstream to people from all walks of life. This is because individuals from all around the globe are discovering the benefits they could receive when living these (healthy) eating habits. People who become vegans can improve their health and help the environment around them. Also, it can be (very) beneficial to populations in the world. People (around the globe) should be vegan for the many advantages they can gain by switching to the plant-based diet.

First, individuals in the world should consider switching to being vegan(s) because of the health benefits they could receive (when living this way). According to the “Why go vegan?” article, plant-based diets are rich in protein, iron, calcium, B vitamins, and many other essential minerals. These nutrients can increase people’s energy and give them younger looking skin or eternal youth. Also, vegan diets are low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and packed with antioxidants which can alleviate the world’s serious …show more content…
According to the “11 Reasons Why You Should Go Vegan” article, raising animals to produce meat and dairy products (can) drastically increase the production of many greenhouse gases. But, being vegan can reduce the carbon footprint and water use in the environment which can lower global warming in the world. Also, animal production can cause deforestation, habitat loss, and species extinction because of the vasts amounts of land farms use to raise these creatures. Plant-based sources use only one-third of the land consumed for meat and dairy production. This shows that people should become vegans for it can be very beneficial to the environment. Many individuals, if not all, can live in clean milieus if they switch or turn to the plant-based

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