...Wildfires Imagine driving down the road and looking over to see a field burning in flames, animals dodging the heat and running for their lives, you just witnessed a wildfire. Wildfires happen everywhere. They can start by natural cause or even human cause. A wildfire is defined as an uncontrolled fire, usually in places of high vegetation, such as forest, and in places with lots of wind. Wildfires are ‘quasi-natural’ hazards, meaning that they are not entirely natural features. They can also be caused by human error as well. The four major causes of wildfire ignitions are lightning, volcanic eruptions, sparks from rockfalls, and spontaneous combustion: the ignition of organic matter without apparent cause, typically through heat generated...
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...Wildfires have become a major problem over the last several years all across the United States. According to National Geographic, they can be all over the United States, but the western part of the country is the most susceptible. They estimate that just last year we lost between four to five million acres of land to wildfires all over the United States. They also estimate that some wildfires can move up to fourteen miles per hour. What people do not often realize is when you throw a cigarette butt out your car window, it has a chance to start a fire. Other factors than can contribute to the starting of a fire are a campfire, the sun itself, lightning, and hot winds. National Geographic also says that four out of every five fires are started...
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...Uncontrolled blazes fueled by weather, wind, and dry underbrush, wildfires can burn acres of land—and consume everything in their paths—in mere minutes. On average, more than 100,000 wildfires, also called wildland fires or forest fires, clear 4 million to 5 million acres (1.6 million to 2 million hectares) of land in the U.S. every year. In recent years, wildfires have burned up to 9 million acres (3.6 million hectares) of land. A wildfire moves at speeds of up to 14 miles an hour (23 kilometers an hour), consuming everything—trees, brush, homes, even humans—in its path. HOW THEY ARE FORMED There are three conditions that need to be present in order for a wildfire to burn, which firefighters refer to as the fire triangle: fuel, oxygen, and...
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...Trends- Human Service June 24, 2013 Trends This paper will relate economic and political events to current trends in the human services field. Identify demographic trends that influence future needs in the delivery of human services. The team will focus on the North, South, East, West of the USA, and Military serving in foreign lands for our collection of data for this paper. East One major trend in the East coast that has affected Human Services professionals is the Terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 (9/11). There is no doubt that Americans everywhere will remember the tragic events that took place on 9/11 at the World trade Center, Pentagon, and the aborted flight in Pennsylvania. “The loss of lives and property on 9/11 was not large enough to have had a measurable effect on the productive capacity of the United States even though it had a very significant localized effect on New York City and, to a lesser degree, on the Washington, D.C. area” (Woodside & McClam, 2011, pg.? ) . The attack of 9/11 changed many lives in many ways. Every day is a reminder of how life has changed with longer lines at airports, concrete barriers, a greater police presence in cities, a color-coded five-level threat system, and increased emphasis on biological weapons research. The attacks on 9/11 has affected the work of human service professionals in a major way, encountering clients with both long and short term consequences. Because these attacks were acts of terrorism;...
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...to the faculty of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of a master’s from the School of Journalism & Mass Communication Chapel Hill 2010 Approved by: Dr. Lois Boynton Dr. Patricia Parker Dr. Dulcie Straughan H TE D FIGHTING THE SOCIAL MEDIA WILDFIRE: HOW CRISIS COMMUNICATION MUST ADAPT TO PREVENT FROM FANNING THE FLAMES CO PY Copyright © 2010 Allison R. Soule ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii RI G H TE D ABSTRACT Allison R. Soule: Fighting the Social Media Wildfire: How Crisis Communication Must Adapt to Prevent from Fanning the Flames (Under the direction of Dr. Lois Boynton) When a nine-month correspondence seeking reparations for musical instruments damaged by United Airlines employees stalemated, Canadian musician Dave Carroll took action online. Utilizing the video-sharing Web site YouTube, Carroll narrated his ordeal went viral generating a torrent of negative YouTube comments about United, commentary from the mainstream media, and more than 3 million views the first week of its launch. United Breaks Guitars embodies the new phenomenon of a social media wildfire in which the rapid proliferation of information through social media causes severe reputational damage to organizations whose crisis communication plans are ill equipped to handle online dilemmas. CO iii PY Using symbolic interactionist theory, this case analysis explores the phenomenon in detail and provides...
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...devastating effects in the world we live in. However with the cooperation of people worldwide this process can be drastically slowed down and even stopped. Forests are cut down for various reasons, but are almost always related to money in some way or another. The most common reasons are Urbanization, logging, large-scale agriculture, mining and urbanization. Deforestation can occur naturally and is caused by lighting, which then triggers forest fires. On average in U.S. 4 million to 5 million acres are lost due to forest fires, but in recent years more than 9 million acres have burn. Scientist believe the reason for the drastic increase is because global warming making summer season longer and dryer which is inductive to forest fires (Wildfires). Healthy forests help absorb greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions that are caused by human civilization and contribute to global warming. Without trees, more carbon and greenhouse gasses enter the atmosphere. To make matters worse, trees actually become carbon sources when they are cut, burned, or otherwise removed. According to the World Wild Life organization 15 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions are the result of deforestation. This number might be hard to wrap your head around, but compared 14 percent motor vehicles produce; it’s easy to conclude that deforestation has a radically negative impact on our climate (WWF Deforestation). Soil erosion occurs naturally however it accelerates this process. Tree roots act as anchors...
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...Victor Heredia Professor Cherne American Government 25 April 2017 Research Paper The use of executive orders gives the president too much power. There are few ways around the executive order and presidents can use this to their advantage. An example of this would be the president not giving his/her okay on a bill which makes executive order harder to fund. This can be an issue because the president can bypass congress and continue on with their plan. There are a few advantages for the president when using executive orders. The constitution gives executive orders to the president which makes him/her the commander and chief. This allows for the president to pull the strings and make the shots. This can be good and bad depending on the situation. I feel that this gives the president too much power. A president can choose to make changes and treaties with other countries without being questioned. Although some people may feel that the choice the president is making isn’t a good one, there is nothing that they can do to change the way the president does their job. Executive orders can be stopped by judicial review. The judges have the power to rule against the government and suspend the executive order, but it can only be suspended temporarily....
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...Natural Resources and Energy Paper Domico Curry, Sandy Khanthavong, Jasmin Odion, Gladys Ekwuruibe, Matthew Pew September 3, 2014 SCI256 Peter Miedzinski Natural Resources and Energy Paper The Amazon rain forest is located in Southern America. The bordering countries that surround the Amazon rain forest are Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. It is believed that the Amazon rainforest is one of the largest formulated forests and measures at seven million square kilometers (www.brazil.org.za, 2014). Anacondas, Jaguars, spider monkeys, and sloths live in the Amazon forest. Its rainy or dry seasons can make home for many animals. And can either be extreme wet season or hot. There are many ecosystems in the Amazon rain forest, for example one of the major ecosystems in the Amazon Rain forest is the Amazon River. It runs four thousand miles down the Amazon, and is one hundred and twenty miles wide. The Amazon River is home to anacondas and many other life forms species. However the Amazon River is only the second largest river in the world. The Amazon is home to many indigenous tribes and animals. The climate change in the weather is of concern to people, who take a closer look into the fact that, the Amazon River and the forest itself needs to be preserved. It’s of concern to others, because the weather is unpredictable, which does not give its people enough time or resources to prepare for upcoming floods or extreme droughts. That ruins the plants and land...
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...My state is California, also known as “The Golden State”. The reason is because the state is famously known for the “California Gold Rush.” Also, the state is home to most of the most-well paid actors, actresses, singers, and etc. in the world such as; Chris Brown, Melissa McCarthy, Mila Kunis, Katy Perry, and etc. While reading this research paper, you’ll find out several of California’s interesting facts and its geographical beauty. California is located in the western part of the United States. California has four main regions which are; the coast, Central Valley, the mountains, and also the deserts. California has a Mediterranean climate, but because California is a large state the climate changes from subarctic to subtropical....
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...global warming is due to human actions say that humans are releasing large numbers of heat trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. A few examples of greenhouse gases are “carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and ozone in the lower atmosphere.” (U.S. Global Change Research Information 2006, para. 1). These types of gases get trap heat in the atmosphere and cause the climate to rise. Since the Industrial Revolution, there has been more and more fossil fuels being burned, which is causing more pollutants. The pollutants are trapping heat in the atmosphere causing the average temperature of the Earth to rise. (Turk and Bensel, 2011) The most common heat trapping gas is carbon dioxide (CO2) which is caused by burning fossil fuel, coal, and oil. (Turk & Bensel, 2011) Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced by so much equipment that humans use and do. Carbon dioxide is produced from burning fossil fuel, coal, oil, driving vehicles, heating systems, cooling systems, logging and even ranching. “The use of fossil fuel currently accounts for eighty to eighty-five percent of carbon dioxide (CO2) being added into the atmosphere.” (U.S. Global Change Research Information, 2006, para. 3). Just by looking at the number of vehicles out there, it is easy to see how much carbon...
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...Marketing Management I Paper on “If I were the CMO of HTC” By Prashant Nair Why I chose HTC HTC is a company which was on par with the likes of Samsung mobile till 2010. Since 2011, HTC has lost a majority of its market share to Samsung and other competitors. The major reason behind this was the management’s blind eye towards the marketing front. HTC is known to be a highly innovative company coming up with a good mix of robust yet stylish smartphones. The company believed that its cutting edge technology would be enough to sell its phones. HTC has an array of superb phones, but, the general consumer may not remember even one of these phones. Every year there are at least 2 or 3 HTC phones which make it to the top ten lists for the year. Still, the recall value for HTC is nowhere near the same for Samsung or for the Apple IPhone. There are ample reasons to believe that a more aggressive marketing strategy could have helped HTC to grab a major chunk of the market share. History of HTC HTC Corporation is a Taiwanese manufacturer of smartphones and tablets. It was founded by Cher Wang, H.T. Cho and Peter Chou in 1997. HTC began designing some of the world's first touch and wireless hand-held devices in 1998. The...
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...Research Essay Federal Lands in Idaho Should be Managed by Idaho This year the federal government spent a billion dollars fighting wild fires. The Prepare Act, currently under consideration in Congress, would give funds to local governments for wild fire mitigation. FEMA would provide oversight for any funds directed to the states as the recent fire season was considered a disaster. Prepare, Ready, Equip, and Prevent Areas at Risk of Emergency Wildfires Act of 2013 or the PREPARE Act of 2013, was authored in part by Idaho’s own Senator Crapo and Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado (The Library of Congress, S.1428, .IS, 2013-2014). The federal government is aware that our forests have been mismanaged and this act, in a small way, helps to make up for previous management practices. It does not do enough to mitigate the effects of pests and wildfires that endanger our forests in Idaho. Some of you may know a little about the ownership of federal lands in Idaho. This paper will help you to learn more about this. Some of you may know a lot about ownership of federal lands in Idaho. Perhaps you know someone personally who has dealt with land issues in Idaho. Hopefully, you will learn something new about this topic that persuade you that the State of Idaho needs to assume ownership and oversight of these public lands. I was employed by the timber industry for several years and spent time lobbying on their behalf to keep public lands open for logging. I have researched...
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...Carson Reading 113 Netiquette Report The Importance of Online Etiquette Online etiquette, also known as netiquette is by definition the correct or acceptable way to communicate on the internet. In this paper I will be focusing on nine main points of online etiquette and the importance of each of them. The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you’d have others do unto you. This rule that most children are taught at a young age is often forgotten on a daily basis, especially online. Remember that although all you can see is a computer screen. There is a person with real feelings and emotions on the other side. It helps to ask yourself this question “Would I say this to someone in person?” before pressing the send button. Avoid excessive use of exclamation points and capital letters. To you these may be ways of showing excitement, while the person reading the post or message takes it as anger. An absence of face-to-face clues can cause written text to be misinterpreted. Try not to use humor or sarcasm. In an online setting you lose the ability to use facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to communicate. Humor and sarcasm depend on tone of voice or facial expression that are absent in text communication. Re-read what you’ve written before sending. Messages often appear perfectly clear to you as the writer and turn out to be confusing to the reader. Especially if you feel strongly about something...
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...Rating the News Sites David Pace Axia College Last night; Saturday the 28th, 10 people died in a string of car crashes on a Florida interstate because of low visibility due to a nearby wildfire. Interstate I-75 was closed down in both directions as crews worked to clear out the 70 or more vehicles that were included in this debacle. The media outlets Foxnews, MSNBC, and CNN all covered the story; this story is currently the top article for all three news stations. Each of the news stations describes the incident, the cause, and a death and injury toll. In addition to the text material, the websites also include pictures of the event. CNN takes this one step further by adding a video link to WKMG, a CBS network affiliate for Central Florida, which had helicopter video footage of the accident aftermath. MSNBC includes a link to the local Florida paper, The Gainesville Sun; which includes more information of the hospitalization of those involved as well as quotes from local law enforcement. Each of the websites uses law enforcement and victim quotes to help describe the event and its cause; however, each of the news stations used the quotes in a slightly different way. The quotes from MSNBC and Foxnews seemed to be from the victim’s perspective but were based in facts and disruptive about the situation itself. Whereas CNN used quotes that had much more felling; these quotes gave the news article a more personal and emotional tone unlike the professional, sterile tone of...
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...James Geren PHI 460: Leadership Priorities and Practices Elements of Organizational Management Ann Kitchen June 21, 2010 Elements of Management Organizational management has many different aspects that need to be discussed when trying to understand its complexity. It does not justify the concept of organizational management if you do not include the many different characteristics that make up the whole picture. In this paper I will try to shed some light on the concept as a whole while still trying to include my own personal beliefs about the system itself. It will cover aspects like the history of organizational management, methods used in the study, the framework that can make up the topic, and finally the theories that have been cast from years of trial and error studies. I will then close my research by talking about how organizational management affects current business and what I feel will be affected in the future. This will consist of some of my own personal experiences in the workforce and what methods I intend to implement when I become leader of a particular organization. “Organizational studies are generally considered to have begun as an academic discipline with the advent of scientific management in the 1890s, with Taylorism representing the peak of its movement. Proponents of scientific management held that rationalizing the organization with precise sets of instructions and time-motion studies would lead to...
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