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Martin Luther King: A Big Change

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“…Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

What are you really doing for others? Are you doing something to change the world. Are you making the world a better place. Everyone has a sentiment for something. Our persona have different opinions, or even a different view. To be specific, like the people that do social experiments. The point of those social experiments are to be helpful in the world, and even to change something. To change what? To stop violence, to stop abuse, to stop the robbing, the kidnapping, and even stop racism. Well, Martin Luther King did a big change in the world. He taught the world about racism and opened up freedom and equal rights to the blacks. But of course in the world there is a lot of cruelty and lots of people didn't like what change. Lots are still racist and there is still racism today. …show more content…
To change Blacks Rights. He did a changeover. He only didn’t just do that but he stopped violence, too. He had a dream to change the world and he did. He fought for people's rights. Fought for himself and his brother’s and sister’s. Martin Luther King is a lionhearted person that is wanting to do something for himself and for people of color. He wanted them to have full of possibilities, full of hope and full of prosperity. As I said, there is hate and cruelty in the world, but we can work all the time to try to rid the world . We all comprehend we cannot erase hate and racism all at once. In one way is to stand up for fairness. The people of color don’t ask for much they just want

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