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Breast Milk: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

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Breast Milk is produced by the breasts (mammary glands) of a human female to feed a child. Milk is the primary source of nutrition for a newborn before the baby can eat and digest other foods. The World Health Organization(WHO) recommends more breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life. After 6 months, solids are introduced when the signs of readiness are shown. Breastfeeding is recommended at least until age 2and then for as long as mother and child wish.

Benefits of breast milk #1 73% decreased risk of sudden infant death syndrome:
Sudden infant death syndrome is the unexplained death of a child less than one year of age. It is also known as cot death or crib death.
Prevention: Breastfeeding, immunization, using a pacifier, putting …show more content…
It is caused by the fluid trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. It is most common for babies, toddlers and young children.
Prevention: Breast milk is the natural remedy to treat an ear infection in babies because breast milk contains antibodies.
#3 Good resistances to cold and flu:
Breast milk is power-packed with immunoglobulin A(igA). Initially baby's GI tract will have feeding intolerances. It acts as a coat for baby’s intestines and prevents the germs from breaking through.Breastfeeding mothers after getting a flu shot can pass on antibodies through their breast milk. This reduces the chances of babies from getting sick with the flu. #4 Lower risk of childhood-onset diabetes:
Children and teens can get Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Human milk contains substances that promote the maturation of the immune system which protects against Type 1 diabetes. Human milk also contains bioactive substances which promote satiety and energy balance, thus prevents excess weight gain during childhood, thus protects against the development of Type 2 …show more content…
But, it is better to pump for every 3 hours.
#5 At least try to breastfeed your baby for once in a day on one side and just pump the other breast.
#6. The pumped breast milk will vary in odor, consistency and color, this is based on mom’s diet.
#7 Store your pumped milk in breast milk collection bottles or in disposable bags which is specially designed for breast milk.
#8 Containers to be used to store breast milk are: Breast milk freezer bag, Glass with a leak-proof lid, Hard BPA- free plastic.
#9 Never use plastic sandwich bags or disposable feeding bottle liners in the freezer to store the pumped breastmilk as they can split when frozen.
#10 Usually the stored breast milk separates into layers when stored. Creamy layer forms at the top of the contained milk. To bring the consistency of milk, mix the mix thoroughly, warm the bottle and swirl them gently.

Note: Do not add the warm milk with cool milk to make it warm. Warm the milk entirely, avoid mixing with cold milk.

Common Questions on Breast Milk Storage:

#1 How to thaw frozen Milk?
First, take the milk from the freezer and store it in the refrigerator. Use this milk within 24 hours of thawing. Always use a warm water for warming up the

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