...practice of racial profiling by law enforcement agencies was begun during the late 1970s, as police officers worked to capture drug traffickers. Studies in Arizona show that in 2006-2007 the state highway patrol significantly more likely to stop African Americans and hispanics than white people on all highway studies. A profile is a collection of gathered facts that help law enforcement officers target individuals who are likely committing criminal acts. Law enforcement officers have long used profiling to help them gain understanding about the likely characteristics of the perpetrator of a crime, including but not limited to age, sex, race, and observed behaviors (Institute on Race and Justice, 2008). Police have used profiling to target...
Words: 1091 - Pages: 5
...society we live in. The answer is simple: racial profiling. The definition of racial profiling is, “the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed an offense” (Dictionary.com). Law enforcement agencies all around the country use racial profiling to find suspected criminals of crimes, which is completely flabbergasting. Racial profiling in police officers is a continuous problem because it leads to innocent civilians being prosecuted, a fear of police officers, and contributes to societal prejudice. Countlessly, blameless civilians are pulled over, stopped on street corners, or bombarded with questions by people in the...
Words: 911 - Pages: 4
...the Problem Cheril Hall American InterContinental University CRJS499 Senior Capstone in Criminal Justice Introduction to the Problem Racial profiling, the practice of targeting individuals for police or security detention based on their race or ethnicity, is a deeply troubling and pervasive phenomenon. It is a form of discrimination that not only undermines the basic human rights and civil liberties of the targeted individuals, but also erodes trust in law enforcement agencies and stigmatizes minority communities. Despite the progress made in civil rights, racial profiling remains a significant issue that demands our attention and action. This paper aims to delve into the complexities of racial profiling, exploring...
Words: 595 - Pages: 3
...2015 Male African Americans & Racial Profiling in American INTRODUCTION Considering our time and age racial profiling one of the most untouched subjects in history, especially in the law-enforcement community. Most people get it confused with criminal profiling which is not the same. Racial profiling is any police-initiated action that relies on the race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than the behavior of an individual or information that leads the police to a particular individual who has been identified as being or having been, engaged in criminal activity. Criminal profiling is any police- initiated action that used the compilation of the background, physical, behavioral, and motivational characteristics for a type of perpetrator that lead the police. Now imagine driving to the store on a cold winter day, dressed in a hoodie to keep warm. You simply pull into the parking lot in hopes of getting something nice for your daughter for the holidays. Driving the posted speed limit, you pull slowly into a parking space in the back of the store. All of a sudden, a car pulls up behind you, blocking you in. You look in your rearview mirror only to find the community crime watch officer staring you down. The officer immediately treats you like a suspect, smothering you with questions concerning what you’re doing, where you’re going; yet never really had any reasoning behind the questions. The major reason to oppose racial profiling is that it simply doesn’t work. Empirical...
Words: 2771 - Pages: 12
...surrounding racial profiling and the various problems that are encountered as a result of it. One issue is whether or not racial profiling exists. Most law enforcement departments refuse to undergo a study and they deny that racial profiling exists. These problems, coupled with the status of literature regarding this topic at this point, are more unreliable than scientific. In addition, the topic is controversial because the United States believes that it has rid itself of prejudice and racism, and to open the topic of racial profiling by law enforcement personnel is admitting that it’s possible the nation is backsliding. As a result, the events of September 11th stepped up the pace of racial profiling by law enforcement and grew to include new groups of people. Racial profiling is a topic that is seen across the nation in the media. Racial profiling has often been referred to as the apparition occurrence because so far departments across the nation clearly deny its existence. The topic is a growing one in light of the September 11, 2001 attacks on America. Racial profiling has been a top news story since that attack but it was an issue for many years before that. The equal protection clause can be found in the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution. It simply states that, "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States...nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." In other...
Words: 1742 - Pages: 7
...their own opinions about racial profiling but not everyone can relate realistically to it. When we are children, we are taught to not judge a book by its over but this is easier said than done. Racial profiling is the prejudiced practice by law enforcement officers and people or the use of an individual’s race, national origin and ethnicity as a belief of crime or committing an offense. Criminal profiling, mostly, as practiced by law officers, is the dependence on a type of character traits they believe to be related with felonies. Racial profiling has been a very serious issue over these past years. Identifying unlawful activities by using the practice of race as a means of profiling has been used in so many ways including...
Words: 1496 - Pages: 6
...[Name of the Subject] [Date] Racial Profiling and Law Enforcement Introduction Over the years racial profiling has become a significant topic especially among law enforcement agencies across the United States. Many cities and states have made a conscious effort to study racial profiling and ascertain how race and ethnicity play a significant role in stopping vehicles by law enforcement in their jurisdictions. Profiling refers to the practice of police that view certain characteristics as indicators of criminal behavior. It is the establishment of law enforcement practices that solves crime and develop prevention strategioes against crime. While, racial profiling is the new term for profiling. The change is partially because of the ambiguity that racial profiling has some confusions and controversories. The term racial profiling best decribes the situation where police arrests, questions or stops the person on the basis of race (Cleary 5). In regards to the racial profiling, the concern about it is erupting in the entire nation (Harcourt 18). Racial profiling is considered as the use of the individual’s ethnicity and race through the law enforcement personnel. In many of the jurisdiction, the practice of such acts is considered as illegal and controversial. United States have decided to work on the issues related to the racial profiling, that how the ethnicity and race play a part in order to stop the injustice through the law enforcement in relevance to their jurisdictions...
Words: 2214 - Pages: 9
...“the unlawful use of force or violence committed by a group of two or more individuals, also against a person or property to intimidate or coerce a government. Under current Law in the United States the act of terrorism are those which involve human lives that are a violation of the criminal law of the United States or of any State, this was set forth by the USA Patriot Act. Terrorism has abruptly has moved to the center of the public and has become a household subject matter and also many levels of politics, law and criminal justice. The September 11, attack change the way law enforcement respond to the threat and reality of terrorism. The World Trade Center attack had a ripple affect that could be felt across the world and this led to major reorganization of counter- terrorism policing. The United States the most striking change in policing has been a sudden expansion of police powers, justified by the tragedy and devastation of the attack. This expansion brought about a new refocusing of resource and the restructure of the federal, state, and local police agencies. There was more focus put on terrorism, for instant the FBI assigned 4,000 of it 27,000 agents to counter-terrorist activities (www.fed-soc.org). Also, the Immigration and Naturalization service (INS) was then reorganized to expand enforcement duties. It has been said that 9/11 changed everything; this is true for local police and their chief. Since this attack American has to change forever,...
Words: 1312 - Pages: 6
...Racial Profiling, the words said together can bring silence across an entire room. Why is that? What is so wrong with ones race and profile? We are taught about race and the successes of our ancestors at a very young age. Our families celebrate and rejoice about the success and good that our families accomplished while occupying the earth. We profile every single day of our lives, it is engrained in us, and it is part of the fight or flight syndrome that we are born with. Profiling is how the human being was able to survive and continue to procreate. So why is it when law enforcement attempts to dismantle a criminal element or disrupt criminal activity, people are quick to say the police were racially profiling? Is law enforcement racial...
Words: 881 - Pages: 4
...The practice of racial profiling by police officers has become a contentious issue between law enforcement and advocacy group supporting rights of citizens. An increasing number of reported incidents in which law enforcement professionals have been accused of targeting minority groups have heightened the debate about racial profiling and the legitimacy surrounding it. The practice of racial profiling by law enforcement is an attempt to identify potential criminals before they could commit serious crimes. Law enforcement officers who have used racial profiling are confident that the process helps them to detain criminals and therefore reduce crime. However, the use of racial profiling has become a debated issue across North America. The media has captured the public’s attention by identifying how law enforcement officials make the assumption that minority groups and people from ethnic backgrounds are more likely to commit crimes. This paper will reflect that the use of racial profiling by law enforcement is both wrong and ineffective in many ways. First, racial profiling is wrong because it tends to target people of color under the assumption and stereotype that they create more crime, which clearly is unconstitutional under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Secondly, through the Toronto Star newspaper analysis it will be obvious that the use of racial profiling in solving crimes is not effective but is damaging and harmful towards individuals under the Human Rights Code. And...
Words: 2701 - Pages: 11
...The Problem of Racial Profiling Racial profiling is a serious issue of social importance in the United States. Many believe it is wrong to judge someone by their color or race. Racial profiling is suspecting a person because of a race has committed an offense. We should care about this because some of the law enforcement are taking this too far, where they would pull over certain group of people just because of their ethnicity. Us citizens should consider this issue because stereotypes does not determines a person’s life. I believe this is wrong but it is part of our community that people are being judged too quickly. This would still be an issue and it would make many good police officers look bad. Racial profiling can be beneficial thing...
Words: 616 - Pages: 3
...Racial Profiling and it's Consequences Racial profiling is unethical, because it violates human rights by degrading individuals; in addition, it is not cost effective and would be counterproductive. Racial profiling involves selecting people for a given purpose on the basis of their membership of a particular racial group (Thomsen p. 2). The main reason why law enforcement uses racial profiling is, because it can increase their chances of catching criminals. In other words, it narrows down suspects and find people that commit crimes. However, racial profiling can be wrong for a number of reasons. First of all it is wrong, when law enforcement uses it with a racist, derogatory, and humiliating attitude when stopping individuals for a traffic infraction. Second of all it is against the 14th Amendment. Racial profiling also prevents the latino community to work with law enforcement, because it creates fear; finally, it prevents law enforcement to properly serve the community. Why not reduce profiling or get rid of it for ever? We are after all one nation that has been able to embrace different people from different ethnicity and backgrounds in to America. Racial profiling is unethical, humiliating, and it violates human rights. “Racial profiling appears morally wrong and more troubling when the racial group that is being profiled suffers from background injustice” (Paul Bou-Habib p. 33). One main point I would like to make is that racial profiling is wrong when law enforcement...
Words: 301 - Pages: 2
...Racial Profiling and Male African Americans Racial Profiling and Male African Americans INTRODUCTION Imagine driving to the store on a cold winter day, dressed in a hoodie to keep warm. You simply pull into the parking lot in hopes of getting something nice for your daughter for the holidays. Driving the posted speed limit, you pull slowly into a parking space in the back of the store. All of a sudden, a car pulls up behind you, blocking you in. You look in your rearview mirror only to find the community crime watch officer staring you down. The officer immediately treats you like a suspect, smothering you with questions concerning what you’re doing, where you’re going; yet never really had any reasoning behind the questions. After an aggravating experience, they send you on your way. Now imagine you are black and the officer is white. You have probably just experienced racial profiling. WHAT IS RACIAL PROFILING? One of the most important civil rights facing our nation today is racial profiling. The main source of those accused of racial profiling are police officers. In the eyes of citizens, racial profiling by a police officer can be defined as “any police-initiated action that relies on the race, ethnicity or national origin rather than behavior of an individual or information that leads the police to a particular individual who has been identified as being, or having been, engaged in criminal activity” (Ramirez, 2000). For instance, concerning traffic stops...
Words: 1940 - Pages: 8
...you are the right guys; law enforcement officers. Police officers have been implementing a racial tool to carry out their job. The device is called racial profiling and is being implemented and has been on the rise. I have seen many news reports covering law enforcement racial profiling and it is becoming the typical behavior towards the fewer fortunate. Even though, law enforcements need to ensure their safety first and use their best judgment on how to approach a situation to ensure the most positive outcome. Racial profiling is wrong because of the color of some one's skin, the individual’s race, it’s ethnicity, it’s religion or its national origin shouldn’t define anyone, and law enforcement should do their job without racial profiling judgment. Law enforcement's need to ensure their safety first and use their best judgment on how to approach a situation to ensure a positive outcome. Now in days, law enforcements are very wary about who is the criminal. Their job is to protect the citizens that are good contributors to society and law abiding. The officers can’t safeguard their contributors without using their best...
Words: 617 - Pages: 3
...traffic stops (Whitney 264). Racial profiling has been a very heated issue in the U.S. for many years. It happens when police target a person for something due to their race, national origin, or ethnicity. Race is the main characteristic that authorities look into when engaging in this type of profiling. There are many young talented black males that are being killed, mistreated, and imprisoned just based on their race. Throughout time, the law enforcement has taken advantage of the racial profiling to discriminate, harass, and arrest many people of different races. Racial profiling is the targeting of individuals...
Words: 2317 - Pages: 10