...population distributions it becomes abundantly clear that the first Americans have connections to people that existed in northeast and central Asia over 15,000 years ago (Simms 2008, p. 107-108). Naturally, we would then hope to find archaeological sites greater than 14,000 years old in the western part of Beringia to link with what we know about sites like Paisley Caves and Monte Verde II. Unfortunately, the record of sites in this area is very sparse. One site, Yana RHS or the “Rhinoceros Horn Site”, does give us human artifacts and is dated to about 27,000 radiocarbon years ago, making it the earliest known occupation of the Arctic. This site is known for the rhino horn that was fashioned by humans into a spear foreshaft, along with many other stone tools and the bones of many animals. Yana, however, is approximately 1,200 miles from where the Beringia land bridge would have been. Such a long distance from Beringia makes it difficult to point to Yana as a continuation of human progression into the Americas. What Yana can confirm however is the fact that humans hunted mammoth, a practice they continued into the New World (Western Beringia PowerPoint and Grayson 2011, p. 52). In conclusion, we have now answered, to the best of our ability given the archaeological record, three important questions about the first peopling of the Americas. We can answer “when” questions by looking at the charcoal tested from Monte Verde II which securely shows that humans crossed into North...
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...Paul Watson is a Canadian conservationist that protects marine life. He is the founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Which is a group that’s focused on marine conservation. Watson majored in communications and linguistics at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. Paul Watson was born on December 2, 1950 in Canada. He is the oldest of seven children. Paul has had four wives and his most recent Yana Rusinovich is also an activist.They got married on Valentine’s day of this year (2015). Yana was born on July 15, 1981 in the Soviet Union. Watson has one child named Lilliolani that he had with his first wife in 1980. Watson has wrote or co-wrote at least 6 books. Those include: Shepherds of the Sea (1979), Sea Shepherd: My Fight for Whales and Seals (1982), Cry Wolf (1985), Earthforce!, (1993),...
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...ikincisi, estetik eşittir güzel kavrayışı. Ancak bizim konumuza giren estetik, bilimsel bir disiplin olarak hem daha farklı bir içeriğe sahiptir, hem de daha geniş bir alanı kapsamaktadır. Dolayısıyla, bu bilimsel disiplinin doğru tanımlanması bizi rahatlatacaktır. Ancak bu tanımlama ileride görüleceği gibi bizi bazı teorik problemlerle karşı karşıya bırakacaktır, özellikle bu teorik problemler, estetik tanımının başka terimlerle yan yana anılması durumunda iyice karmaşıklaşacaktır. Örneğin; Gotik estetiği, Hristiyan estetiği, İslam estetiği vb. tanımlamalar titizlik ve dikkatle analiz edilmesi gereken kavramlardır. Doğru anlama ve kavramsallaştırma problemlerine girebilmemiz için önce bu bilimin ortaya çıkış nedenlerine ve anlamına değinmemiz yerinde olacaktır. Kelime anlamı itibariyle ‘estetik’, Grekçe ‘aisthesis’ ya da ‘aisthanesthai’ sözünden gelir. Bu kelimelerin sözlük anlamı; duymak ve algılamaktır. “Kelime kökü bakımından estetik, sadece duyarlık ve algının incelenmesini akla getirir; bu bir algılama biçimidir. 18.yy.’ın ikinci yarısından bu yana estetik, beğeni yargısı, özellikle güzel karşısındaki beğeni yargısıyla ilgili olan meseleleri ele alır.” (*1) “Estetik, bu anlamda, duyulur algının, duyusallığın sağladığı bilgi ile ilgili bir bilim olarak düşünülüyor. Sözcüğün kökeninde bulunan bu duyusallık, estetik dediğimiz bilimin adının dışında da bu sözcüğün yaşadığını gösterir. Günümüz tıp terminolojisinde rastladığımız ‘anesthesi total’ ya da ‘anesthesi lokal’ terimleri...
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...II The Creation of Ego: The Five Skandhas (Aggregates, Collections) The Sutras are regarded by Buddhists as the actual words of the Buddha preserved through oral tradition and eventually recorded in writing. In the Sutras, the Buddha described how mind works to create the illusion of a permanent self and consequently gets trapped in suffering. A. If people could understand how we create our ego, moment to moment, they will understand how we create suffering for ourselves and others. B. Q: What is the “self” that we identify with? Are we are just bodies? Are we our memories? Classically, the Buddha taught five ways that we collect information again and again to make up our ordinary experience of self, the ego: C. The Five Skandhas: 1) Form: the basic duality of self and other, “me” and “not me.” 2) Sensation: very basic positive, negative, neutral reactions to “other;” where we encounter “not me.” (Sensation is not to be confused with emotions or feelings that develop through concept formation.) 3) Perception: experiencing the sensory details and qualities; the beginning of context. 4) Concept Formation: the use of memory to label certain perceptions and relate them to previous experience. Concepts help solidify experiences into “things” that have names. 5) Consciousness: the story-line we tell ourselves about what is happening. Here concepts come together to explain what is happening. Emotions develop...
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...MARGIN Left : 1.5” Top : 1” Right : 1” Bottom : 1” PAGE NUMBER Position : Upper right Font : Arial Font size : 12 Roman numerals Position : Bottom, Center Font : Arial Font size : 12 * Do not display the page number of the page with major title SPACING • All the contents of the paragraph should be in double space • Put 4 single spaces after the major title • Put 2 single spaces after the subtitle FONT AND FONT SIZE Font : Arial Font Size : 12 MAJOR TITLE • Uppercase • Bold SUB TITLE • Title Case • Bold A NARRATIVE REPORT ON STUDENT’S ON-THE-JOB TRAINING EXPERIENCES In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology The Narrative Report on student’s On-The-Job Training experiences here attached, prepared and submitted by Patricia Marie S. Dumali in partial fulfilment of the course requirements in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is hereby approved with the grade of ____________. _____________________ On-The-Job Training Coordinator Date _____________________ Head, Information and Communication Technology Date and Business Management Department _____________________ Campus Dean Date ...
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...Voilà comment tu peux expliquer à des francophones les termes que tu as listés. Bonne chance à toi, Yana et Zara. * Palace of Justice/Malaysian Court of Appeal and Federal Court C’est un ensemble de plusieurs tribunaux. * executive branch of the Malaysian federal government La branche exécutive du gouvernement malaisien. * Planned city Une ville planifiée. * Attorney General Chambers C’est le bureau du procureur général. * Ministry of Agriculture and Agro Based Industries or Wisma Tani Le Ministère de l’agriculture et des industries agro-alimentaires. * KBS Tower (Ministry of Youth and sports C’est la tour où se trouve le Ministère de la jeunesse et des sports. * Health Ministry of Malaysia Le Ministère de la santé malaisien. * Perbadanan Putrajaya Il me semble que c’est l’équivalent de la mairie de Putrajaya, mais je ne suis pas certain. * Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (KPPK) Le Ministère des plantations et des matières premières. * Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK) Le Ministère du commerce intérieur, des coopératives et de la consommation. * National Registration Department of Malaysia (JPN) Il me semble que le rôle de JPN en Malaisie et similaire au Ministère de l’intérieur en France, mais je ne suis pas sûr. * Part Loan, Treasury Malaysia (Housing Loan) Je pense que l’on peut dire que c’est l’organisme chargé d’accorder des prêts immobiliers. * Federal Treasury Department ...
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...called meteorites. The site of Friday's spectacular show is about 5,000 kilometres west of Tunguska, which in 1908 was the site of the largest recorded explosion of a space object plunging to Earth. That blast, attributed to a comet or asteroid fragment, is generally estimated to have been about 10 megatons; it levelled some 80 million trees. The meteor — estimated to be about 10 tons — entered the Earth's atmosphere at a hypersonic speed of at least 54,000 kph and shattered about 30-50 kilometres above the ground. Chelyabinsk city authorities urged people to stay indoors unless they needed to pick up their children from schools and kindergartens. They said what sounded like a blast had been heard at an altitude of 10,000 metres. Yana The explosions broke an estimated 100,000 square meters of glass. 985 people had asked for medical assistance. The Interfax news agency quoted that 43 people were hospitalized. A fireball blazed across the horizon, leaving a long white trail in its wake. Car alarms went off, windows shattered and mobile phone networks were interrupted. City officials said 3,000 buildings in the city were damaged by the shock wave. “I was driving to work, it was quite dark, but it suddenly became as bright as if it was day,” “I felt like I was blinded by headlights,” Another Chelyabinsk resident, Valya...
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...Descriptive composition. Describe a person. “The person I admire most from the history. By student of group 3264/1, Shchekotkina Yana 27/09/2012 One day during my studying in the 9th grade my literature teacher gave me a book for light reading – it was “Pushkin: biography of the writer” by Y. M. Lotman. Up to that time I had read many Pushkin’s masterpieces and adored “The Sun of Russian Poetry” with all forces of my young heart. He was and, actually, he still is, and I am sure that he forever will be my personal God in the art of literature because of his brilliant simplicity and unsurpassed skill in using the words. On the first page of the folio there was the most famous portrait of the poet by O. A. Kiprensky. I had seen that portrait many times before, however, I had never paid much attention to the appearance of Alexander Sergeevich, enjoying only his creations, but at that time I was sitting with my eyes glued to his face. Pushkin’s big clear charcoal with blue tint eyes seemed to me fascinating and magnetic; his large open forehead was a bit frowned with reverie and his full lips were slightly bent as if Pushkin didn’t like to be painted. The expression of his face showed to me such traits of Pushkin’s character as dreaminess, good imagination, wisdom and beautiful sense of humour. Alexander Sergeevich had a many-sided personality. He was easily carried away, very amorous and good-natured, but at the same time he was very impatient and frequently...
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...Kristine Alpurado Professor Melodia English 100: College Writing 02/15/2016 Homework #1 “Looking for Work” p. 22 Engaging the Text, q. 1-5 1. The narrator is so attracted to the family life depicted on TV because they live a perfect life and that is exactly what he wants. One thing he feels that is wrong with his life is his family’s appearance. He believes if they improved their looks they would be accepted by others such as white people. This has little impact on his family because they realize life is not perfect and they are not in control of certain things. The family realizes they do not have to change in order to be liked by others as long as they have each other to love. 2. At first, the narrator goes looking for work because he wants to be wealthy. He believed that being wealthy would take away all his family’s problems. At the end of the story, the narrator starts to accept the fact that he cannot change the way his family is. The meaning of work has changed because he realizes he wants to work for the right reasons not just because he feels obligated to fix his family. 3. Soto’s family life was not perfect, but he lived in a stable household with people he loved. Soto’s thinking was wrong because he wanted more in life however, he failed to realize that he was lucky and fortunate enough to have the people he loves most close to him. For example, he wanted his brother and sister to wear shoes at dinner as if it were going to change things. Changing their...
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...lıÇALIŞMAK KÜLFET MİDİR, NİMET MİDİR İnsan, varoluşundan bu yana, yaşam için gerekli minimum enerjiyi kazanması üzerine kurulu bir prensiple kendi içsel dinamiklerini ve çevre dinamiklerini şekillendirmiştir. Çalışmanın tanımı da, diğer dinamikler gibi, nitelik ve nicelik olarak, evrimsel bir süreç izleyerek, beslenme, sığınma ve diğer minimum ihtiyaçlar ile birlikte şekillenmiştir. Çalışmanın insana nimet olarak haz vermesini, başka bir deyişle motive etmesini, mutlu etmesini ve ya tersi olarak külfetleşmesini, ağırlık ve mutsuzluk yaratmasını, tarihsel süreçte bu dinamiklerle birlikte inceleyebiliriz. İlk insan, yaşamak için korunma ve avlanma üzerine yoğunlaşmıştı. Daha sonraları, yok olmaktan ziyade nüfüsünu belli seviyelerde tutarak ve de arttırarak, zihinsel etkileşim ve pratikleri ile birlikte, bu ihtiyaçlarını daha kolay giderecek yöntemler ve araçlar geliştirdi. Gıda temini için en büyük devrimi olan tarımı buldu ve üretim kavramını ortaya çıkarmış oldu. Nüfüs ve dolayısıyla, zihinsel birikim arttıkça, ihtiyaçlar ve giderme yöntemlerinde de artış yaşandı, bu artış paraboliktir ve son yüzyılda en dik eğrisini çizmiştir. Küçük topluluklardan, büyük topluluklara giden bir sosyalleşme ile birlikte, en başından beri var olan ekonomi kavramı daha da şekillenir hal aldı. Ticaret başladı, üretilen sebze gibi ürünler, üretilmeyenlerle takas yoluyla, daha sonraları değerli taşlar ve madenler ve de en sonunda ticaret aracı olarak geliştirdiği para ile değiştirildi. Diğer...
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...Avval xabar qilinganidek, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Islom Karimov Qozog‘iston Respublikasi Prezidenti Nursulton Nazarboyevning taklifiga binoan 6-7 sentabr kunlari rasmiy tashrif bilan ushbu mamlakatda bo‘ldi. Qozog‘iston Prezidentining “Oqo‘rda” saroyida oliy martabali mehmonni rasmiy kutib olish marosimi bo‘ldi. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti sharafiga faxriy qorovul saf tortdi. Ikki davlat rahbarlari shohsupaga ko‘tariladilar. O‘zbekiston va Qozog‘iston davlat madhiyalari yangraydi. Prezidentlar faxriy qorovul safi oldidan o‘tadilar. Ikki davlat rahbarlari tor doiradagi va kengaytirilgan tarkibdagi muzokaralarda O‘zbekiston-Qozog‘iston munosabatlarini rivojlantirishning muhim masalalarini, Markaziy Osiyo va uning atrofidagi vaziyat, shuningdek, tomonlarni qiziqtirgan dolzarb xalqaro muammolarni atroflicha muhokama qildilar. O‘zbekiston va Qozog‘istonning ko‘rib chiqilgan ikki va ko‘p tomonlama xususiyatga ega deyarli barcha masalalar bo‘yicha pozitsiya va yondashuvlari o‘xshash yoki yaqin ekani ta’kidlandi. Bugun samarali va uzoq muddatli hamkorlik uchun barcha zarur sharoitlar va asos yaratilgan – bu qat’iy siyosiy iroda, chuqur hamjihatlik, mustahkam shartnomaviy-huquqiy baza va konstruktiv hamkorlik borasida to‘plangan katta tajribadir. Qozog‘iston O‘zbekistonning vaqt sinovidan o‘tgan ishonchli qo‘shnisidir. O‘zbek va qozoq xalqlarini qadimiy qardoshlik rishtalari, mushtarak tarix, taqdir, ma’naviy va madaniy qadriyatlar, o‘xshash til...
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...ÜRETİM YÖNETİMİNİN TEMELLERİ – 6. ÖRNEK OLAY [pic] Güney Bölgesi Eğlence Araçları Firması 1999 Ekim’ inde, St. Louis-Missouri’ deki “Güney Bölgesi Eğlence Araçları Firması”nın üst yönetimi, Mississippi-Ridgecrest’ te yeni bir fabrika inşa etmek için gereken üretim ve montaj işlemlerinin yerini değiştirmeye yönelik planlarını duyurdu. Kampçı pickupları ve römorklarının büyük bir üreticisi olan firmanın, üretim maliyetleri döngüsü nedeniyle karlılığı 5 ardışık yıl boyunca düşmüştür. İşçilik ve hammadde maliyetleri dikkat çekecek kadar artmış, fayda maliyeti hızla artmış ve vergiler ile ulaşım maliyetleri artmıştır. Artan satışlara rağmen firma, işlemlerin başladığı 1977’den bu yana, net olarak zarardadır. Yönetim, yeni yerleşime ilk kez karar verdiğinde, birçok coğrafik alanı gözden geçirmiştir. Yeni yerleşim kararı için dikkate alınacak koşullar; ulaşım kolaylıkları, eyalet ve belediye vergi yapısı, yetkin işçilerin tedarik olanağı, yerel halkın pozitif yaklaşımı, makul saha (arazi) maliyetleri ve finansal teşviklerin uygunluğudur. Birçok bölgeden aynı teşvikler sunulsa da, firma Mississippi Power ve Light Firmasının aynı bölgede “temiz; emek yoğun” bir endüstri yaratma çalışmalarından ve; yerel yönetimin ve memurların kendi bölgelerine ekonomik açıdan gelecek desteğe ve hareketliliğe yönelik gösterdikleri coşkudan etkilenmiştir. Yerleşim planının anonsundan 2 hafta önce, firma yönetimi yeni yerin seçimine yönelik çalışmaları bitirmiş durumdaydı. Ridgecrest endüstriyel...
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...The Simple Marketing Analysis of... • Groupe Danone is a French food company that is challenging Nestlé’s world leadership position. It has claimed to be the world leader in the dairy products and bottled water markets. • The group’s turnover came to €14.982 billion in 2009. Turnover growth thus increased 3.2% in 2009 on a like-for-like basis, enabling the group to reach its growth targets and providing proof positive of the effectiveness of the strategy established in late 2008 to address the world economic crisis. The current operating margin of the group is up for the 15th consecutive year, firmly anchoring the global market positions. As a global leader in healthy food industry, • Danone has made €14,982 billion in sales in 2009. • Danone is the world’s number 1 in fresh dairy products. • The world’s number 2 in bottled waters (Nestlé is the #1) • The world’s number 2 in baby nutrition (Maed Johnson is the #1) • The European number 1 in medical nutrition. (global leader is Néstle) • In 2009 the group’s operating profit is €2.294 million, also the group’s operating margin is 15.31% and net current profit is €1.412 million. The Group’s total workforce as of 31/12/2009 is 80,976 people Key Brands Drive to Growth The BCG Matrix When we constructing the Boston Matrix… • We need two variables… • First, the Relative Market Share, expresses the ability of control over the market that the firm introduced • Second, the Market Growth Rate which shows the...
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...KURULUŞUN ADI:BURGER KİNG KURULUŞUN TARİHÇESİ: 1954 yılında James Mc Lamore ve David Edgerton tarafından Amerika Birleşik Devletleri – Miami’de kurulan ve dünyanın en büyük fast food zincirlerinden biri olan Burger King, en büyük özelliği “Alevde Izgara” konsepti ve bu konseptin en popüler burgeri Whopper ilk kez 1957 yılında satışa sunmuştur. Türkiye’deki faaliyetlerine ise 1995 yılında ATA Grubu'na bağlı TAB Gıda Sanayi A.Ş. bünyesine katılmasıyla başlayan Burger King, kısa sürede restoran zincirlerinin halkalarını çoğaltarak vazgeçilmez lezzetlerin adresi olmuştur. Türkiye'de de hızlı servis sektörünün lider kuruluşlarından biri olan Burger King, bugün 500'den fazla restoranı ile lezzet düşkünlerine hizmet vermektedir. Dünya genelinde 78 ülkede 12.400 restoranı ile hizmet veren Burger King rakiplerinden yüksek kalite standartlarına, temizliğe, çevre uyumuna ve lezzete verdiği önemle ayrılmaktadır. TAB Gıda bünyesindeki Burger King; Afrika, Avrupa ve Orta Doğu Bölgesi’nde “En Hızlı Büyüyen Ülke” , 1.500 Burger King Franchisee arasında “En Hızlı Gelişim” ödüllerine layık görülürken, gizli müşteri araştırmalarında da “Serviste Mükemmellik” ödüllerinin sahibi olmuştur. Sayısız ödüller alan Burger King, Mediacat ve Ipsos KMG araştırması sonuçlarına göre Fast-Food kategorisinde “2011 Türkiye’nin Lovemark’ı” ve “Türkiye’nin En Samimi Markası” seçilmiştir. Müşterileri ile olan güçlü bağı kazandığı ödüllerle de tescillemeye devam eden Burger King, Mediacat ve Ipsos...
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...6-22-11 Time of Birth: 11:45am Weight: 2.6kg N.C: 35cm C.C: 34cm A.C: 32cm Apgar: 9'9 Legth: 47cm Case # 669655 NSD Name: Baby Boy Tonculas Mother: Jessa 24 years old Date : 6-27-11 Time of Birth: 11:18am Weight: 2.5kg N.C: 33cm C.C: 32cm A.C: 30cm Temp.: 35.6cm Legth: '17 Apgar: 9'9 Case # 3 PBE 6-27-11 Name: Baby Girl Ongay Barto Mother: fatima 24 years old Date: 6-28-11 Time of Birth: Weight: 2.4kg N.C: 33cm C.C: 32cm A.C: 30cm Temp.: 36.1'c Length: 47 Apgar: 9'9 Case # 1630682 (handle) G1 P0 /PU “NSD”/RMLE Name: Bonajas, Kimberly Guerreno Date: 6-29-11 Age: 17 years old AOG: 32 4/7 weeks B.B: Girl Time: 8:30am Case # 2327710 (Assist) G1 P0/PU “NSD”/RMLE Name: cabanda,Corena Yana Date: 6-29-11 Age: 26 years old AOG: 40 4/7 weeks B.B: Girl Time: 11: 50am Case # 2319913 (Handle) G4 P0/PU “NSD”RMLE Name: Tayo, Garcia Victoria Date: 6-29-11 Age: 15 years old AOG: 37 2/7 weeks B.B: Boy Time: 11:53am Case # 2329172 (Assist) G3 P3/PU “NSD”/PS Name: Lause, Jennifer Bautista Date: 7-4-11 Age: 20 years old AOG: 38 1/7 weeks B.B: Boy Time: 10:45am Case # 2329891 (handle) G3 P2/PU “NSD”/RMLE Name: Pizoni, Ma.Rizza Kivira Date: 7-5-11 Age: 18 years old AOG: 38 6/7 weeks B.B: Boy Time: 10:32am Case # 2329917...
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