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Diet and Research Paper


Submitted By Lexibug95
Words 5387
Pages 22
Alexa Anastasi
December 8, 2014
English 1A
Research Paper
Diet and Cancer: The Fascinating Connection What’s on your plate? That seems to be the overwhelming question in today’s society filled with both health food conscious people and those individuals who do not care and eat junk food most of the time. However what most of these people do not realize is that they are not only jeopardizing their health and decreasing their life expectancy but they are also increasing their chances of getting some form of cancer in their lifetime. The individuals who fuel their bodies with high calorie sugary drinks, fats and processed meats are not doing their bodies any justice they are just fueling the dormant cancer cells in their bodies to run rampant throughout their body and causing something that could have been easily prevented with a change in diet. On the flip side, the health conscious people in the world are already ten times more protected from cancer because of the healthy lifestyle choices they make every day! Don’t be a contributor to America’s high cancer rate, be a game changer and live your life to the fullest with little possibility of cancer, all you have to do is eat those delicious and nutritious fruits and vegetables that can be found all around you! Why would you want to put another hamburger or hot dog in your mouth knowing it has the potential to kill you? I know I wouldn’t because I love my body too much and you should too! So climb on board and let me inform you on how to protect and save your body from the horrendousness that is cancer. It is hard to fathom how Americans are so unaware of the damage they are doing to their bodies. America is one of the leading countries, with the seventh highest instance for all cancers (Nelson). To break it down even further, when it comes to cancers in men, the US ranks 10th in the world, for cancers in women, the US ranks 8th (Nelson). An astonishing 300 out of every 100,000 Americans develop cancer every year (Nelson). Diet plays an integral part in such a high cancer rate in the United States because people in high-income countries are more likely to be overweight, to drink more alcohol and to be inactive (Nelson). While people should be eating organically grown fruits and vegetables to add vitality to their lives, they are eating processed foods that contain lots of fats and sugars that only feed the cancer cells what they need and want to thrive in the human body. To contribute to this healthy cancer fighting lifestyle, people need to get up off of the couch and have exercise in their daily routine because a mixture of unhealthy eating and obesity is a perfect recipe for cancer. Just think about it, if a person eats in an unhealthy manner day in and day out and on top of it doesn’t exercise, fat will build up throughout their body which is one of the things that cancer cells sure find delectable and uses for their growth. We need to help ourselves and help the United States drop lower on the cancer scale, because that is one thing that we certainly do not want to be first place in. Cancer affects millions of people each day, not only in the United States but all around the world as well. Some of the main cancers that are most widely seen in the United States are breast cancer which is actually seen in both men and women and has taken 206,983 live in a three year time span (Chan); however the amount of women with breast cancer is higher than that of men. This is mostly due to the fact that most typical Americans eat mostly if not all the dairy products that are available on the market such as milk, ice cream and yogurt which are loaded with artificial hormones that mixes with the natural hormones already located in the breast area to stimulate the cancer cells in that area that are dormant in the body. Another cancer that is fairly prominent in today’s society is cancers of the gastrointestinal tract such as colon and rectal cancer which have claimed 268,783 lives between 2007 and 2010 and Liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer that has taken 79,773 lives in the same three year time span (Chan). These cancers are highly susceptible to cancers because one way or another everything that a person puts through their mouth with eventually end up in the intestinal tract and the many chemicals and cancer causing ingredients in today’s food supply could interact with a part of a person’s gastrointestinal tract and could cause them cancer either sooner or later, as per several of the other cancers that affect millions of Americans every day such as Lung and bronchial cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Prostate cancer, Leukemia, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Ovarian cancer and Esophageal cancer (Chan). Since the beginning of man up through today, the diets of individuals that have roamed the Americas has greatly evolved over time and many of the so-called diseases of civilization have emerged (Cordain and Eaton). The people who lived on this land before us primarily consumed a diet of fruits vegetables, and some red meat every once in a while. food staples and food-processing procedures introduced during the Neolithic and Industrial Periods have fundamentally altered 7 crucial nutritional characteristics of ancestral hominin diets: 1) glycemic load, 2) fatty acid composition, 3) macronutrient composition, 4) micronutrient density, 5) acid-base balance, 6) sodium-potassium ratio, and 7) fiber content. The evolutionary collision of our ancient genome with the nutritional qualities of recently introduced foods may underlie many of the chronic diseases of Western civilization. There was absolutely no refined sugars or processed foods of any sorts, everything came naturally from the earth and was not tampered with…it was all natural, the way good food should be. However, in today’s society very few foods can be deemed all natural, many foods are typically chemically enhanced as to make it more appealing to the consumer but in reality these chemicals are making these once healthy foods not as healthy as they used to be, and rather helping you versus hurting you. People need to realize what they are doing to their bodies before it is too late, they need to eliminate nearly all refined foods from their diets because the early indigenous people didn’t have any refined foods in their diet and they never lived with the threat of cancer, heart disease, stroke and other life threatening diseases. Therefore if we as Americans eliminate refined foods from our diets and eventually from society as a whole we would greatly reduce our risks of diseases such as cancer, because as of right now Cancer is the second leading cause of death (25% of all deaths) in the United States, and an estimated one-third of all cancer deaths are due to nutritional factors, including obesity (Cordain and Eaton) . Red meat, while yummy, delicious and juicy; be forewarned it causes cancer. Most people associate red meat such as steaks and pork chops with good old family get togethers on sunny weekend afternoons but the one thing I bet they don’t think about when they are cutting into a juicy steak or pork chop is that they are feeding their bodies with harmful carcinogens and other things that cause cancer. In red meat there is something called heme which is iron, is only found in red meat and causes cancer. While everyone does need iron in their blood to stay healthy, heme leads to the formation of Nitroso Compounds which could irritate or damage the cells in the bowel. The cells divide much more than normal to compensate for this damage. This increases the chance that one of these cells could acquire changes that set it down the road to cancer (“Diet”). Also when red meat is barbequed, carcinogenics by the names of PAHs and HCAs from the grill are formed and released and end up settling on the meat which have been linked to breast cancer in epidemiological studies, and this evidence is supported by biomedical research showing that PAHs are stored in the fat tissue of the breast, that they weakly mimic estrogen, and that they bind to DNA, forming damaging PAH-DNA adducts (Kobayashi). One of the simple things that can to be done to lead a healthier life is just too nearly eliminate red meat from one’s diet any the likelihood of cancer will greatly decrease. When someone thinks about processed meats such as hot dogs and bologna they might get slightly grossed out knowing that these foods are all the unwanted leftovers that no one would eat by itself all ground together. However most people decide to eat them anyway because there is something they like about it, maybe the nostalgia it brings back from childhood and it reminds people of the days when life was much simpler. What they don’t know is that these foods that bring back childhood memories could be causing them cancer. Once processed foods make it to supermarkets they are not able to maintain a shelf life for as long as they need to be on supermarket shelves. Therefore when being made factories add chemicals such as nitrite or nitrate to allow them to be preserved for a longer amount of time both in supermarkets and in homes all across the United States. The nitrite and nitrate are highly carcinogenic nitrosamines -- potent cancer-causing chemicals that accelerate the formation and growth of cancer cells throughout the body (Adams). Plus who would want to eat disgusting left over animal parts ground together that contains sodium nitrite where nitrosamines are formed in the body where they promote the growth of various cancers, including colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer (Adams). When there is the amazing option to have fruits, vegetables or even fish that play a significant role in promoting a good diet and lifestyle, because I know I sure would.
Alcohol, something a twenty-one year old cannot wait to have their first sip of on their birthday. To the younger generations’ alcohol is a symbol of freedom and having fun with your friends, maybe even to some of the older generation as well if they like to live young at heart. While alcohol might make people feel young and invincible when they are drinking it but they do not know that alcohol who was once their best friend is now their greatest enemy but allowing cancer to spread in their body and threaten their lives by producing Acetaldehyde which can cause cancer by damaging DNA and stopping our cells from repairing this damage (Alcohol). Acetaldehyde also causes liver cells to grow faster than normal. These regeneration cells are more likely to pick up changes in their genes that could lead to cancer (Alcohol). Also, when people drink alcohol the amount of folate decreases, which is an important vitamin that helps our cells produce new DNA correctly (Alcohol) which increases people’s chances of getting cancer. Salt, something that we all keep in our kitchen cupboards to season food and make food taste good has been found to cause stomach cancer. Although some salt is needed in the everyday diet to keep bodily functions regulated, but having an excess of the recommended six grams of salt each day is said to put people at higher risk for stomach cancer. Studies have shown that people who regularly eat high amounts of salt each day have two-thirds higher risk of stomach cancer compared with those that eat low amounts (“Diet”). When consuming an excess of salt, the lining of the stomach is damaged causing inflammation, or by making the stomach lining more sensitive to carcinogens such as nitrates, salt could also interact with a stomach bug called Helicobacter pylori that cause both stomach ulcers and stomach cancer (“Diet”) All you have to do is think about the health of your stomach when reaching for the salt shaker at dinner and remember, no more than six grams today! Many people believe that cancer can be cured holistically and there is absolutely no need for chemotherapy, radiation or surgery; nature will be your best friend and cure you completely. One of the ways to do this is through the consumption of honey, preferably Tualang honey which has been found to be comparable to that of tamoxifen, a multi-billion dollar blockbuster (Ji). Honey has inhibitors called flavonoids that attack the honey and kill it. This is done by selective toxicity which is where they target cancer cells by inducing programmed cell death while leaving non-cancerous cell unharmed (Ji). This is said to be a much more effective way to treat cancer which is similar to cancer just not as harmful to the body and immune system. Another positive to this treatment is that it is a very delicious route to go for honey lovers out there who desire to have their cancer treated homeopathically. The Ketogenic diet is also supposed to be a very effective method in the cure for cancer no matter what the type or stage. In this form of treatment, individuals are drastically changing their diet to eliminate all carbohydrates from their daily eating lifestyle in order to essentially starve the cancer cells and eventually make them disappear because when you alter your diet and become what's known as "fat-adapted," your body starts using fat for fuel rather than carbs. When you switch out the carbs for healthy fats, you starve the cancer out, as you're no longer supplying the necessary fuel – glucose – for their growth (Mercola). While this type of treatment option does take a lot of commitment and perseverance the cancer patient is nearly guaranteed a full recovery in the end. Another drastic yet proven successful method of natural cancer treatment is Ph therapy. How this method works is through diet change to nearly all leafy green vegetables and avoid sugar, dairy, wheat and other high-gluten grains as well as an excess consumption of fruits to first regulate the Ph to around 7.3 to 7.41 (Shaw). After the blood reaches that given Ph, then the cancer cells are specifically pinpointed to raise their Ph to above eight when it is normally between six and a half and seven and a half which shortens the life span of the cell(Shaw), thus putting the cancer cells into shock and they slowly shrink until they disappear. However one thing that has to be monitored is pain because while these cancer cells are going into shock, the body is going into shock as well which can cause the patient a lot of pain and drain them both physically and mentally, but is worth it if people want to be cancer free without having to put any harmful chemicals into their bodies. Lastly, another method that has been proven to kill off the cancer cells in one’s body is to follow a strict vegan diet. By following a very strict vegan diet of mostly fruits and vegetables the cancer patient is doing two very effective things at once. One thing that is being done by sticking to fruits and vegetables is that you are giving the healthy cells in the body all the nutrients and support they need to reproduce, thrive and keep you healthy all at the same time. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day (Raw). That sounds pretty positive right? I think so! Another thing that is being done by sticking to fruits and vegetables is that you are not giving the cancer cells the food and nutrients they need to survive because cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells (Raw). Therefore, keeping the amount of cancer cells we have in our body down to an absolute minimum, which is what everyone in the United States should want in my opinion because no cancer means longer and better life. However if it can be helped, people in the United States need to change their way of living and eating now so they will not have to search for natural ways of curing their cancer later on. Eat natural and healthy now to save yourself a lot of trouble and stress later on and just live your happy healthy live with little to no problems! One way to do this is to yet again follow the holy grail of diets the vegan diet. Come to find out by following the vegan diet people are reducing levels of IGF -1 which are cancer promoting hormones (Freston). By following the vegan diet, it will keep cancer cells down to a minimum in the body and prevents them from running wild throughout the body which is what happens when we fuel them with the necessary components they need to survive such as fat which is not provided for in a vegan diet. It is recommended that we should lean toward eliminating animal products from our diets altogether. This is supported by the new study in which the thousands of American vegans studied not only had lower rates of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, but significantly lower cancer risk as well (Freston). Go to a farmers market, to the produce department at your local grocery store or take a trip to a Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s in your area. Good, fresh and wholesome produce is all around all people have to do is open their eyes and see all that is offered to them, because it sure is a pretty astonishing amount!
A raw diet is another way of eating to follow that can also assist in the prevention of cancer that is just as good as the vegan diet but slightly harder to manage and follow. Having a raw diet constitutes as not having anything in your diet that has to be cooked at a high temperature such as grains, it is purely all fruits and vegetables. However if a person so desires to slightly cook their produce it has been said that the fruits and vegetables would still be considered raw and contain just as many vitamins as if it weren’t cook if a person cooks it at or below 116 degrees Fahrenheit (raw vegetables), because if cooked anything about that they are considered dead which advance age, decrease ability, and decrease energy … they are useless when dead…. (Edward). Come to find out Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts also contain glucosinolates, which are known for their chemoprotective agents against chemically-induced carcinogens by blocking the initiation of tumors in the liver, colon, breasts, and pancreas, these anticancer compounds are released more effectively when you chop those vegetables before serving, and serving them raw increases the anticancer benefits even more (raw vegetables). But many people that chose to follow this diet for whatever that reason might be, they usually eat the produce in its most raw form right out of the fridge and washed. One advisory for those of you wanting to make the switch: buy organic, due to the fact that the food is not being cooked it is nearly impossible to get off all the pesticides that are used in today’s farming methods.
It has also been highly suggested to add as much antioxidants as you can into your everyday life. Some antioxidants include Beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamins C, E, and A (antioxidants), in which there main job is very similar to that of the military, you need to protect your own people and ward off the people that have a high likelihood of hurting them in some way. Antioxidants are chemicals that interact with and neutralize free radicals, thus preventing them from causing damage. Antioxidants are also known as “free radical scavengers.” (Antioxidants). Antioxidants can be very easy to incorporate into the everyday diet, include blueberries into your breakfast or lunch you could even make them your mid day snack or put a handful in a smoothie. You could also peel a delicious orange for breakfast or for convenience you could also just eat a couple vitamin C tabs in the morning to achieve your daily allotment of both vitamin C and antioxidants. Healthy options are all around you just have to make a conscious effort to find and choose them. You never know you could discover healthy is delicious!
Beans, while they go against the raw diet have also been proven to prevent most of the gastrointestinal cancers that exist today such as colon cancer and stomach cancer. Eating beans will help the consumer manage their weight Excess body fat increases the risk of eight cancers, have a steady supply of fiber in their diet; Gut bacteria feed on fiber, which produces compounds that may protect colon cells, and have enough folate in their diet folate is essential for healthy DNA and maintaining control of cell growth (AIRC). Beans allow for a fully functioning and well regulated circulatory system which is very important in the prevention of cancer.
Brian Wendel is the executive producer of the 2010 blockbuster hit Forks Over Knives. In which he shows viewers that just by simply changing the way you eat and go about your everyday life you can greatly improve the quality of your life. In the movie Wendel posed The idea of food as medicine is put to the test. Throughout the film, cameras follow “reality patients” who have chronic conditions from heart disease to diabetes. Doctors teach these patients how to adopt a whole-food, plant-based diets as the primary approach to treat their ailments—while the challenges and triumphs of their journeys are revealed (Forks Over Knives) This allows viewers to know they are not alone in the diet changing process that there are people just like them who have went through the same process and overcame it. places He provides insight on the lives of everyday people that have gotten off all their medications for diseases such as high cholesterol and diabetes and people that have overcame and defeated cancer simply by changing what they ate and fueled their bodies with each day. Wendel shows that anyone who wants to change the quality of their life can do it; you don’t have to be a doctor or famous movie star to eat healthy, you just have to make better more aware and responsible decisions when going to the grocery store.
T. Colin Campbell is a remarkable doctor who was shown in the movie Forks Over Knives. He both believes and has proven that through diet alone cancer can be cured. He believes that everyone is in control of whether or not they get cancers because it all comes down to what they are feeding themselves, Campbell believes people need to stop blaming the environment and heredity when they get diagnosed but rather take some accountability and responsible for what they are putting in their mouths. Due to Campbell’s findings on the link between diet and cancer he has had organizations considered kicking him out because of his research, and national panels that once wooed him now ignore him (Howard). This is mostly because they know he is right but do not want to admit it because the drug companies that manufacture the chemotherapy drug will lose lots of money. The professor emeritus in nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University said research has proven that consumption of animal products, including meat, fish and dairy, triggers chronic diseases and impaired health and poses a greater risk than heredity or environment. He has linked casein, a protein in milk, with breast cancer (Howard). I give him guts for going against the grain of everyone else and publish thinks that are scandalous in the cancer research world.
The Gerson Institute was started by the daughter of Max Gerson, Charlotte in San Diego, California to keep the disease prevention method alive in this ever changing world we live in. The Gerson diet is a completely non- toxic treatment to cancers and other diseases that through intensive detoxification regimen eliminates these toxins from the body, so that true healing can begin (Gerson). While on this therapy, people mostly eat15- 20 pounds of organically grown fruits and vegetables daily. Most is used to make fresh raw juice, up to one glass every hour, up to 13 times per day (Gerson). Also, oxygenation is usually more than doubled, as oxygen deficiency in the blood contributes to many degenerative diseases (Gerson). Through this all natural yet intensive cancer treatment people have been shown to get over cancer rather well and live much happier lives after they had started this cancer treatment and still incorporate it into their daily lives. Which is what I would do because if it helped me get over cancer in my lowest time I believe it will also help me be healthier in my every day. He shows that you do not have to have any super fancy machines or a large budget to live a healthy lifestyle.
While a lot is being done to promote healthy eating in order to decrease cancer, and I still believe there is more that can and needs to be done. The government needs to put cancer research and healthy eating in the forefront of importance because I couldn’t think of something more important that the lives of people living in the United States. The government needs to wake up and realize that unhealthy eating leading to disease in America has become an epidemic that needs to be reversed because people should always have the best possible foods available to them no matter where they are and having to choose from the processed and refined foods that I think should be done away with altogether.
Although the American Cancer Society does quite a bit to inform people about cancer and give them as much support as they need along the way I feel that they could do more. Such as in depth studies and research to get to the root of what really causes cancer just one small link that could lead to the healthy recovery of even more people with cancer in the United States and possibly even do away with the use of chemotherapy because it will no longer be needed. I give positive praise to the American Cancer Society for the positive action they have taken against cancer thus far; however they need to keep pulling that positive energy forward to make an even bigger impact in the cancer world! The government and American Cancer Society could do all they want to promote better eating habits and healthier alternatives for treating cancer but it all comes down to you, the individual. Everyone has to want to change for themselves not because the government or an agency told them they have to. They need to put the positive suggestions to action in their own lives and not want to eat so much sugar, red meats or processed meats and implement an abundance of fruits and vegetables in their diet because no one can make that type of change in their diet but them. Start taking accountability for the destruction you are doing to your body and figure out what needs to happen to live a longer and healthier life. It has been discovered through years of research that there are many types of foods that promote cancer growth such as red meat and salt, foods and ways of eating that cure cancer naturally such as eating honey and the Ketogenic diet and ways to eat which decrease a person’s change of ever getting cancer such as eating a raw food diet and including lots of antioxidants in one’s diet. There are many ways in which to lead a healthy life such as what I’ve discussed it is now up to you to take the information I have presented you with and decide how you would like to live your life healthy and balanced or ridden with junk food…the choice is all yours!

Works Cited
Adams, Mike. "Consumer Warning: Processed Meats Cause Cancer." Organic Consumers Association, 1 May 2005. Web. 25 Nov. 2014. <>.
"AICR's Foods That Fight Cancer." AICR. American Institute of Cancer Research, 14 May 2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. <>.
"Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention." Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Web. 25 Nov. 2014. <>.
Chan, Amanda. "The Top 10 Deadliest Cancers — and Why There's No Cure." Msnbc.., 10 Sept. 2010. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. <>
Cordain, Loren, and S. B. Eaton. "Origins and Evolution of the Western Diet: Health Implications for the 21st Century." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 81.2 (2005): 341-54.Print.
"Diet and Cancer: The Evidence." 15 Sept. 2014. Web. 3 Dec. 2014. <>.
F, Edward. "The Health Benefits of a Raw Food Diet." Global Healing Center. 3 Feb. 2009. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. <>.
Freston, Kathy. "A Vegan Diet (Hugely) Helpful Against Cancer." The Huffington Post.,09 Dec. 2012. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. <>.
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Howard, Clare. "Can Cancer Be Prevented—And Even Cured—Through Diet? This Scientist Is Convinced It Can.", 20 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. <httpwww.alternet.orgFfoodFcan-cancer-be-prevented-and-even-cured-through-diet-scientist-convinced-it-can>.
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...On of the most common questions about the Paleo Diet is whether of not it is a low carb diet. They fast answer is yes and no. There are different variations of the Paleo Diet. However, they are all based on the idea of eating like a "caveman". The diet plan is based on scientific evidence showing that humans evolved to eat certain types of foods, and just because certain vegetation is eatable does not make it good to eat. Does that make sense to you? The evident shows that many diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, were almost nonexistence before humans began widespread farming and the domestication of plants. Our biology developed based on the foods we ate as hunter-gatherers, not the foods we started eating after becoming farmers....

Words: 337 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

Paleo Diet Research Paper

...Why isn't the paleo diet the healthiest choice? Health is the most important asset of our life, it directly affects our daily activities and choices .many people believe that our health is linked to our eating habits; they exert a lot of effort in finding and eating organic foods and living in a healthier lifestyle. Thus, emerged the concept of healthy diets that claimed they are full nutrients and prevent diseases. one of the recent most popular ones is the paleo diet .the paleo concept is to mimic our ancestor in their eating habits as said by katz and miller (2014) because they did not suffer from many illnesses as much as we do .so they rule out all processed food and those that didn't exist at the paleolithic age like dairy, grains, sugar,...

Words: 1962 - Pages: 8

Premium Essay

Vegan Diet Research Paper’s society, a plant-based diet is becoming more and more prevalent. People go vegan for a variety of reasons such as better health, concern for the environment, or the mistreatment of animals. It is defined as a diet that does not consume or use any animal products. This includes meat, dairy, eggs, honey, and any other products...

Words: 1403 - Pages: 6

Premium Essay

Paleo Diet Research Paper

...The Paleo diet The Paleo diet is based on a belief that a key factor relating to nutrition is to eat as similarly as possible to our predecessors. The main principle is to eat food our ancestors ate before the industrialization, while they were still hunters and gatherers. It recommends eating wholesome unprocessed food, green leafy and organic vegetables, nuts, fruit, as well as grass-fed natural beef and wild fish. Food to eat: • Grass-fed natural beef • Fish and other seafood • Eggs • Fresh fruit and vegetables • Nuts and seeds • Healthy fats (olive oil, hemp oil, coconut oil, linseed oil, avocado oil and walnut oil) Food to avoid: • Cereals • Legumes, lentils, peas and peanuts • Milk and dairy products • Refined sugar • Processed food • Potatoes • Refined vegetable oils • Salt As you can...

Words: 611 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Paleo Diet Research Paper

...In the last few years or so the Paleo diet has grown popular by fitness and nutrition enthusiasts, or more specifically the CrossFit community. The Paleo diet is based off of the diet we assume early humans had in the Paleolithic Era, however I really doubt cavemen were eating almond flour pancakes for breakfast. Like many other modern diets it attempts to make those who are on the diet lean by having them avoid eating trans fats, processed foods, and other foods that have been deemed unhealthy. The diet is typically used by athletes, however just about anyone could probably try following it. Two things that the Paleo diet has its followers avoid that makes me critical of the diet are dairy products and carbohydrates. Of course in excess both...

Words: 665 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Ketogenic Diet Research Paper

...known as they were in the 90's the point at which the Atkins diet was apparently inescapable, low-starch ketogenic eating methodologies are still profoundly viewed in many circles as compelling, viable weight loss diets. The following tips will help you in maximizing your success on a ketogenic diet. 1.) Drink huge amounts of water. While on a ketogenic diet, your body experiences serious difficulties retaining as much water as it needs, so staying appropriately hydrated is significant. Numerous specialists suggest that men allow at least 3 liters of refreshments every day, while the figure for ladies is 2.2 liters on daily basis. A good indicator of proper hydration is the color of your urine.. On the off chance that your urine is clear or light yellow, you're in all probability legitimately hydrated. Keep a jug of...

Words: 513 - Pages: 3