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The Cosmos: Astronomy In The New Millennium

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Pasachoff, J.M. & Filippenko, A. (2014). The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium (4th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Embedded form: (Pasachoff & Filippenko, 2014)
Type/strength/reason:a class textbook/strong source/well respected authors and only 3 years old
There is a layer that we could see and that is the photosphere and it’s where we see light come from.
The photosphere contains several sunspots and we get to see them in the rising stage in the sunspot cycle.
The Sun looks yellow but it's actually white.It looks yellow or red when when we know it’s close to the horizon
Solar energy is produced by the solar core, the core is about 10% of the solar diameter.
The photosphere is where we get the spectrals line and it …show more content…
The second layer is the chromosphere which is reddish pink and much hotter than the photosphere but with a thin layer.
You can see the Chromosphere during a solar eclipse and has a reddish pink color with about a degree of 3,800-35,000 k.
The core is in the center of the Sun with 99% nuclear fusion and contains plasma.
The radiative zone is where the energy is moved from its core to the convection zone.
The energy from the radiative zone travels as electromagnetic radiation also known as the photons.
Convection zone is where you will see convection energy being transferred.
The photosphere also has granules and they are made by the convection currents of plasma.
Sunspots are part of a 11 year solar cycle and looks like a full moon and they appear in pairs in a size of 16 -160,000 km.
You could see spicules where they will be located above the photosphere which look like flaming prairies and could be active at any moment.
The chromosphere have bright areas which are called plages around the sunspots region in French they are “beach”.
The corona has a temperature of about 2,000,000 K.
The SOHO spacecraft have taken photographs which they take every few minutes and it can be seen as very irregular in its

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