...nursing. I am going to start with discussing the professional nursing organization I did my research on, AWHONN. AWHONN represents nurses and the support staff who care for pregnant and laboring women. There is a fee to belong to this organization. The sole purpose of the organization is to provide education and safe evidence-based practices for the nurses in the field of Labor & delivery and postpartum care and recovery, and obstetrics. They provide educational material and several journals for their members. Some of the educational resources are free and others can be bought at a reduced cost. Several times a year, AWHONN hosts conventions and provides lectures and continuing nurse education classes. This also allows for nurses to network with other care providers in their field of interest. The mission of this organization is not focused on all nursing, rather it is only focused on nurses working in women’s health and specifically for those working with women in their child bearing years. (AWHONN, 2015) The Washington State Board of Nursing Commission regulates and maintains competency and quality of nursing among registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, advanced registered nurse practitioner and nurse technicians. The job of the board is more than education. It is more about regulation. The board enforces licensing and evaluating the nurses at time of licensure or renewal. They are required to monitor that nurses are completing their continuing education competencies...
Words: 1980 - Pages: 8
...in ancient medical documents and historical records. Anthropologists study and analyze the human skeletal remains to obtain information from a particular sample of ancient individuals in order to understand how the population as a whole experienced and responded to social interactions. Because palaeopathologists have access to all portions of a skeleton, the morbid conditions in all areas of the skeleton are studied and provide a broad understanding of diseases as they affect bones and joints in living populations of our society today ( Ortner & Putschar 2003: 2). The remains of humans offer the...
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...Family Health Risk Assessment Athena Farella RN, CVN NURS 3200 Professional Nursing Practice: Health Promotion in the Community Kean UniversityProfessor Denise Van Sandt – Smith MSN, RN Professor Ruth Gorrell MSN, RN Professor Keddi Koovits, MSN, RN Abstract The B family lives in Marlboro, New Jersey. They are a family of four leading a very busy daily routine. Through changes in family structure, work routines along with an increase in daily activities of the children Mr. and Mrs. B family express concerns about finding ways to incorporate nutrition, health and exercise into their daily routines. They are meeting with a nurse through in home visits to learn ways to promote a healthy diet and lifestyle. The B family, through education, health promoting behaviors and following proper nutrition guidelines have begun to reduce their risk of heart disease and obesity. Family Health Risk Assessment Identifying Data The B family is a middle class nuclear family living. Their family was a traditional nuclear family after the births of their children with Mr. B working and Mrs. B staying home with the children, but is considered slightly less than traditional as Mrs. B has returned to work. The B family is a dual-parent family living in a middle class suburban neighborhood in Marlboro, N.J. Both parents work full time outside of the home with Mr. B traveling frequently for work. Both children attend public schools and are bussed to and from school daily. Mrs...
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...Budgets & Funding Sources 13 Implementation Plan & Timeline 15 Resources 16 3 Executive Summary Given the rise in the amount of obese children and adolescents in the United States, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) will implement a campaign to promote in helping our society combat and prevent obesity. The AAP will implement a mobile app to track and promote a healthy lifestyle and to help spread awareness among parents, children, and teenagers. The mobile app will track participants’ goals by observing their meals, exercise patterns, BMI, weight, surveys, etc. The AAP is a leading and respected non-profit organization with its goal of being “dedicated to the health of all children.” In helping AAP implement the program, various school districts, health clubs, the YMCA, Microsoft, physicians, and other companies will assist by donating various items and services. The bulk of the campaign will focus around the mobile app with news, achievement awards, and goal progress. The objective of the mobile app is to draw the participants to actively use the program since it is readily available on their mobile phone. With the ease of use of the mobile app and proper advertisement, the program will spread awareness about obesity but also help promote adopting a healthy lifestyle. In conjunction with...
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...defined as carrying too much body fat for your height and gender, to the extent that it poses a risk to health. (Chrysalis 2010). People who have tried different ways to lose weight and find none “work”, will seek that “ultimate” solution. With many addictions, the resolving factor is to eliminate them from a person’s day to day living, those being alcohol, drugs etc. (FAI 2014). Food isn’t something that can be eliminated. It would be more effective that a change would need to be considered and an assessment of what the underlying issues are in order for the eating habit to be changed. (Hadley and Straudacher 1996). While the subconscious isn’t a simple power, it is only through permanent changes in this part of your mind that you will experience permanent changes in your life – changes that come automatically and are not painful (Hadley and Straudacher 1996). This would in turn lead to a better life or weight loss in order to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. In view of this, this essay will assess Miss E’s issues as presented in the case study. I will describe a treatment plan with an attached initial screed and any ethical issues that may arise. Hypnotherapy is a popular therapy for weight loss. (Chrysalis 2010). Clients may have tried techniques and diets. As an ethical therapist, you wouldn’t jump to any conclusions about the clients weight but obtain information, to build rapport. The client may initially be looking to lose weight but may be masking...
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...Mummies Sandwich We value your health PURPOSE The purpose to start this business is to serve people of new era with a different and the most competitive style. We want to help those people who could not spend time in their busy schedule to take healthy food by diet sandwich which is 100% nutrient, healthy. The prime purpose is to generate profit by providing superb customer services. We aim to be leader in providing quality food items that fit into a balanced diet. Our aim is to provide the hygienic and delicious tastes of sandwich that the customers have never tasted before. We want to add convenience in the lives of fast food lovers by providing them the most wonderful dining experiences. THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY - REVIEW Food service business is one of the largest industries in the country. This number has been increasing for the past seven years. In the past five years the restaurant industry has outperformed the national GNP by 40%. The reasons given by the Folkney Report (November 1994) are 1) lifestyle changes, 2) economic climate, and 3) Increase of product variety. There are 600 new restaurants opening every month and over 200 more needed to keep pace with increasing demand. 1 TRENDS & STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES The predicated growth trend is very positive both in short and long-term projections. Folkney states that “as modern living creates more demands, people will be compelled to eat more meals away from home”. In 1988 The National Restaurant Association released...
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...Marketing Bel Brand: The Laughing Cow Challenge Introduction Bel Group was established in 1865 by Jules Bel, a French cheese maker, who discovered that melting cheese and butter would significantly extend the shelf life of cheese. Since its establishment in Jura, France, as a subsidiary of Fromageries Bel, the group has successfully expanded its own corporation to 5 continents. 31 countries. It is currently being sold in over 120 countries and continues to enjoy successful growth with 2.7% sales growth in 2013 (http://www.bel-group.com/en/group/key-figures). Bel’s Flagship brand was discovered by Léon Bel in 1865 and was called, “La Vache Qui Rit”, or “The Laughing Cow”. According to bel-group.com “The global success of Bel's brands can be illustrated by the 10 million portions of The Laughing Cow® consumed every day in the world, the equivalent of 1.5 billion square of Kiri® produced and nearly 4 million rounds of Leerdammer® sold in 2012.” Florent Champagnat, a replenishment process manager of Bel Group in 2012, described the Laughing Cow, as “an easy to carry wedged cheese, especially convenient for families with young children.” He also described the brand as “innovative for its time”, and as one of the reasons for its rapid successful rise. The company’s success has extended to other brands, including Babybel/Mini Babybel, Kiri, Leerdammer, and Boursin, to round out the top 5, of its over 30 brands. Today the Bel Group has more than 10,800 employees and sales of $3.32...
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...Tel: Fax: E-mail: Date: Table of contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 3 Proposal 3 Findings 3 Strength 4 Opportunities 4 New Premises 4 Services 5 Facilities 5 Cost Breakdown 5 Benefits 6 Schedule 8 Risks and Management Plans 8 Conclusion 10 Appendixes 10 The analysis of the business 10 Customer Profiles 11 Focus Groups 11 SWOT Analysis 12 Strengths 12 Weaknesses 12 Opportunities 13 Threats 13 SMART Analysis 13 Action Plan 14 Activity Flow Chart 16 Project Costs 16 Stakeholder Analysis 17 Risk Analysis and Management Plan 18 The Project Framework 19 Executive Summary Chinese people attach great importance to “eating”. We can know it by the saying “Bread is the staff of life”. China's dishes highly stress on its color, aroma, taste, shape and meaning. As a result, many Chinese come to overseas and make their living by opening restaurants, which has become the fundamental settlement in the world. Similarly, opening various styles of restaurants in the domestic cities of the appropriate location is a great business opportunity. Based on this, a great business opportunity is to open a fast-food restaurant, named Qingyuan Fast Food Restaurant, between Southern Software Park and Zhuhai First Secondary Occupation Technical School in the Zhuhai City. There is no doubt that it has very broad prospects for development. If you ask a restaurant boss what is the most...
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...North American market and to analyze the results in order to gather data to generate recommendations on the strategic marketing of the company. The research will survey a sample of 1,000 people in the US different by age, income, location and personal preferences for drinks. The population will be selected randomly by a computer by using the grocery store loyalty programs members as reference. The extent of the research is wide enough to ensure that the survey will give us a framework of the feelings towards the healthy feature of the PepsiCo brands. A questionnaire will be administered to the selected sample over the Internet and the results will be collected and analyzed by a computer. The criteria under which each question of the questionnaire has been conceived cover the main concerns for the company. For example, does the consumer perceive PepsiCo as provider of healthy drinks or not?. The research also highlights the main possible outcomes of the survey. For each type of result, the research has already identified a strategic direction the company should take. The research is extensive enough to provide a comprehensive understanding of the brand perception. The accuracy of the research is ensured by the size of the sample, the techniques applied, the different features of the research – which covers both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The internet survey is in fact coupled with a series of focus groups so PepsiCo can gain a real firsthand knowledge of the opinions consumers...
Words: 3821 - Pages: 16
...North American market and to analyze the results in order to gather data to generate recommendations on the strategic marketing of the company. The research will survey a sample of 1,000 people in the US different by age, income, location and personal preferences for drinks. The population will be selected randomly by a computer by using the grocery store loyalty programs members as reference. The extent of the research is wide enough to ensure that the survey will give us a framework of the feelings towards the healthy feature of the PepsiCo brands. A questionnaire will be administered to the selected sample over the Internet and the results will be collected and analyzed by a computer. The criteria under which each question of the questionnaire has been conceived cover the main concerns for the company. For example, does the consumer perceive PepsiCo as provider of healthy drinks or not?. The research also highlights the main possible outcomes of the survey. For each type of result, the research has already identified a strategic direction the company should take. The research is extensive enough to provide a comprehensive understanding of the brand perception. The accuracy of the research is ensured by the size of the sample, the techniques applied, the different features of the research – which covers both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The internet survey is in fact coupled with a series of focus groups so PepsiCo can gain a real firsthand knowledge of the opinions consumers...
Words: 3821 - Pages: 16
...North American market and to analyze the results in order to gather data to generate recommendations on the strategic marketing of the company. The research will survey a sample of 1,000 people in the US different by age, income, location and personal preferences for drinks. The population will be selected randomly by a computer by using the grocery store loyalty programs members as reference. The extent of the research is wide enough to ensure that the survey will give us a framework of the feelings towards the healthy feature of the PepsiCo brands. A questionnaire will be administered to the selected sample over the Internet and the results will be collected and analyzed by a computer. The criteria under which each question of the questionnaire has been conceived cover the main concerns for the company. For example, does the consumer perceive PepsiCo as provider of healthy drinks or not?. The research also highlights the main possible outcomes of the survey. For each type of result, the research has already identified a strategic direction the company should take. The research is extensive enough to provide a comprehensive understanding of the brand perception. The accuracy of the research is ensured by the size of the sample, the techniques applied, the different features of the research – which covers both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The internet survey is in fact coupled with a series of focus groups so PepsiCo can gain a real firsthand knowledge of the opinions consumers...
Words: 3821 - Pages: 16
...Introduction 100% Real Dental Healing Testimonials Leroy from Utah Ms. Steuernol from Alberta , Canada Mike from Ashland , Oregon Pioneering Tooth Cavity Remineralization CHAPTER 1 DENTISTRY'S INABILITY TO CURE CAVITIES Reaffirm Your Choice to Cure Your Cavities The Real Cause of Cavities Remembering Your Connection Fear of the Dentist How Conventional Dentistry Works Micro-organisms Conventional Dentistry’s Losing Battle Against Bacteria The Failure of Conventional Dentistry Chapter 1 References CHAPTER 2 DENTIST WESTON PRICE DISCOVERS THE CURE Lack of Nutrition is the Cause of Physical Degeneration The Healthy People of the Loetschental Valley, Switzerland Modern Swiss were Losing Their Health The Healthy People of the Outer Hebrides Gaelics on Modern Foods are Losing Their Health Genetics and Tooth Decay Aborigines of Australia Nutritive Values of Diets Compared Fat-soluble Vitamins and Activators Mantesh Why Tooth Decay with Modern Civilization? Weston Price's Tooth Decay Curing Protocol Dr. Price's Protocol Summarized Chapter 2 References CHAPTER 3 MAKE YOUR TEETH STRONG WITH FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS How Teeth Remineralize 101 Hormones and Tooth Decay Cholesterol The Miracle of Vitamin D Vital Fat-Soluble Vitamin A Cod Liver Oil Heals Cavities Weston Price’s Activator X More Fat-Soluble Vitamin Sources: Bone Marrow, Brain, Kidneys, and Glands Organs from the Water Fat-soluble Vitamin Summary Chapter 3 References CHAPTER 4 REMINERALIZE...
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...A911 Health and Social Care And Early Years Provision Controlled Assessment Task Task 1: Preparation: As part of my coursework I will be investigating a service in the Early Years sector. The following are the aims for my coursework: The range of care needs of your client group (The choice of health, developmental and social needs of babies and children) I would questionnaire parents and also questionnaire different staff for each service (Primary Research). I also would research from health and social care fact books (Secondary Research).The reason I would questionnaire parents and staff is because they have the knowledge and understanding of young babies and children and know what the choice of needs are for them. The other reason is because they have also the experience in which they can and give to me. The reason I would research from health and social care fact books are because people who have taken degrees in these subject have written these books and would be more reliable that me searching on the Internet for this aim. The ways your client group can obtain care services and the possible barriers that can prevent them from gaining access to these services. (The customs that babies and children can gain from care services and the achievable barriers that can stop babies and children from getting hold of access to these services). I would research on the internet and questionnaire service providers. The reason I would research ask services is because they do offer...
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...Fa"Fad diet" is a term of popular media, not science. Some so-called fad diets may make pseudo-scientific claims. According to one definition, fad diets claim to be scientific but do not follow the scientific method in establishing their validity. What is a fad diet? There are many different definitions of what a fad diet consists of. One definition is any weight loss plan that quickly gains popularity and may become unpopular just as quick. A more specific definition is any weight loss program or aid that promises to produce dramatic weight loss in a very short amount of time. Each type of fad diet varies in the amount of food that is restricted and what types of foods may be restricted. Are fad diets healthy? The basis of these diets is usually a very restricted diet that may even eliminate certain food groups all together. Research has shown that in order to obtain the amount of nutrients our body needs on a daily basis we must consume a balanced and varied diet. Fad diets do not allow consumers to eat a well-balanced diet in most cases which causes the lack of nutrients to the body. In particular, the diets that eliminate certain foods from a person’s diet completely put the person at risk for nutrient deficiencies. Many of the diet authors will suggest that consumers take daily supplements to make up for the lost nutrients; however supplements do not provide all the plant chemicals and nutrients that our bodies need to function properly. Another risk of these diets...
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...What Fast Food is Taking From Us We as Americans are facing quite an epidemic when it comes to health. It is not as though the nation was stricken with some sort of plague or fell victim to some conspiracy. Unfortunately, the cause of our issues is much more in our control than I think we would care to admit. Our health is depleting at large numbers all because of our diet. The rates of heart related issues, blood pressure and diabetes are at astounding numbers. These medical concerns are costing the country billions of dollars in healthcare. Why and when did our health begin to plummet? Over past decades America’s love for junk and fast food is the culprit behind this country having one of the unhealthiest populations any continent has to offer. This fascination of fast food had to start somewhere. Not only that but so did awareness that this particular industry may single handedly be responsible for obesity in this country. There are few topics actually that will help to understand this phenomenon a little further beyond the awareness of fast food. There was legislation that was passed that was supposed to help Americans understand what they are consuming on a daily basis. We learn this is only as helpful as one is able to translate the information. Many people are lost when it comes to nutritional food labels and what the numbers mean when it comes to their personal diet and intake. People need to be educated and that needs to be explored. Before consumers are...
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