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Words: 22913 - Pages: 92
...1/ ENERGY BANDS IN SOLIDS In this chapter we begin with a review of the basic atomic properties of matter leading to discrete electronic energy levels in atoms. We find that these energy levels are spread into energy bands in a crystal. This band structure allows us to distinguish between an insulator, a semiconductor, and a metal. 1-1 CHARGED PARTICLES The charge, or quantity, of negative electricity and the mass of the electron have been found to be 1.60 X 10- 19 C (coulomb) and 9.11 X 10- 31 kg, respectively. The values of many important physical constants are given in Appendix A, and a list of conversion factors and prefixes is given in Appendix B. Some idea of the number of electrons per second that represents current of the usual order of magnitude is readily possible. F'or example, since the charge per electron is 1.60 X 10- 19 C, the number of electrons per coulomb is the reciprocal of this nutnber, or approximately, 6 X 10 18 Further, since a current of 1 A (ampere) is the flow of 1 Cis, then a current of only 1 pA (1 picoampere, or 10- 12 A) represents the motion of approximately 6 million electrons per second. Yet a current of 1 pA is so small that considerable difficulty is experienced in attempting to measure it. The charge of a positive ion is an integral multiple of the charge of the electron, although it is of opposite sign. For the case of singly ionized particles, the charge is equal to that of the electron. For the case of doubly ionized particles...
Words: 63477 - Pages: 254