...(2) Reflective journal of Leadership theory of tutorial session 02/02/2015 Lists of questionnaires were handed to students to determine what type of leadership they actually are based on points scored. This test revealed that contrary to what I previously thought of me being a team management person, I was more of a people oriented (leader). Although it was (middle of the road) kind meaning that I can be task focused at times. My concern for people’s feelings seems higher and avoiding hurting other people emotionally when pursuing a organisational goal seems to prevail in my management style. According to Zaleznik 1977 a good leader should be able to “take in emotional signals and make them meaningful in a relationship”. In other terms to be a successful leader, one’s has to be able to bring the best out of your followers by relating to them emotionally, understanding their different personalities in order to create mutual cooperation and trust. The only problem I discover with being too emotional in the pursuit of an organisational goal is that in some cases controlling emotions could be difficult and lead to bad decisions making because emotions are influenced by mood of the moment, experiences and context. Therefore, it will be a weakness on a leader’s part who cannot control his emotions and understand that although leader’s relationship with followers is an emotion laden process, neither leader and followers should avoid accountability (acceptance of responsibility...
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...Title | Leadership in Context | Tute/Lab Group | Group A | Lecturer/Tutor Name | Professor D. P. Dash | Assignment Title | #2 Group AssignmentMartin Luther King Jr. - I Have A Dream | Due Date | Week 8 | Date Received | | DECLARATION | To be completed if this is an individual assignment: I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not worked collaboratively nor have I copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by another person. | Student ID | Student Name | Student Signature | Student 1 | | | | To be completed if this is a group assignment: We declare that this is a group assignment and that no part of this submission has been copied from any other student's work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for us by another person. | Student ID | Student Name | Student Signature | Student 1 | 4240138 | Danushka Nirmal De Silva | | Student 2 | 4235150 | Ngu Ing Sung | | Student 3 | 4237293 | Dashilla Ladaey | | Student 4 | 4237323 | Ahmad Akmal Afiq | | Student 5 | 100070566 | Lasse Svenning Jensen | | MARKER’S COMME Total Mark | | Marker’s Signature | | Date | | EXTENSION CERTIFICATE | This assignment has been given an extension by Unit Convenor | | Extended due date: | | Date Received | | Martin Luther...
Words: 2522 - Pages: 11
...identified, References BALDWIN, L. V. Martin & Malcolm & America: A Dream or a Nightmare; By James H. Cone; Maryknoll, N.Y., Orbis, 1991. 358 pp. $22.95 In-text: (Baldwin, 1992) Your Bibliography: Baldwin, L. (1992). Martin & Malcolm & America: A Dream or a Nightmare; By James H. Cone; Maryknoll, N.Y., Orbis, 1991. 358 pp. $22.95. Theology Today, 48(4), pp.468-469. ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form CARSON, C. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Charismatic Leadership in a Mass Struggle In-text: (Carson, 1987) Your Bibliography: Carson, C. (1987). Martin Luther King, Jr.: Charismatic Leadership in a Mass Struggle. The Journal of American History, 74(2), p.448. ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form DYSON, M. E. Reflecting black In-text: (Dyson, 1993) Your Bibliography: Dyson, M. (1993). Reflecting black. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form KIRK, J. A. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement In-text: (Kirk, 2007) Your Bibliography: Kirk, J. (2007). Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form LING, P. J. Martin Luther King, Jr. In-text: (Ling, 2002) Your Bibliography: Ling, P. (2002). Martin Luther King, Jr.. London: Routledge. ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...Martin Luther King Jr., Son of Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King and former president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was born on January the 15th, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King Jr. had a sister called Willie Christine King Farris and a brother called Alfred Daniel Williams King. In his childhood, Marthin Luther King Jr. was identified as Michael King Jr. but later change his name to Martin after his father adopted the name Martin in recognition of the Protestant leader Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr. was said to be extremely intelligent as he skipped both the ninth and eleventh grades, and started going to Morehouse College in Atlanta at the age of 15. He was quite popular in college, particularly with the female classmates. Although his family were highly religious and strongly associated with church and worship, Martin Luther King Jr. never really want to succeed his father footstep by joining the ministry and go against entering the ministry which causes his father a lot of stress at the time. But in junior year, everything changed as he took a Bible class and renewed his faith and began to aspire a career in the ministry. Marthin Luther King Jr study at Boston...
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...Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural relativism is the principle of regarding the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of that culture itself. (Cultural Relativism NP). According to the cultural relativist the civil rights reforms that Martin Luther King sought were not morally right or wrong. One example would be if you were raised to believe that African Americans should be discriminated, yet in another country, people believe is wrong to discriminate because of their skin color. Someone who believes in cultural relativism would not judge discrimination as "right" or "wrong", because there isn't a "right" or "wrong". They believe that each culture must be understood with neutrality. Martin Luther King Jr. was an important individual, because he tried to end racism. Martin was...
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...and provoke less negative reaction in the British at that time. Like Mohatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. was also an advocate and supporter of the same method of passive resistance, which he believed, was the better method at the time and situation. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in January 15, 1929 in Atlanta. He died due to assassination on a hotel balcony on April 4, 1968. Later on in his life, he became the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference which had a purpose to provide a new leadership to the movement of Civil Rights which ideology was based on Christianity, whereas the actions and procedures more based on Gandhi; Martin Luther King Jr. practiced Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence. Both Mahatma Gandhi’s and Martin Luther King Jr.’s core belief and the way to attain their goals were pretty similar in a way. Mahatma Gandhi believed that with nonviolent method of fighting with the political or social issues in his times was the best way. He did it through protests for example like the March that inaugurated the Civil Disobedience which he led to the sea in order to gather salt with his followers but after which he was unfortunately arrested for protesting against the high taxation on the salt and breaking certain laws. He felt like he had to do it. He considered that law unjust which had to be violated for the better. Like Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. did many great things in his life by implementing the...
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...April 28th, 2012 Prof. Leadership Leadership Project: Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African American Civil Rights Movement. He was born on January 15, 1929 and is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Gandhi. By doing this and leading many followers to fight for what they believe in King has become a national icon in the history of modern American liberalism. We choose to do our project on Martin Luther King Jr. for many reasons. The main and obvious reason was because we admire how he took on such a large task basically by himself, allowing anyone else who wanted to help the cause join him. We also chose King because of the way he went about accomplishing his goals. King chose to accomplish his goal by only using means of non violence. King did this by organizing peaceful protests, marches, and of course his famous speeches. King has many of the characteristics and traits that all leaders must have. King portrayed the ability to lead through his courage, personality, problem solving, creativity, the ability to keep calm and many more. However Kings most notable characteristic or trait was his vision. A good leader must have a vision, and Kings vision helped open America's eyes to one of its biggest problems civil rights. Martin Luther King Jr has many great qualities; courage...
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...Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - A Leadership Icon Annise Hawkins Strayer University PAD 515 Dr. Lisa Saye July 30, 2011 What comes to mind when you hear the terms courage, leadership courage, moral leadership and servant leadership? Do you think of an influential person (s) you know? Or do you think in terms of qualities that leaders need to possess in order to be effective? In order to answer those questions, one must understand the definitions of those terms. Courage is “the ability to step forward through fear. Courage doesn’t mean the absence of doubt or fear, but the ability to act in spite of them” (DAFT 2011, p. 181). Leadership courage requires a leader to “reach deep within themselves to find the strength and courage to resist temptations or to stand up for moral principles when others may ridicule them or when they may suffer financially or emotionally for their actions” (DAFT 2011, p. 180. Moral courage is about “distinguishing right from wrong and doing right, seeking the just, the honest, the good, and the right conduct in achieving goals and fulfilling purpose” (DAFT 2011, p. 172). Finally, servant leadership is when “leaders give up control and make a choice to serve employees” (DAFT 2011, p. 175). When I think of these terms, I immediately think of a prominent leader who possessed all these qualities, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was truly a leader in his time. According to Webster’s Dictionary, a leader is “one...
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...The Drum Major Instinct. Martin Luther King, Jr. remains arguably the most recognizable African American figure in world history. First thrust into the international spotlight courtesy of his leadership of a boycott of the public bus system in Montgomery, Alabama, where he was pastor of a local church, King became the lightning rod for the civil rights movement that emerged in the wake of the successful boycott. During the 1960s he gave innumerable speeches characterized by oratorical genius, led a succession of mass marches in the heart of segregated America and helped to reconstruct American race relations before his assassination in 1968. Ever since Montgomery he has attracted the attention of biographers and historians keen to understand what made him such a magnetic and inspirational leader and what made the story of the civil rights movement so compelling. Martin Luther King is most remembered for a speech given during one of the finest hours of the civil rights movement -- a sermon that set the moral tone for the movement. But while the Aug. 28, 1963, sermon "I Have A Dream," delivered during the March on Washington, framed much of Martin Luther King Jr’s notions of a free America, it was not the speech that defined his legacy. One of the world's best known advocates of non-violent social change strategies, Martin Luther King Jr., synthesized ideals drawn from many different cultural traditions. Recent studies of him emphasize the extent to which his ideals were rooted...
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...Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: Legendary Leader Matthew M. Thomas Harrison College Instructor Ward March 13, 2015 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: Legendary Leader Black history month of 2015 saw some milestones. The 50th anniversary of bloody Sunday and the movie “Selma” which tells the story of Dr. King’s march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma Alabama. These milestones have also made people reflect on the greatest leader in African American history, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In this paper, we will look at Dr. King’s traits, ethics, leadership style, and his method of creating team work in such a way that it changed the world forever. Dr. King’s Traits and Characteristics Dr. King was an Honest, god-fearing, loving person who got his roots in the African American church. Dr. King was a visionary who knew how to keep his eyes on the prize of equal rights, and he also had an ability that few possess to this day. He had the ability to people who normally would be feuding to work together toward a common cause. His famous “I Have a Dream” speech is a great testament to Dr. King’s ability to move the hearts of all men. Dr. King displayed courage in the face of adversity. He was sprayed with water as well as his followers and till yet he was consistent. Consistent with his fight and his message of protest and non-violence. He kept the entire movement moving in the right direction even when it seemed the movement for equality would destroy itself. When...
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...Martin Luther King, Jr was a well- known hero in the history of United States. King was one of the most important African American leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. Dr.King believed Gandhi’s ideas of non violence to help African Americans obtain the rights and liberties that they deserve. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s achievements in leadership and beliefs lead him to become an historic hero. Martin Luther King, Jr, accomplished many things in his lifetime. He especially believed in civil rights between White people and African Americans. King followed Gandhi’s non- violent methods in the Civil Rights. Before the Alabama bus boycott, whites and blacks had separate seats. There were seats reserved for the whites and seats reserved for the black in the back of the bus. After Rosa Park was arrested for refusing to give up her sit to white man in front of the bus, Martin Luther King started the bus boycott. King’s non -violent method led no segregation on a bus being illegal. His non-violent method spread throughout the country. All the African- Americans used his method of non-violence, during the Bloody Sunday March from Selma to state capital of Montgomery. While they marched, there were a mob and police violence against the African-Americans. Bloody Sunday was a major turning point for the Civil Rights Movement; this event was an example of Martin Luther King, Jr’s, leadership for African-Americans. Martin Luther King, Jr. changed the views and beliefs of a...
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...The actions of what a person does determines whether or not they are a leader. Martin Luther King Jr. was an excellent impactful leader during the civil rights movement. Odysseus is a Greek hero who also leads as discussed in The Odyssey. However, in The Odyssey, Homer has Odysseus leading people into disaster with his selfishness. While Odysseus and Martin Luther King Jr possess similar leadership skills to lead people, Martin Luther King Jr was an iconic civil rights leader because he proclaimed his thoughts with peace and loyalty, rather than letting his hubris side affect him like Odysseus did when he was on his journey. Odysseus had power from being the king of Ithaca and the ability to lead a large group to follow him, Martin Luther King Jr also had capability to lead people to change and turn their way of thinking. In The Odyssey, Odysseus and his men were trapped with the...
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...Courage and Moral Leadership 5/16/14 Dr. Alvin Lee Strayer University Analyze the qualities that mirror courage and moral leadership in the leader, and document those qualities (moral traits) as discussed by Daft (2010) (Chapter 6: Courage and Moral Leadership). Martin Luther King, Jr. was the mirror image of a moral and courageous leader. Dr. King upheld his morality principles as well as set examples for his followers. Dr. King had special virtues in which he lived and they was love, courage, hope amongst others. " Love, courage, hope, non conformity, and impatience were embodied in the sit-ins, boycotts, and marches, in which King himself was often a participant" (Rice 2004). Dr. King wanted his followers to be just and kind and to not use oppression as a crutch. Despite being spit on, sprayed with a hose and verbally assaulted he was able to manage frustration and anger and continue his peaceful rally. Dr. King was not one to hold his tongue especially about issues concerning his people. In one instance researchers say " King lamented Negroes' lack of "initiative," lambasted blacks for spending above their means, and expressed no patience with blacks who had "used their oppression as an excuse for mediocrity" (Rice 2004). King was well disciplined and courageous in his efforts. He spoke courage through to his followers to keep them encourage and give them strength. He believed “courage does not entail indifference to danger any more than it...
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...Throughout history there have only been a few people whose accomplishments and legacy has impacted our society. One of these very few people is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The accomplishments and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has impacted someone life and society. Martin Luther King's contributions to our history place him in a one and only position. No one in history has impacted more lives over the civil rights movement than Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Throughout his career he pushed for equal treatment and improved circumstances for blacks by organizing nonviolent protests and delivering powerful speeches on the importance of getting rid of racial discrimination. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. came upon fame when he came to the assistance...
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...FALL 15 FALL 15 Martin Luther King, Jr.: Charismatic Leadership in a Mass Struggle Dr. Mark Allen Organizational Behavior/Leadership (MBA-552) Harkaran Singh Hara & Aras Azarbay Martin Luther King, Jr.: Charismatic Leadership in a Mass Struggle Dr. Mark Allen Organizational Behavior/Leadership (MBA-552) Harkaran Singh Hara & Aras Azarbay 08 Fall 08 Fall Abstract The paper examines the myths associated with the life and leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr. during the African-American Civil Rights movements of 1950s and 1960s and scrutinizes King’s depiction by the mass media as the sole significant leader of the struggle. It also examines the charismatic label associated with King’s name, his exceptional oratory skills and also his weaknesses as leader. The paper further discusses the contributions of King towards the civil rights struggle and also suggests us not to forget the contributions of leaders to the movement and the social factors which led to King’s rise. It also suggests some lessons we can learn from King’s life and relates his beliefs and methods to various scholarly works. Finally, it reflects upon the role of charismatic leadership and how it relates with transformational leadership styles in today’s business environment. About the Author This article which was originally published in the Journal of American History, 1987 is written by Dr. Clayborne Carson, who is a professor of American History at the...
Words: 2011 - Pages: 9