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Harry Potter Out-Groups Promote Equality

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Among its lessons promoting equality, the Harry Potter series promoted the acceptance of out-groups. Out-groups, simply enough is defined as anyone who is not part of the in-group. In the series, the in-group was those that were part of the wizarding community. Therefore, the out-group was populations such as house-elves, trolls, and giants. One character in the series, Hermione Granger, founded the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare as a way to reach out and promote acceptance and to help one of the out-groups. In American politics, out-groups tend to be immigrants and refugees. The Harry Potter community, taking lessons from Hermione, tend to be more accepting of these out-groups. The Harry Potter Alliance launched a campaign called Equality for the Win, which focused on raising funds for immigration reform. The campaign raised a hefty $94,803 yet that was not the most notable result. …show more content…
It was because Julian Gomez was an undocumented immigrant and he was unable to safely travel so far from home. His video, which was a personal narrative, turned to a political message. Gomez opened the conversation on commen sense immigration reform, stating that there was no sensible process in place for millions of aspiring citizens. In his video, he stated “If Voldemort had his way, those born to Muggle parents would be stripped of the right to work, an education, and the practice of magic of course”. (Kligler-Vilenchik). Fans understood his message, shared it, and participated in the campaign that started two weeks

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