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Rap Music Analysis

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Rap music contributes to violent crime due the offensive statements on its lyrics. Most of its songs contribute to women’s devaluation thorough stereotype, discrimination and illustrating them as objects. As a matter of fact, rap music is supported by this society throughout the use of languages that devalued women and by treating women’s bodies as objects. Tran R. (2016) argues, since childhood men are taught to see women as objects, but they are people with feelings, wants, and needs. Also, men are taught how to be a proper man and that women are weak, which make them feel superior than women. These are the principal factors that cause the violence against women, which creates indifference regarding women’s rights and safety.
From a long …show more content…
Also, men are taught how to be a proper man and that women are weak, which make them feel superior than them. These are the principal factors that cause the violence against women, which creates indifference regarding women’s rights and safety. On the other hand, in the article “Violence Against Women” Schaffner (2007) is explained that some of the ways women are abused are through: verbal harassment, sexual imposition, sexual assault, rape, domestic, and child abuse. In other words, women are exposed to violent criminal actions by the way they are presented in this society, which make men feel superior than …show more content…
Sometimes the legal status of a woman forces her to stay in a violent relationship, even when support can be provided. Nonetheless, there are cases in which women report that they are being abused and the institutions who are responsible of taking care of it justify the man actions saying that they are simply lying. In the other hand, women tend to fear deportation when they are illegal as they are threatened by their husband, and even their own families which makes them stay silent. The fear causes women to lose their right mind and fall in a depression that sometimes end ups in killing themselves, their partners, and even the whole

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