Premium Essay

Rawlence: A Brief Analysis

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Rawlence also stimulates a setting in which the reader got to experience and feel the inhumanity faced by people in Dadaab camp. Refugees think that by fleeing to another country they will be safe and restore their lives but what it turns out is that they must endure people’s judgments and mistreatment. Nowadays, we hear about many terrorist attacks and most political people relate those actions with the presence of the refugees. For example, Donald Trump (the current President of the United States), clearly stated that refugees are terrorists and he banned people from seven Muslim countries from seeking refugee in the United States(-------). Furthermore, refugees are also considered terrorists by citizens. They have hatred against refugees …show more content…
Although they were forced to go to Turkey, Syrian refugees still seek aid and safety from the civil war. Accordingly, in chapter 26, Rawlence indicates many examples in his story about how refugees experience brutal treatment by saying, “Thousands were arbitrarily detained and had to pay $100, $200, $300 or more for release. Hundreds were beaten up.. And rape stories piled up on the desks of social workers” (Rawlence 226-227). Refugees are being treated as criminals and that is done sometimes by the government organizations workers that are responsible for them. They insult and abuse them as they feel violated by their presence. As a result, refugees feel like a burden to society. Not to mention, some individuals attribute them as terrorists while the reality is that refugees themselves are the victims of terrorism. Overall, refugees make tremendous sacrifices to move to other countries hoping to seek asylum, but settling in a new region poses many challenges. They escape thinking that their suffering will come to an end but in fact, they face more difficult and harsh

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