...Tyuleubekov Sabyrzhan Policies used to tackle illicit drug markets. In this essay, I want to define how the problem of illicit drug market is tackled by the governments one by one and jointly. I will try to determine which policies are the best in preventing illicit drug market and what policies international community regarding that problem uses. There are 4 types of illegal markets defined by Jens Beckert and Frank Wehinger, and the one I want to focus on is of type 1 (“illegality due to the outlawing of specific products”[1]). Free sale of hard drugs (excluding alcohol and nicotine) is prohibited everywhere and of soft drugs is prohibited almost everywhere. However, the global illicit drug market is huge and it has big impact on international community because of drug trafficking, drug-related crimes and the number of people involved in producing, transporting and selling drugs. States and international communities are making efforts to eradicate drugs from the society spending substantial parts of their budgets. As to international community’s efforts, the United Nations is the prime organization that “controls” drug flows around the globe. Since 1912 Hague Opium Convention, the international community decided to focus on supply side of the global drug market. They decided to allocate all resources on battling the supply side, because they thought that once they control supply side they would prevent drug use and abuse. Such supply-centric policies are damaging...
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