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Fad Diet Research Paper

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Fad Diets #1 By:Aaron Ingram
My work is the SlimFast diet, very popular Fad diet many users and many people used their products which showed how much they loved it. Slim fast was supposed to drink or eat their product six times a day, sadly if you act simply you can aquire weight or any major weight problems like Diabetes from the servings of sugar. You were supposed to also workout and start a healthy fit regiment, but it ended up with mostly eating shakes and sitting around. In each shak is a wod of sugar, Slimfast writing zero calories on the packages is really not true. There's 18 grams of sugar in every serving and drink a shake 6 times a day is 108 grams of sugar consumed in a week. Slim fast has a company in Palm Beach Garden, Florida …show more content…
It consisted of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla shakes meant to replace breakfast and lunch. The company suggested customers eat a low-calorie dinner. Usually, dieters would pick a low-calorie frozen dinner brand such as Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers, as the SlimFast diet was a convenience product line that offered none of its own dinner products. Later, in the mid-1990s, SlimFast began offering meal bars that could be used as meal replacements. They advertised on air to get people attention in the early 2000s knowing what will happen if this type of food was going to be consumed.From more viewers of slim fast made the cost from 3.00$ to 15 to 20 and even more. The more money the company gets the more products are made making it harder for people to deny it I will tell you why. Slim fast was considered as a Fad Diet because of the calories in each serving, on the box might be 100 calories but when tested you don't lose pounds you gain pounds. Like how I said the calories in the beginning, when you drink a shaske 6 times a day making that 108 grams of sugar consumed a week slowly making you diabetic. Many people targeted by the reviews of how a “190 pound man went from being …show more content…
The baby food diet was made for weight loss, it could be used to feed your hunger but the adult human body would feel much full off the fiber from the baby food. The fiber is to make make you poop like how babies do… so it would make you have to go use the bathroom then regular food does. I couldn’t find a certain date when this Fad Diet but I’m guessing in the 2000s. The Cost of this product is Calorie for calorie, baby food is not especially cheap. A jar will cost you in the neighborhood of a dollar or more, and if you’re eating 16 jars a day, the cost will add up fast. The advertisement of this fad diet was in magazines and some websites. It was slowly getting famous cause, of the famous people who did this fad diet surprisingly lost weight and got an amazing hollywood body. That was the main reason of it targeting the audience, like how famous people try new and nice styles they wear them and show to the world. Eventually everyone would of heard about it and or has started wearing the style. The Baby Food Diet is a fad diet that may help you lose weight for the short term. Substituting several jars of baby food for standard meals will likely lower the amount of calories you eat by sheer portion control and tastebud boredom. But just like a baby, it won’t be long before you outgrow this diet and start

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...learn about healthier and nutritious diets to help them cope with their lifestyle at the same time, chronic degenerative diseases or “lifestyle diseases” are increasing twenty one out of 100 adults are hypertensive and 4 out every 100 diabetic (FNRI, 2008). Micronutrient deficiencies are still prevalent among Filipino today. The latest survey done by the FNRI in 1998 revealed that 31 out of 100 Filipinos are anemic and 36 out of 100 children have moderate to severe iodine deficiency disorder. With the advent of the new food technology, processed food products are increasing in the markets today. One can regularly see on television, or read in the magazines or newspaper articles about food and health. The increasing urbanization in the Philippines has also resulted in dramatic changes in the lifestyle of the people, which contributes, to the growing consumption of manufactured goods. Cup Noodles for an instant, it is placed in a handy and convenient packaging. This makes it easy to carry and eat during quick breaks at long hours at the office. Indeed, there is an expanding consumer demand for nutritious, convenient and quality foods to promote health and prevent diseases. Government and private organizations strive to provide consumers with the essential nutrients deficient in their diets through programs such as food and micronutrient supplementation, food fortification, and health education. Recently, the Food and Drugs Administration (FAD) began promoting the use of certified...

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