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Bad Boys In The Arts Research Paper

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Art. A product of a man’s creative mind and aesthetic activities.

A work of art can be created with colors, words, sounds, lines, forms and other materials. It appeals to, and is understood through, our senses. Perhaps, art is one of the things that glue the world together; and for decades, it is not debatable that art remained as a supreme form of expression.

While countless artists has produced numerous treasured works, it is not known to many that there are some artists who left a quite different mark in the history of art. They are thought to be the top five famous bad boys in the field of arts.

1. Giuseppe Guarneri (21 August 1698 - 17 October 1744)
Giuseppe has been called by many as the greatest violin maker of all time. Considered by many as the most famous member of the Guarneri house, Giuseppe was the son of Giuseppe Giovanni Battista and he was also the grandson of Andrea Guarneri, both popular violin makers themselves. …show more content…
But the truth was, he was commercially overshadowed by his rival, Antonio Stradivari. Later on, his designs on his instruments shifted significantly from their family tradition. His violins became more uniquely his own style and was regarded by many as superior to Stradivari violins. However, because of his eccentricity, he had been imprisoned for killing a rival violin maker.
Now, one of his prized Guarneri’s violins has been sold for a price tag of $18 million, making it one of the most expensive instrument on

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