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Hint: What's In Fast Food Chicken?

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After spending hours in stuffy classrooms and smelling teacher’s coffee breathe, a student was beyond excited for the three minute drive to grab some grub. As she bit off half of the final McDonald’s chicken nugget, she looked down at what she thought was a perfectly crisped bite of goodness and saw a grayish brown looking pocket. In confusion, she pinched the nugget and a clear liquid began to ooze out. With incidents like these occurring more often, many authors have decided to alert the population consuming these products of the filth. An article published by Organic Authority, titled “What’s in Fast Food Chicken? (Hint: It’s NOT Chicken)” informs fast food eaters about the repulsive, modified chicken parts that they consume with every bite …show more content…
Eating a human fetus? Where would such an absurd idea stem from? With recent news reports of Planned Parenthood admitting to selling unborn babies, who knows where the bodies actually went. The author expresses how KFC feels no guilt towards serving our own young. The idea of eating our young is an appeal to emotion, the thought of eating a tiny human would bring up negative emotions, and value, we understand the importance our lives and to eat our young crushes that value. According to KFC “disposing of the bodies would be a waste of protein” (Conti and Reiss). The tactics the author used is absurdity. The idea of eating a fetus is ridiculous and it goes against modern human conditions. They act as if the little bodies are a main sources of protein that will nourish and strengthen our bodies, but they don’t actually have much meat on their bones. The article also stated that KFC has been purchasing fetuses “for use as chicken strips” (Conti and Reiss). The fact that this fast food chain has been using fetuses rather than chicken is a huge issue and the author casually brings awareness to the readers. By doing it so nonchalantly, the device is used as an understatement. Looking at this issues from a comical stand point may be slightly effective, but not as effective as focusing on the true, hard facts of the foods we are taking

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