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Martha Rinaldi Essay

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Martha Rinaldi was graduated with an MBA. She had two job proposals but she accepted a position at Potomac Waters, She turned down another high paying job at Deep Dive pizza. Although deep dive had a much better offer in terms of salary and position. Her motivation was that Potomac would be a more challenging job than Deep Dive, and there she would be making use of her marketing skills. Potomac also seemed to be a place where Martha could grow in terms of career. It would be fast- paced and demanding “(page 3 Rinaldi case)”. Potomac also had a reputation for training its new hires, (pg. 3) and also had a high reputation in the marketing field. When Martha started work her boss showed no sign of interest in her, even her co-workers were against the young hires who were all MBA holders. She (Rinaldi) really had some thoughts about her choice. Whether she had made the right choice for choosing Potomac over Deep Dive. Rinaldi’s boss had also been recently promoted, but she lacked managerial skills. She also didn’t seem to have any interest in helping Rinaldi develop her marketing skills. Rinaldi’s co-worker Vaughan was also not treating her well. He came across her very harshly …show more content…
Martha Rinaldi was having a difficult time trying to integrate into the culture of Potomac Waters.
• Stinginess, the biggest problem Martha faced was the communication between her and her boss Natalie Follet, Rinaldi did not know how to deal with her boss. This was different encounters she had with her.
• There was unnecessary aggression, Martha was not made aware of her position in the company. She wasn’t trained as a new employee. Because of the nature of the culture of the company, it didn’t provide her with proper on-boarding and trainings to new employees.
• Unrealistic Targets, Martha doubted her own ability to succeed at Potomac. And the social structure over there too did not give her any recognition and approval that she

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