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Rebuilding the Welfare System


Submitted By Tyatkinson627
Words 2511
Pages 11
Rebuilding the Welfare System
Tyeisha Atkinson
SOC320: Public Policy & Social Services
Instructor: Ingrid Sanders
November 13, 2013

Rebuilding the Welfare System Welfare is a very controversial topic that has divided this nation since the start of it. Welfare is an institution supported by the government to help those who lack in many different areas of their lives. “The largest increase in the share of the US population on welfare in the past 35 years occurred between 1960 and 1970.” (Deavers, & Hattiangadi, 1998). Welfare aims to help people and prevent poverty from increasing by enduring access to resources and reduce social suffering. Welfare programs include but are not limited to health care, education, SSI, housing, unemployment, food stamps and child care assistance. While this program is a great help to those who receive assistance the misuse and abuse of some obtaining benefits as well as a weakened government system has caused the welfare system to collapse. In earlier years, more Americans were working to provide for their families. Up to 1870, more than half of the Nation’s adult workers were farmers but as the economy grew so did jobs. Development reshaped the workforce. As life happened, people began to need assistance in different areas. The States and the Federal Government realized that the only way to make sure that people would not lose all that they had worked hard for over the years was to engage in insurance programs. In the US, social insurance first began with workers’ compensation (Welfare, ND). Other social insurance programs now include Social Security Insurance (SSI), Unemployment Insurance, and Worker’s Compensation. Insurance programs such as SSI, unemployment, and workers comp are all designed to help people when they are out of work. SSI and unemployment insurance programs are funded by payroll taxes. The SSI

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