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Reasons For Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalization of Marijuana
Legalizing marijuana has a lot of positives to it. Some of them are profit, medical purposes, reducing harm, creating jobs,etc.. Four states in the United States have legalized marijuana in all ways, including recreational and medical purposes , and have not had major problems with it (Marijuana Legalization and Regulation). These states include Colorado, Washington, Alaska, and Oregon, also Washington D.C. has legalized it. It has brought great profit to their state economies (Marijuana Legalization and Regulation). A major reason for legalizing marijuana is for the profit it brings. Marijuana is estimated around a fifty million dollar industry(Marijuana Legalization and Regulation). But right now all …show more content…
All of this money is spent on burdening our justice system, and wasting the time of our law enforcement and taxes on keeping the criminals locked up because of the law. If it was legal and America had this kind of money it could be spent on helping fund public school, fixing bad roads, help organizations that need it, and many more things (Marijuana Legalization and Regulation). Colorado and Washington have now legalized recreational marijuana. It is estimated to bring in $550 million dollars from legalizing it (Marijuana Legalization and Regulation). Also said to bring the United States up to $14 billion per year (Marijuana Legalization and Regulation). If America were to legalize marijuana it would bring millions to billions of dollars to the economy. Even though the United States could get all of this money for legalizing it, many people still disagree with it because of all of the effects to …show more content…
Do you know how many deaths are caused by using marijuana, either medicinally or recreationally? The answer is none. There has been not one person killed because of using marijuana. Meanwhile, taking in too much aspirin, coffee, alcohol, etc. can be deadly if one was to take in too much of it. Marijuana on the other hand could be beneficial. It is a more natural medicine that could help more rather than medicines cooked up with chemicals in a lab. It is said to help many diseases, including epilepsy, anxiety, alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma and many

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