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Range Of Acceptable Behavior Analysis

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a. The “Range of acceptable behavior”, is a chart that states what acceptable behavior is. These behaviors range from “too weak”, “ok”, “doing great”, “ok” and finally, “too strong”. For example, people who are ambitious and determined to achieve something, can sometimes come out to strong. This “range of acceptable behavior” is something that everyone possesses but differs depending on the situation and character of an individual.
2. What is the one thing that determines your range?
a. Personally, the situation or circumstance I am in determines my range. Although In the video the speaker mentions that power determines our range, in a way it doesn’t really. Instead of looking at the ranges I think it is better to look at the outcome and result …show more content…
There are two ways to increase power. The first one is to feel powerful in your own eyes which will give you confidence and loose fear. The second one is to feel powerful in the eyes of others. When this happens, you know you have a wider range and will use it to an advantage to get things done. The speaker also mentions the use of tools or in his own words “the mama bear effect”. When advocating for someone or something, you can find your range and your passion. If it is something you are passionate about then, you will most likely to go from a range of “doing great” to “too strong”. Just like what we discussed in class, when we find our passion, we will be able to make a profit out of it while also doing something we enjoy. However, if we are doing it just so we can get money, then that is not passion but just being needy for …show more content…
Discuss the tools he mentions to increase your power. (6)
a. The speaker mentions the use of tools or in his own words, what he calls “the mama bear effect”. When advocating for someone or something, you can find your range and your passion. If it is something you are passionate about then, you will most likely to go from a range of “doing great” to “too strong”. If we are advocating for ourselves, then using “the perspective-talking” tool will help expand our range. It is important to be able to understand and see things from other perspective to make an accurate judgment of something.
6. What is one way to solve the “self-promotion double bind”?
a. One way to solve the “self-promotion double bind” is by asking others for a feedback or input. This shows humility and that you are taking time out to listen and take into consideration what they are going to say.
7. How does he explain “passion?” How do you define it?
a. He basically explains passion as the pathway to find our way and be able to speak up. He says tapping into our passion will open the courage allowing us to use the tools written above and speak up.
8. Your thoughts on this

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