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The Minerva System: A Comparative Analysis

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In 2004, Union College introduced the Minerva System in an attempt to decrease Greek life’s influence on social life on campus. Furthermore, Union wished to “enrich intellectual life outside the classroom,” in turn hoping to improve the college experience at large (Union). Every year, Union comes a step closer to accomplishing this goal of creating a more multifaceted social life. The Minerva System has been in place for over a decade, but opposition still exists on campus. The immediate reaction to the overhauling of the Greek system was extremely negative among students and alumni alike. However, as time continues to pass, students are becoming increasingly accepting of – and interested in – the Minerva System. As resistance continues to …show more content…
During Orientation, the Minervas were frequently referred to as the “living room of campus.” This comparison is a metaphor for how comfortable the Minervas seem in comparison to the rest of campus. Each Minerva truly feels like a home, which is starkly different from the feeling of the dorms. This cozy feeling is why many students are tempted to live in their Minerva. The Minervas are also some of the best places to study on campus. There are some classes held in the Minervas, but for the most part they are simply places where students can cook full meals and/or relax with friends. The Minerva System’s fusion of residential, social, and academic interests makes it a truly unique …show more content…
This poor attendance supports “the perception that the popular crowd hangs out elsewhere” at Union (2007). While this assertion is not necessarily true, there is a definite difference between attendance at Minerva events and at fraternity parties. From what I have experienced on campus, first-year students are the ones who are the most interested in the Minerva System. At Beuth House council meetings alone, there are only a few upperclassmen, whereas there are usually over a dozen first-year students. The interest of first-year students probably stems from curiosity. As students realize that Minerva events are often poorly attended, they may lose interest. In addition to that, many first-year students are attracted to living in Minerva houses on campus. To live in these houses, it is essential to be involved in the system. Union must do something to inspire students to stay involved in the Minerva System. There is an ugly and false perception that the Minervas are “gathering place[s] for nerds and outcasts” (2007). In reality, the Minerva System offers something unique on campus that everyone should participate in. To ensure the success of the Minerva system, Union students must take an active role in their Minerva and its

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