...and cold recovery sites. Cold recovery sites This is an appropriately configured room or space in a building with no server-related equipment pre-installed. It provides power, cooling and office which is used in case of an outage or disaster in the main work site. The staff moves to this site when a disaster is declared. It does not include any backed up copies of the data and information from the main or original work site location. For this reason it is considered the most inexpensive backup as there is minimal start-up cost. However, it takes more time to have it running at a capacity almost the same or the same as that of the original site before the disaster. For the service to be restored, the last backups from the off-site storage locations must be delivered and a few hardware components set up before recovery can start. Hot recovery site This is an exact copy of the main work site of the organization or the datacenter, it is actually said to mirror the original site. It is equipped with full computers and complete backups for the user data. There also servers, cooling systems power and an office space (if needed). Using a wide area network and specialized software, the site is run concurrently with the original site to provide an immediate failover system in case of a disaster. It takes the organization few hours or less to recover from a disaster with minimal losses. An organization can have the capacity to relocate all the personnel to the hot site if necessary. This...
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...industrious and persevering mindset, which has helped them survive by growing a wide variety of flowers, vegetables and fruits on the water on floating islands that are attached to the lake bed with long bamboo poles. The floating water hyacinth and tomato are the major products of the region. Many handmade accessories such as bags, shawls, headdresses, baskets and even robes for the monks are made from water hyacinth. The lake is also eminent for its Floating Market nearby Ywama village which is run on every 5 days with Shan ethnic people. Nga Hpe Chaung Monastery, also known as Jumping Cat Monastery as the monks have trained their cats to show acrobatic jump, near Ywama village is also one of the fantastic places to visit in Inle Lake. Site Profile Location * Located between 20° 10′ N and 97° 02′ E in Naung Shwe, Pinlaung and Peh Kon Townships of Southern Shan State. Elevation over 2900 feet. Area * 642.32 square miles. Year of Establishment * Established in 1985. Access * Yangon to Nyaung Shwe, 430 miles by car. * Yangon to Heho, 335 miles by air way and Heho to Nyaung Shwe, 14 miles by car. * Yangon via Thazi to Shwe Nyaung, 320 miles by train and Shwe Nyaung to Nyaung Shwe, 10 miles by car. Objectives * To conserve and protect natural vegetation, wetland...
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...Sustainable Tourism Development in Heritage sites -Examination paper- Andra G Table of contents | Page | 1. Introduction ...………………………………………………………………………… | 1 | 2. Limitations ……….…………………………………………………………..…….…. | 1 | 3. Methodology ……………………………………………………………………….…. | 1 | 4. Theoretical framework ……………………………………………………..………… | 2 | 5. Analysis and discussions ..…………………………………………….……………… | 5 | 6. Conclusions …………………………………………………………...……………… | 11 | References …………………………………………………………………….…………. | 12 | 1. Introduction The aim of this paper is to analyze some of the main problems that occur when trying to implement sustainable development tourism in heritage sites and how can they be overcome. The obstacles which appear during the implementation process of sustainable tourism development are the realistic and practical part of the idea itself of being sustainable in developing and practicing tourism within the heritage sites. Theoretically, almost every official heritage site, registered within United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s list of sites (UNESCO), has been supported, either by government or stakeholders, with various policies, regulation and standards which are especially dedicated to the sustainable development of the heritage tourism, involving economical development, environment protection and both cultural and social advantages. But, in practice, there are several issues occurring when trying to apply all...
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...Managing Archaeological Sites Essay 1 Given that the involvement of local communities is important in the management of archaeological sites, what could be done to encourage their participation? Despite periodic and geographical fluctuations in participation rates throughout the history of the discipline, local communities have always formed the pulse of archaeological developments across the globe, weaving the past with the present to form a living tradition paradosi (the transmission of tangible and intangible particles of a still evolving history), as opposed to kleronomia (heritage, or things inherited from a dead relative) (Lekakis 2008, 315). The histories excavated and dusted off by archaeologists belong to these communities, who not only give them context and meaning, but also support and fund the process of restoration, and it is their participation and endorsement that guarantees the longevity and sustainability of that process. This essay will first examine the theoretical implications of defining ‘the local community’ – in various ways – upon its relationship with the heritage industry, and, by extension, upon its levels of participation. It will then attempt to answer the question of whether these local communities should be included in the decision making process as a means to sustain archaeology, or if in fact archaeology should be harnessed as a tool to rehabilitate and develop local communities in a self-sustainable manner, while cultivating a healthy, heuristic...
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...Insite: The Battle over Supervised Injection Sites In the 1990’s there was an epidemic of HIV outbreaks in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. Injection drug users were found to be the leading cause of this, and a public health emergency was declared (Fafard, 2012). The “mortality and morbidity” resulting from this increasing injection drug use became a major political issue. This resulted in the adoption of harm reduction by the government as one of their four pillars of their drug strategy (Fafard, 2012). Harm reduction “is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use” (Boyd, 2013). In September 2003 Insite, North Americas first harm reduction supervised injection site, was opened (Boyd, 2013). It was a three-year pilot project sanctioned by the Federal government under Canada’s Controlled Drugs and Substance Act. The goal of Insite is to “improve the health and welfare of injection users, reduce the spread of disease through sharing on needles, reducing public injection use, and reducing overdose deaths due to injections” (Boyd, 2013). Since it’s opening it has been under constant political scrutiny. It had support under the Liberal government from 2003-2006, but lost that support once Stephen Harper and the Conservatives secured control (Boyd, 2013). Despite support for Insite from international organizations such the World Health Organization, the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Public Health Association...
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...Site to Site Connectivity Scenario With the two site taking long to replicate or not replicating at all I would first check the time that is set to replicate and if there is even a connection at all. Open the console and service site link and note how long this configuration is set for replication. Then I would try and duplication the problem. Create a new object in the Active Directory and replicate. Compare the time it took to the time set on the configuration. There are many other ways you could troubleshoot this issue. Open command prompt and run repadmin /?. This will show you many helpful commands you can run to troubleshoot this issue. In repadmin /showrepl command helps you understand the replication topology and replication failures. It reports status for each source domain controller from which the destination has an inbound connection object. The status report is categorized by directory partition. Use the /repsto parameter to display outbound partners. The /replicate command tests replication success after you remove suspected fault conditions without waiting for the replication schedule to open /replsummary will Identifies domain controllers that are failing inbound replication or outbound replication, and summarizes the results in a report. Like I noted before there are many options to troubleshoot this another tool I would like to leave you with is a command line tool DCDiag. This will analyze the state of one or all domain controllers in the forest and reports...
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...Unit 4 Exercise 1 Site-to-site Connectivity Scenario Chris Northington Junior Admin, To troubleshoot these issues, use the following utilities: * Domain Controller Diagnostics (Dcdiag.exe) and Network Diagnostics (Netdiag.exe) utilities. You can obtain these tools from the Windows 2000 Support Tools on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 301423 How to install the Windows 2000 Support Tools to a Windows 2000 Server-based computer For additional information about how to obtain and use the Dcdiag.exe and Netdiag.exe diagnostic utilities, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 265706 DCDiag and NetDiag in Windows 2000 Facilitate Domain Join and DC Creation * Replication diagnostics utility (Repadmin.exe). Use this tool to verify correct site links and to display inbound and outbound connections. You can also use it to display the replication queue. You can obtain this tool from the Windows 2000 Support Tools on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: For additional information about how to obtain and use the Repadmin.exe utility, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 229896 Using Repadmin.exe to Troubleshoot Active Directory Replication * File Replication Service...
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...Executive Summary Bull Market Investments (BMI) has contacted Cruisin’ Consulting to perform a site selection analysis in order to select the best location for the manufacturing facility of a children’s bike trailer. BMI has requested for the potential sites to be located in the Southeastern region of the United States. After discussing as a team, Cruisin’ Consulting narrowed down the locations to three potential sites: Austin-Texas, Tupelo, Mississippi, and Lexington, Kentucky. The three locations were compared with each other using qualitative and quantitative factors. Qualitative factors were voted to be variables such as Labor availability, Transportation, Nearness to Market, Financial Assistance, and Education Opportunity. Labor availability considered to be amount of labor available in the city based on population and unemployment rates. Transportation was based on the amount of interstates, airports, and railroads in or near the city. Nearness to market considered the distance away from a compatible distribution center. Financial assistance looked at the amount of grants or tax adjustment the city offers to new manufacturing plants. Education opportunity was based on the accredited universities, community colleges, and high school programs offered.. The quantitative factors were factual variables such as land, labor, taxes, and transportation. Land was based on the purchase of a 5 acre industrial land. Labor was based on the assumption of common city wages for 5 maintenance...
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...Site Visit Report I decided to do my site visit report with the New Beginnings Counseling Center (NBCC). NBCC is well known for using cognitive behavioral intervention and programs to help their clients understand how their mental thoughts and beliefs can change their feelings and perception. I chose this center because my sister has had success with overcoming her emotional problems working with Mrs.Sarah Muller, a Licensed Psychological Licensed Marital and Family Therapist. She will discuss the cognitive behavioral intervention (CBI) they use to treat their patients. What population participates in the program? The New Beginnings Counseling Center (NBCC), works with children, teenagers, and adults, who are ADHD, have learning disabilities, and emotional problems. NBCC also provide family, martial and individual counseling and group therapy. The NBCC specializes in children and teen therapy. The patients are referred either by, a medical doctor, school social worker, Family and Children Services, or court order. The center also accepts non-referral patients into the program. Who presents the program or interventions? The cognitive behavioral intervention (CBI) is present by the therapist. The NBCC cognitive behavioral program, teaches the individual to examine the effects of their cognitions (thoughts) on his or her behaviors and modify problem behaviors by changing the thinking that supports those behaviors. The CBI used at this center is implemented to juveniles...
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...Proposal Project proposals require knowledge of project management to understand various systems that make a project successful. The following project is aimed at examining the need for an intranet site and processes that implement the project into an organization. The objective is to design an intranet site that will make better use of existing resources within the company. We will provide background information and project stakeholders of the firm. An assessment of project goals, time, and budget constraints is in the report. The project performance and scope will list criterias for the project and define various exceptions for the proposal. We will also provide a summary of the beneficial advantage that the company will endure once the project is complete. Background and project proposal The Target Corporation is a retail company widely recognized for its Bullseye symbol. Target began business in the 1900s and continues to expand in the United States with corporate offices, stores, and distribution centers in various cities (Target locations, 2011). To ensure that employees, affiliates, and partners have access to current business information, a project management team will propose an intranet site that will benefit the organization and provides a unified forum. The intranet site will promote corporate culture because everyone will be able to view the same information within the intranet. Employees will benefit from this project by attaining information about recruiting...
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...1.a. www.WHATIS.COM is an IT encyclopedia and learning center with the following types of information: “Cheat sheets” – documents/sites that provide glossaries, descriptions, tutorials, links, and information related to information technology, information security and MS office programs. Learning Guides - educational tools related to the information technology workplace. Examples of available tutorials include Three approaches to hybrid cloud technology, A beginner’s guide to virtualisation, and supplier profiles (e.g. Oracle, Dell, Symantec) Quizzes – covering information technology niche areas or basic terminology Technology-Specific Sites – includes IT related search sites and index of IT related topics Definitions – Information technology related definitions with associated descriptions and explanations File Extensions – alphabetical list of known file extensions with short explanations There are links to topics covering financial accounting, financial applications, definitions, and tutorials. (http://searchfinancialapplications.techtarget.com/resources) as they relate to information technology. This is a valuable resource for those looking for information on specific financial definitions or programs. 1.b. Accounting Information System (AIS), Executive information systems, Neural networks: A system of programs and data structures that are the information technology equivalent of a brain. Includes many processors. (http://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/definition/neural-network)...
Words: 365 - Pages: 2
...Objective APPLICATIONS CITY CLERK HR FINANCE Millennium – Internal Payroll Processing 0 0 0 Access to External Ameripay Payroll Service 0 0 0 Collector’s Office System (Access) 1 Week 1 Week 1 Week Building Department System (Access) 1 Week 1 Week 1 Week Water Department System (Access) 1 Week 1 Week 1 Week PeopleSoft (HR System) N/A 0 N/A Because the applications within each of the departments itemized above have differing RTOs and RPOs, the Disaster Recovery Technology Strategy will be dictated by those applications requiring the lowest RPOs (zero (0)): Millennium-Internal Payroll Processing, Access to External Ameripay Payroll Service, and PeopleSoft (HR System). b. Disaster Recovery Technology Strategy: Option #1 – A Hot Site for Continuous Availability utilizing an internal strategy which...
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...Laboratory 7: Security Basics December 1, 2014 Lab 7: Security Basics Task 1: Procedure 1. Firewalls may be hardware devices or software programs. Hardware firewalls protect an entire network. Software firewalls protect a single computer. Locate an example of each of these types of firewalls and compare their features. Linksys and Cisco make firewall/routers for home use. The Zonelabs Zone-Alarm firewall is an example of a software firewall. a. Cisco RV082 Dual WAN VPN Router i. Dual Fast Ethernet WAN ports for load balancing and/or business continuity ii. Built-in 8-port Fast Ethernet switch iii. Strong security iv. High capacity VPN capabilities v. Optional cloud-based web security service vi. Support for Small Business QuickVPN software b. Linksys WRT54GS Wireless i. G Broadband Router with SpeedBooster IEEE 802.3/3u, IEEE 802.11b/g ii. VPN Pass Through iii. Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) Firewall, Internet Policy Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2), WEP, Wireless MAC Filtering Task 2: Procedure 1. By 2010 the number of different known viruses numbered over 4 million. Many companies produce anti-virus programs to help protect your computer against these threats. Some of the companies are Panda, Norton, McAfee, AVG, and Kaspersky. Which of these companies provide free versions of their software? Which ones provide trial versions? a. Free versions i. AVG b. Trial versions i. Panda ii. Norton iii. McAfee iv. AVG v. Kaspersky 2. Viruses and other...
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...unreliability. Physical Preparations: * All pets wear collars that are clearly marked and coincide with their primary key in our database. * Backup lighting installed and inspected quarterly - 12hr battery life. * Backup generator with fuel to last 72 hours. * Emergency food and water stored in basement. * Three hard copy evacuation routes for each hot site location * Emergency printable animal / owner roster pre-created & available to be printed at any time. * Emergency backup power for server and main computer (allow time for generator to power on) Before: This is a challenging step because in this part of the plan you must decide if you will be staying or evacuating. The safest time to evacuate is prior to the emergency. If you've determined the hurricane will be manageable and you stay, you will have to: Monitor news, check battery levels, maintain accurate roster, touch base with alternate hot sites, prepare a go kit should you have to move (includes evacuation route maps, swappable hard disks, pet / owner rosters, employee emergency contacts, DR plan), contact hot sites and determine availability During: Unfortunately, this is often the most helpless of the steps. Number one priority should be safety. Individuals should move to predetermined hurricane locations in the center of the building under tables or other supportive objects. This is a time to keep each other calm and wait it out. Things to consider doing if safely able to...
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...business’ best interest to practice backup quite often. That will ensure the most up to date information being stored and saved. With natural disasters occurring every day, a business must always prepare for the worst. That is why having a disaster recovery plan is critical to ensure the business isn’t halted for hours, days or weeks. A disaster recovery plan is a plan to basically be able to get back to work after a disaster. This includes recovering information, recovering the system, and having a new location already set for you to get the ball rolling again. Most organizations have either a hot cite, warm site, or cold site. A hot site, which is a separate facility with fully loaded equipment standing by, is probably the best option to have. A warm site has the computer equipment, but needs to be installed and properly configured. A cold site has none of the above, but is simply a...
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