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Personal Narrative: Invisible Man

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Failure is a term in my household that has been denounced, however, since entering the 6th grade, I have had a sense of low self-esteem and failure, given I felt I never lived up to my parents expectation for both my academic as well as my religious life.
The breaking point being my 11th grade year. Yes, not too far ago, I had decided to take my first AP class, AP Language & Composition, I had entered the class as optimistic and jovial as a kindergartner on their first day of school. I was quickly kicked down off of my high horse, as I listened to my classmates I was meeting for the first time elaborate on topics I knew nothing about, I was disheartened on my first day. I walked out of that class and told myself I was going to fail that class. …show more content…
Power is confident, self-assuring, self-starting and self-stopping, self-warming and self-justifying. When you have it, you know it.” That power, I realized grows within oneself. I made a decision that I wasn't going to sit there like a pitiful puppy, I knew what my weaknesses were and if I wanted to succeed in this class or life, I would have to first acknowledge them and then begin alteration. I needed to study harder, to read more, and prove not only to my teacher and fellow peers, but to myself that I can do everything and anything I put my mind to, I was not going to be labeled as an average student. I was not going to let any words of discouragement from either my teacher or myself set me back. My parents raised me to be an outstanding individual that knew that as an African American young lady, no matter how intelligent I may seem I would have to work ten times harder to prove to those in today’s society that I am not only deserving of proper recognition but that I too am beyond the stereotypes placed upon me by the color of my skin. It is now my senior year and I am very much grateful for have entering that class on the august morning. Not for what it is she taught me as a student learning literary devices but what she helped me learn as a student learning to face

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