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Prescription Drug Advertising Essay

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Prescription drug advertising should be banned from television because it provokes a subtle shift in our culture -- toward seeking a pill for every illness, they encourage over medication by emphasizing that drugs are needed to improve health, but not that health can be improved through behavior modification like diet or exercise, and misinform patients by promoting drugs before long-term safety-profiles can be known. The change in culture due to prescription drug ads is obvious. While there are many drugs whose stimulants can be a godsend, the case of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a prime example of how, too often, a pill is used for recreational purposes instead of actual health purposes. U.S. clinicians prescribe stimulant …show more content…
Prescription drugs are not always needed to improve health, however, in today's society people seem to believe otherwise. Activities such as exercise, healthy eating, yoga, etc can improve a persons health drastically. Many people who practice yoga do so to maintain their health and well-being, improve physical fitness, relieve stress, and enhance quality of life. In addition, they may be addressing specific health conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, arthritis, and anxiety. Healthy eating habits can help prevent certain health conditions—such as heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure—by helping to keep certain biomarkers, such as cholesterol and blood pressure, within their targets. This combination keeps your blood flowing smoothly, decreasing your risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Advertisements for prescription drugs are oftentimes very misleading. The benefits of these drugs are overemphasized which results in misinformed patients.
According to a study published in the Sep. 2013 issue of Journal of General Internal
Medicine, 60% of claims made in DTC prescription drug ads aired from 2008 to 2010
"left out important information, exaggerated information, provided opinions, or

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