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True Love In Elie Wiesel's 'Twilight'

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Pages 6
Twilight was a popular book and movie series loved by many but judged by it seems like many more and a huge reasoning for why they hate the book is because Bella is a weak, single minded character. I did not get this from reading the books. I just thought she was a normal girl trapped in this supernatural world. I mean, as the books go along, she gets so much stronger. She's never afraid to speak her mind, she has put herself in near death situations, just to save the people she loved. And she forced herself into this Vampire world, while most people would have ran and hid from it. I think people get too bogged down in the "her whole world is centered around a boy" aspect. The point of that was trying to explain the whole true love side of …show more content…
The story is driven by Bella’s decisions. I’ll highlight this as I go into my other points because it factors so much into her character. “Twilight finds its 18-year-old heroine Bella as insecure and uncertain of her place in the world as many another troubled teen. Time perhaps for her to get a grip on her life and forge a purposeful path for herself. Perhaps she could sail round the world single-handed, set up a dotcom business or at least get on with her homework. Not Bella. Instead of sorting herself out, she opts for escape to a parallel universe.” (Cox) That is a very interesting and over simplified way of looking at Bella The story opens with Bella moving to Washington to give her mom space to be with her new husband. Bella chooses to go, and on the inside hates it, but reassures her mom and dad Charlie that she wants to go. She’s lying, because she wants to make her mom happy. This is one of the biggest reasons I love Bella. Not only does she move across the nation to help out her mom, but she doesn’t complain about it. I don’t know about you, but when I 17 I wouldn’t have volunteered to move for the comfort of my Mother and I definitely would of complain as much as …show more content…
Like any normal humane with feeling Bella is devastated. She goes into a deep depression until she finds out that hanging out with Jacob helps her feel distracted from the pain. I don’t know about you, but I had friends that have been through this sort of heartbreak. Maybe that’s why I defend Bella because her depression is understandable to me. A sudden loss of the person you love creates a hole where you can’t seem to crawl out. I’m impressed that Bella found what helped her and got better. “ When the love of Hermione’s life left her, she continued to search for the keys to destroying the world's most powerful dark wizard. When the love of Bellas life left her, she curled up into the fetal position, went numb for months, and jumped of a cliff.” (Gold) While I’d like to think were past think this when it comes to different series , I’m just gonna say you can’t take a character and put them in someone else’s

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