...Racial Diversity: Historical Worksheet Donald K. Morgan Building Organizational Capacity Juancho A. Lim June 5, 2013 Throughout most of U.S. history, in most locations, what race has been in the majority? What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group? According to "The Changing Racial And Ethnic Composition Of The Us Population" In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the classification by race expanded to include the measurement of “mulattos”—persons of mixed black and white ancestry—and the “blood quantum” (percent of white ancestry) of American Indians. By 1890, the census racial classification reflected a growing preoccupation with identifying persons with slightest hint of African ancestry, adding categories for “quadroon” (persons with one-fourth black ancestry) and “octoroon” (persons with one-eighth or less black ancestry). In 1930, Mexicans were added to the growing list of “nonwhites.” Fearing the move as an effort to stigmatize (and possibly deny naturalization to) Mexican Americans by labeling them a nonwhite racial group, the Mexican American population (and the Mexican government) strongly protested the change, and the racial category was soon disavowed by the director of the Census Bureau What are some of the larger racial minorities in U.S. history? What have been the common ancestral backgrounds of each of these groups? When did each become a significant...
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...Introduction July 2nd, 2014 will mark the fifty year anniversary of the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII of the act made workplace discrimination illegal. However, fifty years later we are still debating the issue and there is overwhelming evidence that discrimination in the workplace still exists. Alarmingly, workplace discrimination claims based on race filed at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) have reached record highs within the last three years. In 2010 alone, there were 93,727 charges reported to the EEOC . This article will review current law regarding discrimination by employers. It will determine if these laws are effectively preventing or reducing discrimination in the workplace. Finally, this article will explore what changes, if any, should be made to the law. I. Relevant Law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is intended to make illegal discrimination by an employer based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. Title VII applies to employers who have at least fifteen employees. Originally, the minimum was twenty-five employees until the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972 reduced the number to fifteen. The most recent modifier of Title VII is the Civil Rights Act of 1991 which kept the employee minimum at fifteen but allowed for monetary damage awards for victims of discrimination. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is in charge of enforcing Title VII. Title VII also says that equal employment...
Words: 1935 - Pages: 8
...Gale Encyclopedia of Small Business: Racial Discrimination http://civilliberty.about.com/od/raceequalopportunity/tp/Racial-Discrimination.htm Racial discrimination is the practice of letting a person's race or skin color unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives a job, promotion, or other employment benefit. It most often affects minority individuals who feel they have been unfairly discriminated against in favor of a Caucasian (or white) individual, but there have been recent cases where whites have claimed that reverse discrimination has occurred—that is, the minority received unfairly favorable treatment at the expense of the white individual. Court rulings handed down through the years have determined that a company's responsibility not to discriminate based on race begins even before an individual is hired. Companies can be held liable if pre-employment screening or testing is determined to be discriminatory, if applications ask unacceptable questions designed to screen for race, or if the overall selection process is deemed to be unfair. One of the main indicators that racial discrimination has occurred in the hiring process involves the qualifications of the job applicants. While a slight difference in qualifications between a minority and nonminority candidate do not automatically indicate racial bias (if the lesser qualified nonminority candidate is hired over the minority candidate), a drastic difference in qualifications has almost always been upheld...
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...while mingling with people from diverse backgrounds. However, diversity could have negative effects as well in terms of conflicts among employees, and in several other instances. HRM is responsible for providing equal opportunities, and resolving the issues that arise due to diversity. Positive impacts were observed where organizations promoted learning environment. It also highlights different strategies that could be applied for effective diversity management. On the other hand, a need to act sensitively towards employees of diverse background was discussed, while providing them with growth opportunities could help in increasing productivity. Issue statement Human Resource Management (HRM) covers different aspects of an organization, from the recruitment of its employees, to the management of all works, and the problem solving issues that are directly affecting the organizations’ employees. Employees are an asset to an organization, and HRM is responsible for providing them with opportunities to learn and acknowledge their achievements especially in an organization with diverse employees. On the other hand, they take care of employees’ well-being and safety, so as to make them productive and driven. Armstrong (2009) describes human resource management (HRM) as a strategic approach for the development and well-being of employees in an organization. Their main concern is to ensure that the organization benefits from its people, therefore, they aim to...
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...ethnicity, cultural background, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, family responsibilities, disabilities, life experiences, educational background, work experience, marital status and personality (Study Guide, 2011, pg. 52). Diversity in the workplace can be a great strength for an organisation if managed effectively if management make good use of each individual’s values. In order for diversity to be managed effectively and used to the organisations advantage, people-management strategies need to be put in place in order to allow for these differences and allow for people to grow upon them in the organisations favour. Being open to each individuals differences, allows for new ideas to come to light and to be welcoming of different ways of going about tasks. There can however, be issues that arise such as legal implications in regards to discrimination. Discrimination can occur via both indirect and direct means. This is corrected via legislations against the illegal mistreatment and discrimination of employees. Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) legislations were introduced in order to free all workplaces of discrimination and harassment. Equality and diversity can be thought of in terms of legal aspects, ethical aspects and business aspects (Nickson, 2009, pg. 115). Within an organisation there can be quite a large amount of conflict - this is normal. However, conflicts need to be dealt with as soon as possible, in an effective and professional manner or the organisation is going...
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...Even in modern society, many hail the United States as a post-racial civilization; however, the presence of racial discrimination is still present in all aspects of life. To combat this, affirmative action was introduced during John F. Kennedy’s presidency. Its initial purpose was to break the barriers between all races and attain social equity among the social classes. However, critics claim that this key policy results in “reverse discrimination”, which discriminates against whites instead of the minorities. In order to achieve equal opportunity by removing the barriers of race, affirmative action should be employed in all aspects of higher education. Affirmative action was introduced in 1961 by John F. Kennedy and was implemented by Eisenhower. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 used this key policy as reinforcement for its main purpose, which was to eliminate racial discrimination between whites and African Americans. Since then, affirmative action has helped dissolve the barrier between races, but it has not completely finished the job. By implementing affirmative action in schools, we can create a new generation without the complications of the past. Graduates who have been with affirmative action program have received better jobs and living better...
Words: 553 - Pages: 3
...Hanna Lyon Margaret Morrison 11/12/2013 Legal Environment of Business Tues/Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm Hostile Environment in the Workplace and the Miami Dolphins A hostile work environment includes any situation targeting race, color, religion, sex, national origin and even such aspects such as pregnancy, age or disability that affects a person’s ability to perform in the workplace. In this short analysis, I will go on to discuss racial discrimination, an ongoing issue in some workplaces, despite all the progress and efforts our country has made over the years. The NFL, a very culturally diverse organization, much like any professional sport in America, is starting an investigation into one of the Miami Dolphins’ players, Richie Incognito for his racist attacks on his teammate Johnathon Martin. The Miami Dolphins suspended Incognito around midnight on November 3rd. Incognito did many things to create a hostile work environment for Martin. He sent him text messages threatening to kill him, he forced Martin to pay $15,000 for a trip to Vegas, along with the thousands of verbal assaults. Martin was afraid to speak up, being only a second year player, in fear of being called soft. However it seems that this is no longer an innocent hazing affair as it is extortion and intimidation. Finally, Martin took the high road, and walked away from the Miami Dolphins. Making him look like more of a man, than Incognito will ever look. Now unfortunately, this isn’t the only instance, many...
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...Court Cases and Legal Issues Regarding Religious Freedom and Discrimination. According to the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (CRA/ Title VII), religious discrimination is prohibited and employers are required to accommodate an employee’s earnestly held religious beliefs, observances, and practices, within reason, if honoring the accommodation would not impose any undue hardship on the organization. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has presented many claims and federal court cases that identified discrimination involving religion and ethnicity, so in a joint initiative, the Justice Department, The EEOC and the Labor Department implemented a strategy for increasing diversity sensitivity in an effort to combat cultural...
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...4 Introduction 4 Gender Diversity 7 Diversity in Sexuality 8 Racial Diversity 10 Diversity in Age 11 Cultural Diversity 12 Religious Diversity 13 Importance of Diversity Training 18 Recommendations for Managers 22 Conclusion 26 References 28 Abstract This research paper addresses the importance of diversity training in the workplace. Having realized how pertinent workplace discrimination is globally, this paper will give a broad look into the various ways that diversity is displayed in the workplace. The diversity issues involving gender, sexuality, race, age, culture and religion will be explored, and the benefits that diversity training brings in each area will be outlined. Examples of the approaches that many Fortune 500 companies are taking will be touched on throughout the paper, as well as, the strategies behind corporate inclusion. Finally, manager’s recommendations will be given on ways to incorporate diversity training into an organization, and the potential outcomes that it brings to an organization. Introduction People differ in many aspects of their lives. We differ in race, color, sex, religious beliefs and origin to name a few. These diverse characteristics are what make us so unique from one another. Some people see diversity as an opportunity to learn and grow from other people, but others see it as a hindrance, which should be eliminated. Discrimination is defined as treatment or consideration, or making a distinction in...
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...E“Inequalities on Race and Ethnicity” A. Minority, Racial and Ethnic Groups * Minority Group - refers to a category that is differentiated and defined by the social majority, that is, those who hold the majority of positions of social power in a society. - Members of minority groups are prone to different treatment in the countries and societies in which they live. * Racial Group - refers to dividing the human species according to physical characteristics that are inherited. - based on visual traits such as skin colour, facial features, hair texture, etc. * Ethnic Groups -a socially-defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural, or national experience. - Larger ethnic groups may be subdivided into smaller sub-groups known variously as tribes or clans. B. Prejudice and Discrimination * Prejudice - Prejudice has to do with the inflexible and irrational attitudes and opinions held by members of one group about another. * Discrimination - Discrimination refers to behaviours directed against another group. C. Race and Ethnicity * Race - refers to groups of people who have differences and similarities in biological traits deemed by society to be socially significant. - Racism, then, is prejudice based on socially significant physical features. A racist believes that certain people are superior, or inferior, to others in light of racial differences. * Ethnicity - refers to shared cultural...
Words: 367 - Pages: 2
...HRS, the author removes any bias due to time-constant unobserved heterogeneity, to test whether the individual feeling of being passed over for promotion may be misreported, owing to a strong preference for leisure. Finally, the author examines the effect of a change in this variable over time on the intentions to exit early. Findings – The Fields decomposition shows that feeling passed over for promotion plays a non-negligible role to predict retirement plans but only for women. In addition, using panel data allows a misreporting bias to be exhibited that may lead to underestimating of the negative effect of discriminatory practices towards older workers on their retirement plans. Lastly, an increase between 1992 and 1994 in the age-discrimination towards older workers encouraged women to leave their job early, while it had no effect on retirement plans of men. Practical implications – Empirical results put forward the idea that retirement intentions may differ across gender, owing to the different nature of the employer-employee relation. While for...
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...Discrimination at Work In a model world it would be assumed that everyone would be treated fairly when applying for a job and advancing within the field. The issue of discrimination due to diversity is still a major issue in today's time. Discrimination still plays a dominant role in the hiring, firing, and promoting of individuals. Diversity does not just include dissimilar races, but age, gender, and religion as well. Most people do not sit and analyze the larger picture. Discrimination affects people all over the world. People of all ethnicities and from all different walks of life are influenced in some way by workplace discrimination. "Discrimination" means unequal treatment. One of the most common elements discriminated against is a persons ethnicity, or their race. This is called Racial Discrimination. Could you imagine being limited by something that has nothing to do with your skill or ability? If you look at the leadership positions of many of the world’s top companies, you will find few women occupying them. This contrast can also be related to the role of African American people in companies. It is very apparent when you think about the number of Black CEOs versus White leaders, something is preventing them from reaching the top. Although many people believe racial discrimination is mostly a thing of the past, it is still prominent as an invisible barrier in one of the most prominent areas of life, the workplace. Racial discrimination happens all the time...
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...Discrimination and Harassment in the Work Place/Education System Sexual and racial harassment refers to the action of repeated, annoying sexual comments, gazes, threats due to race, and physical contact at the workplace and in schools. The 1964 civil rights federal act makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against employees or potential employees on the basis of religion, national origin, sex, color, or race. Now, companies and education entities around the world face the task to ensure decent working conditions for their employees and students in an environment free from discrimination and harassment. In cross-cultural companies, it's rather difficult because of the peculiarities of the mentality and the differences in cultural practices, but it is necessary to solve the problem of discrimination and harassment. Sexual and racial harassment is a common problem for both women and men; it not only leads to discrimination in labor, loss in wages, low productivity and stress, but also influences the general atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. There are many forms of discrimination, especially in the workplace. Before we get into the different types of discrimination, we need to define the word discriminate, which means to make a “distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group” or class, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. Discrimination around us First, let’s talk about discrimination; could you imagine...
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...American dates back to the ancient times when they occupied the American land before the European invasion. The tribes that occupied the American land are commonly referred to as the Native Americans. A majority of the Asian American people that are living in the USA are immigrants. Both individuals and the community/communities are faced with various challenges such as adopting the American culture and retaining their root cultures at the same time. However, the major issue of concern is racial segregation they are faced with. Like any other subordinate group in the USA, the Asian American people are not spared off the vice. They experience discrimination emanating from the fact that they are different from other minority groups and as well the whites. They are subjected to discrimination in various fields in which they are engaged such as education, employment, immigration, land acquisition and others (Phan et al. 2009). This forms of discriminations have their impacts on the several life aspects of this minority groups including mental health impacts as discussed in this paper. Introduction Asian Americans are individuals or distinctive groups of people from the east, southeast, and Asia that have immigrated to the USA. Various individuals and as well groups of Asian Americans delves differently depending on what they believe is their position on American soil. A majority of them use their country of...
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...Legal Process Paper The federal agency that serves as the body to protect employees from employment discrimination based on race, sex, national origin, religion, age, or disability is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Discrimination is the process that treats an individual differently based on preconceived ideas (Duhaime, n.d.). An employee who thinks he has been the subject of discrimination has the right to file a complaint with the EEOC. In this paper, there will be an analysis of an employment discrimination complaint and civil litigation process from the initial EEOC filing and if necessary, through the state, and federal court systems. The paper will also include a discussion of other relevant aspects to address discrimination complaints and workplace disputes. Overview of the EEOC Process John is an employee in a private sector organization, and he thinks he has been subject to discrimination. He wants to file a discrimination complaint. The first step in the process is the requirement to file a Charge of Discrimination. This is done by contacting any EEOC office (EEOC, 2009). The deadline for the employee to file the charge is 180 days after the occurrence of the discrimination. Although the deadline can be a total of 300 days, if the occurrence of the discrimination took place where state or local anti-discrimination laws exist (EEOC, 2009). The state and local agencies responsible for enforcement of the anti-discrimination laws are the Fair Employment...
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