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Submitted By jaidadog
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Quantitative Reasoning

1. Create two sets. Set A will be the list of the five items you personally need to buy the most (essential items). Set B will be the list of the five items that you want to buy the most (fun stuff). ANSWER: A = {CAR, GAS, WATER, FOOD, HOUSE} B = {CAR, COMPUTER, IPOD, HOUSE, TV}

2. List the items in Set A and Set B, and also list or state the items in the union and in the intersection of Set A and Set B. ANSWER: UNION = {CAR, GAS, WATER, FOOD, HOUSE, COMPUTER, IPOD, TV} INTERSECTION = {CAR, HOUSE}

3. Now assume that the prices of the items in your set A are 20, 40, 60, 70 and 80. Assume that the prices of the items in your set B are 90, 120, 30, 60 and 40. Note: if you have one or two identical items in both sets, then assume that the prices of the identical items are the same as the prices that appear in set A (instead of having two different prices to the same item.) ANSWER: A = {(CAR, $20) (GAS, $40) (WATER, $60) (FOOD, $70) (HOUSE, $80)} B = {(CAR, $20) (COMPUTER, $90) (IPOD, $120) (HOUSE, $80) (TV, $30)}

4. What will the total cost of Set A be if it contains one unit of each item? ANSWER: $270 5. What will the total cost of the union set be if it contains one unit of each item? ANSWER: UNION SET = $20 + $40 + $60 + $70 + $120 + $80 +$30 = $420 6. What will be the total cost of the intersection? ANSWER: INTERSECTION = $20 +$80 = $100 7. What will the total cost of the union and of the intersection be if you consider two set A's and three set B's ? ANSWER: A = {(CAR, $20) (GAS, $40) (WATER, $60) (FOOD, $70) (HOUSE, $80)} + {(CAR, $20) (GAS, $40) (WATER, $60) (FOOD, $70) (HOUSE, $80)} = {(CAR, $40) (GAS, $80) (WATER, $120) (FOOD, $140) (HOUSE, $160)} AND B = {(CAR, $20) (COMPUTER, $90) (IPOD, $120) (HOUSE, $80) (TV, $30)} + {(CAR, $20) (COMPUTER, $90) (IPOD, $120) (HOUSE, $80) (TV, $30)} + {(CAR, $20) (COMPUTER, $90) (IPOD, $120) (HOUSE, $80) (TV, $30)} = {(CAR, $60) (COMPUTER, $270) (IPOD, $360) (HOUSE, $240) (TV, $90)} THUS UNION = {CAR $100, GAS $80, WATER $120, FOOD $140, HOUSE $240, COMPUTER $270, IPOD $360, TV $90} + INTERSECTION = {CAR, $100, HOUSE, $240} = $1740

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