Free Essay



Submitted By Christian45c
Words 8702
Pages 35
Table of contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3 Understanding the immune system .............................................................................. 5 General recommendations for boosting your imune system .................................... 7 Simple ways of staying healthy ................................................................................... 21 Tricks for feeling good .................................................................................................. 25 The 5 easy steps plan to eliminate fatigue .................................................................. 29 Healthy life with healthy recipices .............................................................................. 36 Rewind and recap...........................................................................................................44 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 48

2 2014


You probably hear every day in the media, see in papers, at work that the secret of a happy life is that of being healthy. But most of us might get scared when hearing about living a healthy life, thinking that this means making huge changes in our lifestyle, regarding our eating habits, spending a lot of money on healthy food or exercising several hours a day. Well, that is not quite true. You don’t have to thrive yourself in order to be happy and healthy. You just have to be informed regarding the harmful habits that may cause serious health problems and simple tricks that can keep you healthy without too much struggle. Besides, if you are not motivated enough to change something in your life, knowing the benefits of a healthy lifestyle might change your mind. Small changes in your life can help you prevent different diseases and improve your life in every single aspect. Your physical and mental shape will be excellent and you won’t be sorry for being RESPONSIBLE when it comes to your life and health. When our body and mind are at their optimal health, our way of seeing life shifts, and suddenly, the world is brighter, and an unbreakable feeling of strength and happiness sits deeply at our core. It takes courage to be healthy. It takes courage to change our habits, to get fit and to choose health over bad or vicious habits. It also takes courage to overcome the fear of the opinion of others when adopting a different lifestyle, but believe me, it totally worth it. Sleep 8 hours, work 8 hours and spend time for yourself another 8 hours. This will be a perfectly normal and healthy scheduled day. It is not possible nowadays. Therefore, the following guide is meant to heal the physical injuries and to 3 2014

suppress all the effects of our day to day Western style of life left on our immune system.

So take your own health in charge, and be the master of your own life. Seeking optimum health is honoring ourselves; it’s to show life some gratitude.

The methods you are going to read about are based on studies, not opinions. You will find ways to boost your immune system, but also reasons for each statement. Also, you will be given tips and tricks to make changes in your life. At the end of this e-book you will find a detailed table of what you read and should do and, also, a list of vitamins and minerals your body needs. Start erasing the scars modern lifestyle has left on your body. Start fortifying your immune system today!

4 2014

Understanding the immune system

The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by “foreign” invaders. These are primarily microbes (germs), infection-causing organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Because the human body provides an ideal environment for many microbes, they try to break in.

It is the immune system’s job to keep them out or, failing that, to seek to destroy them. When the immune system hits the wrong target or is crippled, however, it can unleash a torrent of diseases, including allergy, arthritis, or AIDS.

The most common diseasecausing bacteria, parasites. microbes viruses, Each uses are and a

different tactic to infect a person, and, therefore, each is thwarted by a different part of the immune system.

Immunisation works by mimicking the body’s natural immune response. Vaccines induce a natural immune response in the body without the suffering of getting sick with disease. Vaccines are safe because the viruses or bacteria used in vaccines are dead or have been severely weakened. Our bodies recognize these weakened 5 2014

invaders and create antibodies to protect us against future infection. In this way, we trick our bodies into thinking we’ve already had the disease.

Proper hand washing, healthy nutrition, and cough etiquette can help limit the spread of illness, but these practices only go so far in stopping the spread of infectious disease.

6 2014

General recommendations for boosting your immune system

The most important thing one must think of is that of strengthening the immune system. If you keep your system strong you’ll also be able to avoid diseases and combat infections and bacteria. First you must understand what you are doing wrong and how you can improve your system.

Fortunately, there are ways you can strengthen your immune system and live a long healthy life.

1. Eat well. Malnutrition impairs immune function. Fastfoods, soft drinks and alcohol don’t build strong white blood cells either. No, it’s those virtuous, selfrighteous diets high involving fruits, vegetables and nuts that promote a healthy immune system, presumably because they’re rich in nutrients the immune system requires. Adequate protein intake is also important; the source can be plant or animal. Medicinal mushrooms such as shiitake, maitake and reishi contain beta-glucans (complex carbohydrates) that enhance immune activity against infections and cancer and reduce allergies. A substance you should avoid is simple sugar because sugary foods and juices impair the immune function. Sugar is a source of empty calories while fruits and vegetables have natural sugars that benefit you. Caffeine is a diuretic and the more you drink, the more you urinate depleting your body of needed water and

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2. Drink your water: Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, will keep your body hydrated. Your body loses water through perspiration, secretion and elimination. On average, you should consume about two liters of water spread over the day. The body needs water to regulate temperature, carry nutrients and filter wastes. Drink at least 11 cups of water per day. Hydration keeps your body away from toxins. Water that passes through your body helps eliminating toxins and stimulates your internal organs to properly function.

8 2014


Get rid of stress. When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands churn out

epinephrine (aka, adrenaline) and cortisol. While acute stress pumps up the immune system, grinding long-term duress taxes it. For instance, psychological stress raises the risk for the common cold and other viruses. Less often, chronic stress can promote a hyper-reactive immune system and aggravate conditions such as allergies, asthma and autoimmune disease.

The best solution is to learn to save our stress responses for true emergencies and not fire them up over stalled traffic or bad hair days. Stress-reducing activities, such as meditation, produce positive changes in the immune system. Massage has shown to improve immune function in studies of Dominican children with HIV. Quiet music can aid recovery from everyday hassles and may therefore boost immune function. Try to calmly meditate for 20 minutes every evening. Take a shower, go in a quiet place, preferably outside, if not in a room of your house where you feel comfortable and stop and think about what bothers you and what 9 2014

you can do to change what is wrong. Don’t stress yourself. Think about things that relax you, control your breath, don’t let yourself be overwhelmed.

Some suggestions: simplify your life, learn to manage anger, exercise, take care of yourself and think positively. Engage in any type of spiritual practices, connect with nature, loved ones, your family or a pet. These are great ways to reduce stress.

10 2014

4. Move Your Body. Moderate exercise discharges tension and stress and enhances immune function. According to different studies, exercising helps improving your immune system considering that more than 50% of the participants to these studies have reduced the risk of developing different diseases.

Get out and engage in some type of physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. Fresh air does wonders for your mood, boosts your metabolism and strengthens your heart and bones. Too busy? Break it up into 10-minute intervals, anytime you think you can.

5. Sleep Soundly. Sleep is a time when growth-promoting and reparative hormones knit up the raveled sleeve of daily life. Sleep deprivation activates the stress response, depresses immune function and elevates inflammatory chemicals. Chronic sleep deprivation raises the risk of the common cold. Mothers whose small children interrupt their sleep have more respiratory infections, particularly if those wee ones go to day care. Therefore, go to bed before 11 o’clock. Make sure you sleep at least 8 hours per night. Keep your bedroom a place you use only for sleep, meaning that you 11 2014

shouldn’t watch TV from you bed, you shouldn’t read in your bed. Choose a comfortable mattress, close the light and, why not, put on some smoothing music that calms you down. Power naps are also a good idea. If your time schedule allows, try to sleep 30 minutes in the afternoon. You will feel more energetic after. Sleep is important. The lack of sleep can induce a general state of fatigue that makes your immune system more vulnerable to diseases. Fatigue affects your internal organs, making them not function properly and producing different imbalances in your body. Fatigue can also make you forget things, reduces the power of concentration and can increase the risk of neurological conditions.

6. Socialize More. People with richer social lives enjoy better health and longevity than anti-socials. You may think that the more people you interact with, the more chances you have for picking something up. Not so. Many of us count furred and feathered companions as friends, and it turns out they do us a world of good. Animals such as dogs and horses get us outside exercising. Stroking an animal stirs feelings of well-being, lowers blood pressure and, according to recent research, boosts the immune system. Researchers assigned college students to pet either a stuffed dog or a live dog. Those who 12 2014

petted a real dog had a significant increase in levels of salivary IgG, an antibody (immune protein) that fights infection. Those who petted the stuffed dog declared they just felt silly.

7. Make more love. While having lots of friends is healthy, science also shows that intimate, sexual relationships have immune system perks. The close contact of lovemaking reduces the risk of colds. Studies found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had 30 percent more salivary IgA antibody than those who had sex infrequently. Making love uses about five calories per minute, four more calories than watching TV. This activity is similar to exercising – it bumps up your heart rate, uses various muscles and reduces the risk of heart attack. The risk of prostate cancer in men with an active sexual life decreases. Also, lovemaking reduces stress. Psychologists recommend choosing only one person to make love to. On one hand, sleeping with fewer people reduces the risk of 13 2014

getting infected with different viruses and catching serious conditions. On the other hand, the relationship formed within a couple has a deep significance and increases the emotional ability to pass through what we usually call “hard times”. Making love at least one or two times per week should make you feel better with yourself, both physically and emotionally.

8. Quit smoking. Tobacco smoke triggers inflammation, increases respiratory mucus, and inhibits the hair like projections inside your nose (cilia) from clearing that mucus. Children and adults exposed to tobacco smoke have an increased risk of respiratory infections, including colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis and middle ear infections.

14 2014

9. Choose Friendly Bacteria. Beneficial microorganisms colonize our intestinal, lower urinary and upper respiratory tracts. They outcompete bad “bugs” and enhance immune function. You can consume such bacteria in the form of livecultured products such as yogurt, sauerkraut and kimchi. Try to eat yogurt in the morning. It will regulate your digestion. Probiotic supplements, available at natural food stores, may reduce the risk of antibiotic-induced diarrhea, viral diarrhea, vaginitis and respiratory infections. Fermented dairy products have been advertised as containing “beneficial probiotics cultures”. Other foods claiming to provide probiotics are cereal, juice, frozen yogurt, granola, candy bars and cookies, but there is no guarantee that they have them in the amount or in the form that is necessary for you to get the health benefits you are looking for.

It is believed that 70-90% of our immune system comes from our gut. So, in order to stay healthy, we need a healthy gut. To do so, try probiotics. They are recommended to people who:    Have skin problems Adults and kids with food and respiratory allergies Have conditions such as the athlete’s foot, jock itch, vaginal yeast infection, mail fungus and dandruff  Have a weakened immune system, frequent colds, infections and congestions  Suffer from inflammatory bowel disorders and constipation

15 2014

10. Sun exposure. Vitamin D plays a number of roles in promoting normal immune function. Vitamin D deficiency correlates with asthma, cancer, several autoimmune diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis), and susceptibility to infection (including viral respiratory infections).

Unfortunately, nearly one-third of the U.S. population is vitamin D deficient. Because few foods contain much vitamin D, your best bet is to regularly spend short periods of time in the sun (without sunscreen), and to take supplements in northern climes during the colder months. Guidelines for the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin D, currently set at 400 IU/day, are being revised. Experts predict that the new RDA will be about 1,000 IU/day (25 ug/day).

16 2014

11. Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Wisely. Studies link deficiencies of zinc, selenium, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, D and E to reduced immune function. But scientists have yet to pinpoint exact levels of these nutrients for optimal immune function, much less whether dietary supplementation really helps the average, well-fed American. For instance, research on vitamin C for prevention and treatment of the common cold has been inconclusive. Some micronutrients, notably vitamin A, can be toxic in overdose. Excessive levels of zinc paradoxically suppress immune function. A varied, plant-based diet and a good multivitamin supplement should meet your needs. Adults need a daily intake of 800 IU of vitamin D, while the maximum safe upper level of intake is 4,000 IU/day. You should have a daily intake of 75 mg/day of vitamin C, according to the recommended dietary allowance. The maximum tolerable intake level of vitamin C is 2,000 mg/day. Don’t forget about the fact that diet provides you plenty of vitamins. For instance, if you are looking for vegetables and fruits rich on vitamin C, introduce in your daily menu green peppers, citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli or sweet potatoes.

12. Immunize Yourself. Routine vaccinations have had a huge impact on reducing, and in many cases nearly eradicating, a number of infectious diseases. Most immunizations occur during childhood. Vaccinations for adults to consider include yearly influenza vaccines, tetanus boosters, the shingles vaccine for people 60 and up, and the pneumococcus vaccine for people over the age of 65.

13. Familiarize Yourself With Immune-Enhancing Herbs. A long list of medicinal plants contain chemicals that enhance immune system activity, including echinacea, eleuthero (also called Siberian ginseng), ginseng (Asian and American), 17 2014

astragalus, garlic, and shiitake, reishi and maitake mushrooms.

Garlic is the favorite choice of many people. In addition to boosting the immune system, it’s anticancer and antimicrobial against a variety of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Key ingredients don’t survive cooking, so add a clove or two of raw, minced garlic to meals just before serving.

Let’s say you’re making chicken soup. Sauté onions, shiitake mushrooms and chicken, adding just enough water to keep the chicken from drying out. Remove the chicken when it’s cooked and set aside. Add fresh vegetables such as carrots and celery. Cover with plenty of water. Toss in three or four astragalus roots. Toward the end of cooking, add Italian seasonings (thyme, rosemary, oregano), which are tasty and antimicrobial, and the chopped, cooked chicken. Before serving, add fresh, pressed garlic (one to two cloves per person) and remove the astragalus roots.

14. Find your Healthy Weight. You are beautiful not matter what size you are, but to improve your health and support your immune system, it is recommended you adopt lifestyle changes to shed extra pounds. Being overweight increases your likelihood of developing Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart Disease.
Plus, a high number of fat cells trigger the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the body, leading to chronic inflammation. When the inflammation is ongoing, tissues get damaged. This contributes to a decreased immune system.
Easy changes to naturally shed weight include: eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding

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refined sugars and processed carbohydrates, consuming lean, optimally plantbased proteins, drinking plenty of water, and getting a moderate amount of exercise. Do it all with a smile!

15. Surround yourself with Loved Ones.
 Having strong relationships has been proven to boost your physical and mental health – and improve the immune system. Several studies support the idea that people who feel connected to friends – whether a small or large group – have a stronger immunity than those who feel alone.

16. Meditate or Relaxation Techniques. If stress damages the immune system, then practices that suppress stress boost your body’s ability to heal itself! Lowering levels of Cortisol in the blood can improve sleep, and boost the immune system; this can easily be achieved by meditation or other relaxation

Meditation need not be intimidating – just relax and strive to quiet your mind for 10-20 minutes a day. Other possibilities include

listening to a guided meditation tape, focus on all the positives in your life, or just watch your thoughts and practice ‘letting go’.

19 2014

17. Laugh! The wonderful thing about letting out a hearty laugh is that it decreases the amount of stress hormones in the body while increasing a type of white blood cell that fights infection. Watch a comedy, let your stress hormones drop while your endorphins and growth hormones rise!

18. Clean up indoors. We spend most of our time indoors, especially during winters. So make sure the air you breathe is not filled with bacteria. Clean your home. A good vacuum cleaner, windows that open for fresh air and air filters can help with the air quality.

19. Wash your Hands! It can be emphasized enough that washing hands is most important in protecting yourself from germs. Develop the habit of washing your hands when you come in from outside. The most contaminated surfaces are in public places.

20. Have an annual checkup. To make sure that you are healthy, have an annual checkup. Dental health is equally important as the mouth harbors germs that can impact your immune system if not cleaned properly. Brushing your teeth and tongue is very important. The tongue has a bumpy surface that is home to a lot of bacteria. These bacteria feed on the remnants of the things that you eat. This is the main cause of bad breath. You can use the bristles on some toothbrushes that provide a tongue cleaner on the back of a brush or you can purchase a tongue scraper.

20 2014

Simple ways of staying healthy

As mentioned before, living a healthy life is the key to a happy life. This way, you not only feel good physically but also mentally. But what does this involve? You might think of spending hours at the gym exercising or keeping strict diets that might also cost a lot. Well, that is not quite true.

Next you will find out some simple ways of starting your healthy life and knowing the benefits of these tricks.

Exercising – it doesn’t necessary mean going to the gym club and struggling to lose weight. One of the biggest reasons we're have a weight problem these days is because we sit around too much. We know we need to exercise, but we have so many excuses not to do it. Moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can make a difference. Just adding a little movement to your life can: • Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes • Improve joint stability • Increase and improve range of movement • Help maintain flexibility as you age • Maintain bone mass • Prevent osteoporosis and fractures • Improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression • Enhance self esteem 21 2014

• Improve memory in elderly people • Reduce stress

Adding a little activity to your life can make the difference. You don't even need to set a goal to lose weight, especially if you have trouble stick to a program. Why not focus on being healthy to start and worry about the weight loss once you've got some healthy habits under your belt?

Move your body - Every little bit counts and it all adds up to burning more calories. • Turn off the TV. Once a week, turn off the TV and do something a little more physical with your family. Play games, take a walk... almost anything will be more active than sitting on the couch. • Walk more. Look for small ways to walk more. When you get the mail, take a walk around the block, take the dog for an extra outing each day or walk on your treadmill for 5 minutes before getting ready for work. 22 2014

• Do some chores. Shoveling snow, working in the garden, raking leaves, sweeping the floor...these kinds of activities may not be 'vigorous' exercise, but they can keep you moving while getting your house in order. • Pace while you talk. When you're on the phone, pace around or even do some cleaning while gabbing. This is a great way to stay moving while doing something you enjoy. • Be aware. Make a list of all the physical activities you do on a typical day. If you find that the bulk of your time is spent sitting, make another list of all the ways you could move more--getting up each hour to stretch or walk, walk the stairs at work, etc.

Eating Well Eating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle. Not only can a clean diet help with weight management, it can also improve your health and quality of life as you get older. If you're looking for small changes, you can use these tips for simple ways to change how you eat: • Eat more fruit. Add it to your cereal, your salads or even your dinners. • Sneak in more veggies. Add them wherever you can, a tomato on your sandwich, peppers on your pizza, or extra veggies in your pasta sauce. Keep precut or canned/frozen veggies ready for quick snacks. • Switch your salad dressing. If you eat full-fat dressing, switch to something lighter and you'll automatically eat less calories. • Eat low-fat or fat-free dairy. Switching to skim milk or fat free yogurt is another simple way to eat less calories without having to change too much in your 23 2014

diet. • Make some substitutes. Look through your cabinets or fridge and pick 3 foods you eat every day. Write down the nutritional content and, the next time you're at the store, find lower-calorie substitutes for just those 3 items.

24 2014

Tricks for feeling good

Sometimes all it takes is a few simple changes. From eating more carrots to watching puppy videos (Yes, puppy videos), these quick-and-easy tweaks to your daily health regimen can make a huge difference in the way you feel. 1. Grab your toes and pull - This boosts circulation after your feet have been cramped in shoes all day. Without proper circulation, the muscles and nerves in our toes don't work properly. And that can cause pain in your knees, hips, and back. 2. Drop your underwear - Going commando once in a while (say, overnight) couldn't hurt, especially if you're prone to UTIs. Wearing no undergarments—or just cotton ones—allows the external genitals to dry and reduces bacteria growth that could otherwise make its way into your urethra and cause a bladder infection. 3. Keep medical info handy - Put a card in your wallet that lists any allergies you have and medications you're taking, in case you end up in the ER and are unable to speak for yourself. It could just save your life.

25 2014

4. Crank down the volume - MP3 players can create sound up to 120 decibels—loud enough to cause hearing loss over time. Follow the 60/60 rule: Keep volume coming through your headphones to no more than 60 percent of the max, for no more than 60 minutes a day. 5. Dish sponge - This is the thing most full of germs in your house. About 15 percent of sponges contain bacteria that can make you ill. So toss them in the dishwasher once a week or microwave them damp on high for 30 seconds. 6. Munch on carrots - The humble carrot never got much attention, but it's now a nutritionist favorite, thanks to its high vitamin A content—just one half cup has almost double the amount you need for healthy eyes. They're hot with chefs, too, making it easier to get your good-vision fix. 7. Go outside! - Fresh air is full of feel-good negative ions, which may boost oxygen flow to the brain. If you can, combine it with exercise, like a brisk walk—activity boosts endorphins and energy. 8. Sniff Rosemary - According to some research, catching a whiff of this aromatic herb may increase alertness and improve memory. To stay sharp, try smelling fresh rosemary or inhaling the scent of rosemary essential oil before a test or meetings. 9. Embrace Bitters - Combat the need for sugar by following a Chinese medicine approach: Eat foods such as endive, radicchio, cooked greens, and olives. 10. Pop a Probiotic - To keep yeast infections at bay, head for the vitamin aisle. Supplementing with "good" bacteria (for example, Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium) may help restore the balance the bacteria living in the female genital tract and inhibit the growth of yeast in women with recurrent infections. Foods such as naturally fermented sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir, 26 2014

as well as yogurt with active cultures, also contain these bacteria. 11. Love Lavender - To ease stress and prepare for bed, soak in a hot bath spiked with a few drops of lavender essential oil. Play soothing music while you bathe to unwind further. 12. Get a Massage - Certain trigger points -- spots of tension in musculoskeletal tissue -- can cause back pain. Ask a massage therapist or other body worker who specializes in myofascial release or neuromuscular therapy to focus on these points during a massage. 13. Go for Garlic - Adding raw or lightly cooked garlic and onions to your meals may help keep you healthy during winter. Both foods appear to possess antiviral and antibacterial properties and are believed to boost immunity. 14. Make Small Talk - Engaging in casual conversation with others may help keep you as sharp as doing a word puzzle, according to some studies. Just 10 minutes of daily chatter appears to improve mental function and preserve memory. 15. Befriend a Bottle - For heel and arch pain, try stretching your foot by rolling it over a rolling pin or a bottle. 16. Arm Yourself with Arnica - Homeopathic creams, gels, and ointments that contain arnica, a flower similar to the daisy, have long been used to relieve swelling and bruising. Rub into the affected area, but stop using if you develop skin irritation. 17. Hydrate - To treat an acute migraine, drink a full glass of water -dehydration can trigger headaches. Even if you need to take a medication for the pain, try wrapping your head with an Ace bandage so that it covers your eyes, then lie down and breathe deeply. This often helps the pain pass more quickly. 27 2014

18. Try Acupressure - Calm a queasy stomach with this quick acupressure trick: Use your index and middle fingers to press down on the groove between the tendons that run from the base of your palm to your wrist. 19. Drink Mint Tea - Ease occasional indigestion by sipping a cup of peppermint tea after your meal. Peppermint improves the flow of bile, which moves food through the digestive tract more quickly. Use peppermint with caution if you have acid reflux; it can make that problem worse.

28 2014

The 5 easy steps plan to eliminate fatigue

Fatigue is a term used to describe the general overall feeling of tiredness and/or a lack of energy. Other words that are sometimes used in place of fatigue include exhaustion, weariness, and lethargy. According to the National Institutes of Health, feeling fatigued is not the same different from just feeling drowsy or sleepy. (NIH) When you are fatigued, you have no motivation and no energy. Being sleepy may be a symptom of fatigue, but it is not the same thing.

There are many potential causes of fatigue, which can be divided into three general categories—lifestyle factors, medical issues, and mental health issues: • physical activity and excessive physical exertion • lack of activity • lack of sleep • being bored • being overweight or obese

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• periods of emotional stress • grief • using alcohol on a regular basis • consuming caffeine • not eating a proper and nutritious diet

There are a number of measures that can help lessen fatigue caused by a less-thanideal lifestyle. If you are fatigued because of the way that you have been living, you should make changes to: • practice healthy eating habits and stay hydrated • exercise on a regular basis • get adequate sleep • take part in relaxing activities, such as yoga • avoid known stressors • avoid a work or social schedule that is overly demanding • live a smoke-free lifestyle • abstain from alcohol and drug use

Studies suggest that a state of excessive fatigue, irritability and hopelessness, can be a risk factor for heart attacks and death.

Here are some simple steps that can help you overcome fatigue: 30 2014

Skipping BREAKFAST is a huge mistake. If you don’t eat your morning meal, your body enters into a prolonged fasting state, meaning it starts to believe you won’t eat any time soon. When you finally eat lunch or your first meal of the day, your body stores it as fat because it considers it should be saved for later, not knowing when your next meal will come. This leads to weight gain. Eating breakfast is important not to accumulate weight and to have enough energy until the next meal.

Some quick options for breakfast that can increase the level of energy and that should make your fatigue go away are: o Whole grain bagel with cheese o Cereal with fruit and yogurt o Hard-boiled egg sliced into a pita

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o Scrambled eggs, toast and fruit o Oatmeal with raisins

HYDRATION. You can become fatigued if you are dehydrated. Drink at least 8-9 glasses of fluids a day. Two-thirds of your body is made up of water. Without it, you could only live a few days. The fluid helps control body temperature through sweat, moves food through the intestines and greases the joints. It's also an essential ingredient in the production of energy molecules.

If you're not well hydrated, your body puts its resources into maintaining your water balance instead of giving you energy. Everyone's water needs vary. In February 2004, the Institute of Medicine released a report indicating most people meet their daily hydration needs by using thirst as their guide. In 32 2014

general, the Institute's expert panel recommended that women get about 11 cups of water from food and drink each day and men get about 16 cups daily. This may seem like a lot of liquid, but 20% of it comes from food and the other 80% from drinking water and other beverages.

To adequately get your hydration needs, particularly on a hot and humid day, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests carrying around a bottle of water, or replacing your afternoon soft drink with water. Frozen juice bars or icy treats are also a good idea.

SLEEP control. To be well rested is important. While being fatigued, no matter how much sleep you get, you still don’t feel its effects. That is what makes you have an irregular sleep schedule. According to the National Sleep Foundation, you must follow the next steps to improve your sleep: o Establish consistent sleep and wake schedules, even on weekends. o Create a regular, relaxing bedtime routine such as soaking in a hot bath or listening to soothing music – begin an hour or more before the time you expect to fall asleep. o Create a sleep-conducive environment that is dark, quiet, comfortable and cool. o Sleep on comfortable mattress and pillows. o Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex (keep "sleep stealers" out of the bedroom –avoid watching TV, using a computer or reading in bed). o Finish eating at least 2-3 hours before your regular bedtime. 33 2014

o Exercise regularly. o Avoid caffeine and alcohol products close to bedtime and give up smoking.

EXERCISE. Move more and get more energy. People who take a brisk, daily 30-minute walk, are less tired than idle people. Choose an activity you like, whether it's Zumba, tennis, walking, gardening, swimming or even gardening or doing chores. Do it for at least 30 to 60 minutes a day. If you can't spare that much time at once, sneak in shorter (10-minutes) periods of exercise, whenever you can.

As long as it adds up to 30-60 minutes per day, that's what counts. It will help you be better oxygenated, you will avoid head aches and your internal organs will be stimulated to better function. Also, physical exercise helps eliminating hormones that will increase your well-being and eliminate fatigue.

SELF-CONTROL. Whether your blood sugar is too high or too low, sluggishness and lethargy can result. When you feel your tension rise, make a conscious effort to speak more slowly than usual. It sends a message to your brain to calm down and lets others know that you are in control of the situation. It also buys you time to focus your thoughts.

Try to meditate. Cancer survivors who completed a four-week yoga program, which covered postures, meditation, breathing, and some other 34 2014

techniques reported significant improvements in fatigue symptoms as well as sleep quality.

Talk to a person about your worries and difficulties. Find someone in your family or a friend who is willing to help you overcome fatigue. Share your problems and your concerns. Most of all, set milestones. It’s important to look forward to the future. Plan actions that you want to do and deadlines. That is how you will look forward to the next day.

Knowing what to eat (products and amounts), having a schedule for sleeping hours and exercising will make fatigue disappear quite fast. Being close to others, meeting and talking to friends, taking care of your own needs and trying to be calmer determines attitude changes that will ameliorate your fatigue in no time.

Fatigue is a temporary condition that can be reversed. All that is needed is a little determination.

35 2014

Healthy life with healthy recipes

What do you think about vegans? Those of you who are not vegans would say it is non-sense refusing to eat meat. Well, you might be surprised to find out that a vegetarian diet may offer you strong benefits over a non-vegetarian diet. First of all it will help you control your weight better and reduce the risk of some diabetesassociated complications.

 Vegetarian diets are often lower in calories than other diets - people following a vegan diet tend to have a lower body mass index than people who do not follow the same food program. A healthy body weight can improve the blood sugar control and reduce the risk of diabetes complications.  Vegetarian diets also improve the blood sugar control and the insulin response . 36 2014

 A vegan diet is cholesterol-free, low in saturated fat and high in soluble fiber. A low fat vegetarian diet or a vegan diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The diet of most of the Americans is high in fats and loaded with meat, dairy products, fried foods and oils. When you usually eat too much and too often such products, the blood sugar levels are controlled by locks in muscle cells that are turned by insulin, which allows sugar into those cells.

The vegan diet has four groups of food: 1. Grains: Whole grains make you feel replete and contain very little fat and no cholesterol. Whole grain pasta, bran cereal, brown rice, oatmeal, couscous, bulgur wheat, millet and barley are recommended. 2. Legumes: Legumes are rich in proteins, calcium, iron, cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber. You can include in this group the beans (kidney beans, pinto, black, baked beans, soybeans etc.), peas, lentils, fat-free soy products. Try to prepare veggie burgers, try to eat unsweetened soy milk or tofu. 3. Vegetables: Vegetables are well-known for being an important source vitamins and minerals, low on fat and without cholesterol. Try sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, collards, green beans, artichokes, cauliflower. Leafy greens are full of vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting phytochemicals. They are rich in fiber, an important nutrient for weight loss and maintenance because it gives you feeling full feeling and helps control the feeling of being hungry. 4. Fruits: Fruits are full of vitamins and have no fat or cholesterol. Nearly all 37 2014

fruits – apples, bananas, blueberries, cherries, clementines, oranges, peaches, pears, and most others–are low on the GI scale. The exceptions are watermelon and cantaloupe, so eat those sparingly.

Still, these types of diets are only recommended for those who wish to make a massive change in their lives and becoming a vegan is quite a change.

You can just take examples from a vegan diet and add fish or chicken meat instead of fat pork, which totally prejudices your immune system. Next we will present some foods that will make you feel great and also help you strengthen your immune system.    Blueberries - The ultimate immune-boosting food. Rich in anti-oxidants. Carrots - High in carotene, known to boost the immune system. Lettuce and salad greens - Tangy varieties, such as chicory and endive, stimulate the liver, making them great detoxifiers. Most lettuces contain valuable amounts of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. 38 2014

Beetroot - Bursting with minerals and has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, immune-boosting and detoxifying properties.

Grapefruit - Grapefruit has immune-boosting, antiseptic, wound-healing and anti-bacterial properties.

Garlic - Strengthens the heart and blood, and has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Also thought to help lower blood pressure. A key ingredient is allicin, which has cancer-fighting potential.

Cranberries - Best known for helping to prevent and treat urinary tract infections, especially cystitis, in women. They have both anti-fungal and antiviral properties.

 

Ginger - Stimulates the immune system and circulation. Chamomile - according to researchers from London's Imperial College, is the one that'll help prevent sickness. In a recent study, they found people who drank five cups of the brew a day for 2 weeks had increased blood levels of plant-based compounds called polyphenols, some of which have been associated with increased antibacterial activity.

Olive oil fat - Choose dressings with healthy fats from olive or nut oils when eating a salad.

Drinking wine with your meal, in addition to being good for your heart, may help ward off food poisoning before it happens. Red wines are the best.

Immunity juices Fruits and vegetables are great sources of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can help you achieve optimal immune health. However, some people may find it difficult to consume the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 39 2014

These quick, easy, and delicious juice recipes pack in a variety of fruits and vegetables to help your body fight off the cold and flu this season. All you need is a juicer!

Carrot, Apple and Pear Juice Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene, a substance in plants that is converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A plays an essential role in regulating the immune system and helps the body fight off infections, and helps keep enough Tcells, also known as fighter cells, in circulation. It also boosts the activity of white blood cells, which defend the body from foreign substances • 4-5 large carrots • 1 medium apple • 1 pear • ¼ inch fresh ginger

40 2014

Tomato Garden Delight This delightful combination of ingredients is a powerhouse of immune protecting properties. The tomato is a secret fruit (it’s not a vegetable—surprised?) and it’s also a great source of vitamin C and vitamin A, two vitamins that play an integral part in immune health. • 3 tomatoes • 2-3 celery ribs, with leaves • 2 medium carrots • 1 cup kale • 1 Tbsp cilantro • 1 sweet red bell pepper • Tabasco sauce (to taste)

41 2014

Green Power This juice is a wonderful combination of healthy green leafy vegetables. Kale, spinach, and parsley provide a significant amount of nutrients including, magnesium, folate, and vitamin B6, which play important roles in optimal immune health. Vitamin B6 in particular plays an important role in immune cell proliferation and antibody production. • 1 cup kale • 1 cup spinach • 2 Tbsp parsley • 1 English cucumber • ¼ lemon, peeled • 1 cup green grapes

42 2014

Pumpkin Power Juice Pumpkin is not only a delicious vegetable, but also a good source of vitamin A. What makes this juice even better is the inclusion of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are filled with immune boosting vitamins such as vitamin E, B6, and zinc. Zinc is an important mineral that helps to increase the production of fighter Tcells, white blood cells, and antibodies that all help the body fight off infection. • 2 cups pumpkin, cubed with skin and seeds • 2 medium carrots • 1 med apple • cinnamon (to taste) • nutmeg (to taste)

43 2014

Rewind and recap This chapter comes logically after all that we have learned by now. Much of the information given maybe is not that new to you. Since you were little, you have been told to eat your veggies because that’s good for you. What you probably didn’t know is the right combination of “what to do actions”. Then, let me turn on the light for everybody here and give you exactly what is needed for boosting your immune system. In the tables below you will find a part of the information that has already been given to you through this book, but which is now in a printable version. The first of the two tables contains exact details about what you should and shouldn’t do, about what to eat and drink and what you shouldn’t. The second table reflects the daily needed intake of vitamins. Don’t fear the doctor. Go have your blood tests done and see where you are, what you lack and what you don’t and then change your diet accordingly. Don’t forget this book has also given you precious tips on what to do to obtain fast relief on your health problems. Check them and apply them any time needed. It’s simple, but simple things could bring serenity in your life. You will be healthy, you will absolutely boost your immune system and live more and be younger – you will feel it deep inside and you will see it in your physical aspect.

44 2014

No Exercise


Don’t lay down in your bed after a Exercise at least 30 minutes every day, meal for at least 2 hours to avoid could be in 10 minutes intervals. digestion problems or gastric reflux Don’t lose nights working or Sleep at least 8 hours per night and go partying. You might think you will to sleep before midnight. recover your lost hours in a few days, but it doesn’t work that easy. Every time that you can afford, take a 30 minutes power nap between 3 to 5 pm.



Avoid alcohol or drink alcohol in Drink a least 11 cups of water per day. moderation. Avoid coffee after 3 pm. Avoid soft drinks. 2 Kombucha tea cups per day (one around 9-10 am, one around 4-5 pm).

Relations to others

Don’t isolate yourself.

Socialize with people. Keep in touch with a good friend and share opinions, problems, make plans together, spend time together. If you don’t have a best friend, then make one. Make love 1-3 times a week. Have a stable partner and express your feelings in a physically way. This will count as exercise and will release pleasure hormones.

Eating habits (die hard)

Don’t skip breakfast. The lack of time is not an excuse. If you skip breakfast you won’t have enough energy until lunch and will probably gain weight.

Eat at least 3 meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you can, take a snack around 10 am and 4 pm, consisting in a fruit or yogurt.

45 2014

Avoid fast foods and processed foods: both types of products contain food preservatives that are toxic for your entire organism. Why putting supplementary pressure on your organs? Eat to feel well. Don’t exaggerate with the amount of food you eat. It usually takes about 15 minutes to feel full when eating. Stop before that.

Eat at least 3 vegetarian dinners per week. Vegetarian meals are healthy and you need to go to bed with no digestive problems. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy, from time to time, a meal in your family or downtown with your friends. Eat daily: probiotics. Almost 70 to 80% of the immune system is located at the digestive tract. This means you must keep it healthy as a priority! Eat a yogurt as a snack at 10 am, drink a kefir at work, don’t be afraid to try fermented cabbage if you haven’t eat this before. A daily dose of probiotics will actually make a difference for your health. Eat daily: fruits and vegetables – they are rich in vitamins and can prevent most of the sever diseases that you might fear of. You will find, below, a table regarding vitamins intake. Eat daily: fish and/or diary. You will increase your calcium, phosphorus and zinc intake and fish is rich in Omega 3.

Healthy attitude

Don’t keep your eyes closed at Practice yoga. Chose the exercises you other people’s problems. Learn to think are good for you and relax. avoid them and, when possible, help a person in need. Give yourself at least 10 minutes in the evening. Shut down the TV, the computer and spend time with yourself and your thoughts doing nothing. Make a list of things you like and don’t like. Write down how much time you spend every day or every week doing those things. Give more time for your hobbies. If you don’t have one, find one.

46 2014

Vitamin/ Mineral Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E

Recommended foods Liver, chili, dandelion, carrots, apricots, collard greens, kale, sweet potatoes, spinach, cantaloupe. Acerola, red and green bell pepper, guawa, kale, parsley, collard greens, turnips, broccoli. Pure cod liver oil, omega 3 fish, low-fat milk, 100% whole grain cereals and breads. Wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, sunflower oil, almonds, spinach, peaches, prunes, tomatoes, cabbage, asparangus, avocados. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, raw cabbage, endive, lettuce, parsley, silver beet, spinach, mayonnaise, canola and soy oil, liver. Organ meat, yeast, peas, pork, beans. Meat, poultry, fish, nuts, kidney, liver, green vegetables. Lean meats, nuts, legumes and potatoes. Poultry, fish, kidney, fish, liver, eggs, bananas, lima beans, walnuts. Lamb, beef, herring, mackerel, liver, oysters, poultry, clams, eggs. Raw spinach, nuts and seeds, fish, soy beans, lentils, avocados, bananas, dried figs, plain non-fat yogurt, dark chocolate. Pumpkin and squash seeds, cheese, salmon, shellfish, pork, beef, non-fat yogurt, soya foods, beans and lentils. White beans, spinach, baked potatoes, dried apricots, backed acorn squash, salmon, avocados, mushrooms. Oatmeal, sardines, Cheddar cheese, milk, tofu, soy beans, salmon, baked beans, cottage cheese, spaghetti, turnip greens, broccoli. Dark leafy vegetables, 100% whole grain breads and cereals.

Daily quantity 5,000 IU 500 mg 250 IU 200 IU

Vitamin K

20 µg

Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Calcium

25 mg 20 mg 50 mg 1.6 mg 250 µg 320 mg 700 mg 4.7 g 1,000 mg


15 mg

47 2014


Nobody plans to get sick. On the contrary, your efforts to avoid it sometimes seem borderline OCD: Don't sneeze into your hands, always cook your chicken to exactly 170 degrees, and hose down every germ-carrying preschooler in sight with soap and water. And yet, no matter how many times you gargle with salt before bedtime or coat yourself in antibacterial hand cleanser, now and again the inevitable rumble in your tummy or tickle in your throat hits. Suddenly, you're down for the count and up to date on the daytime soaps. What are you doing wrong? Probably nothing. But you can do a few more things right. Immune system is our body’s system that keeps us safe from infection and diseases. It helps us keep ourselves healthy. Our immune system plays a crucial role in maintaining a proper health. Any exterior disease causing bacteria or any other agent that enters our body is prevented from causing any damage to the body as the immune system deals with it. Coming in contact with germs is nothing unnatural. The atmosphere we live in is populated with trillions of germs. Every single breath that we inhale, every drop of water we drink or the every bite of food we eat, all contains germs. We are vulnerable to germ attacks. So, what makes a person catch a disease while others stay healthy in same conditions? It is nothing but the immune system’s strength. Strong immune system fights against those germs and keeps you protected. People who have a weak immune system may catch these diseases more easily. By following the advice you have received in this book, you will be able to reduce the risk of getting sick with some of the most feared conditions – cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease… 48 2014

It’s up to you to be informed and to apply in you daily life this natural and simple healthy methods that will keep you away from infections and serious diseases. These measures require determination! You have the knowledge, just use your power!

49 2014

Apart from taking vaccines, vitamins and supplements, our life styles affect the well function of the immune system. You’ve learnt some of the most important aspects and tricks in boosting your metabolism. Make a life style out of it and you will be able to avoid and beat any disease or infection. 2014

50 2014

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Explain What Constitutes the Physical and Psychological Needs of a Three Year Old Child. Explain How These Needs Can Ideally Be Met in a Childcare Setting

...met, enabling them to grow into healthy secure beings. This thesis explores the physical and psychological needs of a three year old child, and how they can be met in a childcare setting in order to promote successful mental development. In the following writings these needs will be explained. It will be examined how these needs can benefit a child in their development and how individuals can be motivated whilst looking at the UK childcare standards of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. What are physical and psychological needs? To understand how one can support a child’s mental growth, the physical and psychological needs of a child must be identified. As will be shown in the following writings, these needs are both of equal importance. Physical needs are the basic rights and requirements that every human being needs to survive. Included in these needs are water, food, fresh air, shelter, a safe environment, rest, and a healthy diet, to name a few. Water and food are important for physical development as they strengthen a human’s immune system, and together with a healthy balanced diet promote physical growth and development of individuals. As a growing three year old child actively interacts with their environment these physical needs are important to assist them in learning on a day basis. In a childcare setting, it is the duty of practitioner to guide a child through the importance of having a healthy diet, and encourage the child...

Words: 2107 - Pages: 9