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Racial Inequalities In America

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Racial inequality a topic completely relevant today. The African American people have experienced all sorts of inequality for centuries. From being forced into a different country to becoming slaves for hundreds of years. It is proven that if you are born African American you will live a much harder life than somebody who is white. From police brutality, financial inequality, and social injustices. For years, African Americans have been fighting for their equal rights. The movie SELMA (2014) shows how the Civil Rights Act legally desegregated the South. Even with the ending of slavery blacks struggled to live a civilized life in the United States. The movie shows us the 3-month campaign that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led. King, believed that a second bill was necessary in all places buts mostly places like Alabama where only a short percentage of blacks were registered to vote. With such low amounts of registered black voters King as well as other SCLC members began protesting. On February 1st, Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy started a march of approximately 250 people. They all protested to the Selma courthouse for slow voter registration. At that point both King and Abernathy were arrested and had to spend five days in jail. Another activist Malcom X visited Selma and wished the best for King. It is after that visit …show more content…
Many have been killed and the killers have walked away free. The united states government does not seem to care about black lives. African American people have to march in order to be heard. In the year 2005 Hurricane Katrina opened the eyes of millions of people by showing the struggles of a black individual. The United States government had a chance to repair the citizens of New Orleans for the upcoming disaster but failed to do so. Many believe the reason for that is because the areas affected by the hurricane were primarily black

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