...INTERNSHIP REPORT On Recruitment and Selection Process On First Security Islamic Bank LTD (FSIB) Prepared by: Md. ID : Program : BBA Major : HRM Prepared for Business Studies A Report Submitted to the Department of Business Administration,UITS,in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). Date of Submission: 23.11.2015 Acknowledgements This report is based on my internship work with the first Security Islamic Bank Senanibash Cantonment Branch, Dhaka. for the period of 3 months with effect from 09 June 2015 to 28nd September 2015. Regarding the outcome of this internship, I would like to express my special gratitude, profound thankfulness, deep appreciation and indebtedness to my respectable teacher as well as supervisor Mr.Md.Hossen Miazee, Head of Internship and Placement, Department of Business Studies, UITS,for his constant supervision, moral support, valuable instructions and helpful advice during the whole period of my research work. I am grateful to my organizational supervisor Md.jahangir Alom Senior Principal officer, First Security Islamic Bank Senanibash Cantonment...
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...competition has become more and more furious. Every firm tries to obtain and retain efficient employees to meet the new challenges. So, attracting, obtaining, retaining and maintaining the best employees have become much more important, rather than other factors in order to meet the corporate goal with the fulfillment of the current challenges. The course under BBA program designed with an excellent combination of theoretical and practical aspects, while studying the BBA program, consisting of theoretical exposure, the students are required to obtain different types of experiences gathered from different organizations, field work, and the presentation based on them. We have tried our best to use this opportunity to enrich my knowledge on banking system and also incorporate my knowledge, which I have learned from my classes. 1.2 Background of the study Practical Knowledge has no alternative especially for BBA student. We worked as an Intern in The BRAC Bank Ltd, HR Division. After doing the study, we have to make a Report. The report covers “HR practice of BRAC Bank Limited”. This report gives a narrative overview of the overall HR practice of BRAC Bank Limited. This report explains the nature and objective of the Human Resource Division as well as its...
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...distinct but interrelated activities, functions and processes that are directed at attracting, developing and maintaining or disposing firms’ human resources (Lado & Wilson, 1994). Human resources in other words, well informed capable citizenry can improve the total ability of an organization, a society, a government agency and virtually of a country, of a nation (khan, 2003). Human resources are the most important assets of an organizations because without them the business functions such as managing cash flow, making business transactions, communicating through all forms of media, and dealing with customers could not be completed (Haslinda, 2009). Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers. HR practices are...
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...INTRODUCTION Background There is a widespread recognition within Bangladesh that corruption is endemic and its roots lie deep in bureaucratic, business and political institutions. Corruption, however, has become a worldwide problem and has been brought to the forefront of the development agenda with the World Development Report 97: The State in a Changing World. It was followed by the World Bank report "Helping Countries Combat Corruption", which presented a four-pronged approach to guide the Bank's anti-corruption activities: • Preventing fraud and corruption in Bank-financed projects • Helping countries requesting Bank support to reduce corruption • Taking into account corruption in country strategies, lending, policy dialogue, analytical work and in the choice and design of projects • Adding voice and support to international efforts to lower corruption. The ongoing anti-corruption work in Bangladesh will help to address the four-pronged approach. This report summarizes the findings of four diagnostic studies on corruption conducted by Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) for the World Bank, and includes recommendations that could used for the Bank’s dialogue with the government. Objective, Scope and Limitations The objective of the diagnostic studies is to help improve our knowledge of the manifestations of corruption, analyse the factors / causes leading to the phenomenon of growing corruption, determine the reasons that impede anti-corruption...
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...Acknowledgments It is necessary to know the relevance between theoretical and practical knowledge. So a student can only claim himself as a student of true knowledge by virtue of preparing such kind of internship report. It is time to thank all who helped me to complete this project successfully. First of all, I offer my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to Almighty Allah who has given me the learning power in the earth. Shibli Noman Khan, School of Business, Independent University Bangladesh, is my academic supervisor. I am grateful to him for the flexibility in the work scope he provided me. His encouragement and advice worked as a foundation stone for this report. I convey my gratitude for his time and continuous support. Mr. Uzzal Kumar Nandi (CFO) & Company Secretary, and Syed Abed Hasan, Manager Finance and Accounts of IIDFC are my external supervisors who have allowed me the permission to complete my internship in their department. I am grateful to them for the flexibility in the work scopes they provided me. Their encouragement and advice worked as a foundation stone for this report. I convey my gratitude for their time. Besides, I also owe a grate debt of gratitude to Mr. Tapan Dey, Manager Finance and Accoutns, and Mr. Al Rajib Mahmood, Asst. Manager Finance and Accounts of IIDFC, who have continuously helped and inspired me to know and adapt the inner-world of IIDFC along with providing the informative information preparing the report. It is Mr. Sanjoy Karmaker (Senior...
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...Internship Report on [pic] “Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited” [pic] “Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited” Submitted to Professor Ashraf Hossain Dean School of Business Asian University of Bangladesh Submission Date March 30, 2008 This report is submitted as the partial fulfillment of BBA program Date: August 2, 2007 To Sub: Submission of Internship report on “Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited." Dear Sir, With due respect and humble submission I would like to inform you that I am the students of Md.Shohel Khan ,School of Business . It is indeed a great pleasure to have the opportunity to submit the Internship report. I have prepared the opportunity to submit the Internship report according to your instructions. The topic name is " Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. ". While preparing this Internship report I came to know about several terms on banking sector. I have tried my best to present all the things to make the report more informative and usual one. If any part of the assignments means inappropriate...
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...Internship Report on [pic] “Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited” [pic] “Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited” Submitted to Professor Ashraf Hossain Dean School of Business Asian University of Bangladesh Submission Date March 30, 2008 This report is submitted as the partial fulfillment of BBA program Date: August 2, 2007 To Sub: Submission of Internship report on “Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited." Dear Sir, With due respect and humble submission I would like to inform you that I am the students of Md.Shohel Khan ,School of Business . It is indeed a great pleasure to have the opportunity to submit the Internship report. I have prepared the opportunity to submit the Internship report according to your instructions. The topic name is " Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. ". While preparing this Internship report I came to know about several terms on banking sector. I have tried my best to present all the things to make...
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...Internship Report on “Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of First Security Islami Bank Ltd” [pic] “Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of First Security Islami Bank Ltd” Submitted to Dr. Mohammad Fashiul Alam Professor Department of Management Faculty of Business Administration, University of Chittagong. Submitted by Muhammed Ehsanuzzaman Program: EMBA ID No – 09535071 Batch – 34th School of Business University of Information Technology & Sciences 40/1, Zakir Hossain Road, Khulshi, Chittagong. Submission Date This report is submitted as the partial fulfillment of EMBA program Letter of Submission September 0, 2011. To Dr. Mohammad Fashiul Alam Professor Department of Management Faculty of Business Administration, University of Chittagong. Subject: Submission of Research Paper Dear Sir, It is my pleasure to submit my Research Paper on “Overall Branch Banking and A Comprehensive Review on Investment of First Security Islami Bank Ltd “as a part of E.M.B.A. Program. I tried my best to gather relevant information for preparing a complete report by following internship proposal. Without the sincere co-operation and proper guidance of you, it is not possible for me to prepare the report. For this act of kindness...
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...claim to have read the manuscript Of Changes and Transformations: Bangladesh Bank [July 2009-June 2013] highlighting changes the central bank has gone through in the past four years, but certainly had a cursory look at it. The publication of the book is of great significance at a time when the present government has just completed its four years in office. I welcome this initiative by Bangladesh Bank. I would like to thank Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman and others concerned with the project. The effort put in by the editors and their team of script writers to enrich the volume is certainly praiseworthy. I am extremely delighted to have the opportunity to write few words upon the book. Here I would like to touch upon the key aspects of the revolutionary changes that I have witnessed in Bangladesh Bank during the past four years. Firstly, digitization has taken place rapidly in the central bank and the whole banking sector was quick to follow suit. Secondly, mobile banking has been introduced and expanded significantly. This process will come its fruition with the introduction of PayPal payment system. Thirdly, revolutionary changes have taken place in CSR. Fourthly, Bangladesh Bank has achieved commendable success in financial inclusion program. Bangladesh Bank's role in involving the mass people into financial activities is undeniable. Finally, the establishment of Currency Museum is a great initiative of Bangladesh Bank. I would now like to say a few words on the economic condition...
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...Corporate Social Responsibilities | | | | | | | | |Al-Arafah Islami Bank Foundation : | | | | | | | |The Bank has a Foundation launching philanthropic activities. Al-Arafah Islamic International School & College and Al-Arafah Islami Bank Library are major | |two wings for launching philanthropic activities. | | ...
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...1.0. Introduction: In general sense we mean “Bank” as a financial institution that deals with money. There are different types of banks like Central bank, Commercial bank, saving bank, Investment bank, Merchant bank, Co operative bank etc. But when we use the term bank it generally means ‘commercial bank’ that collects the deposit from surplus unit of the society and then lends the deposits to the deficit units of the society. The existence of banking sector is not a new matter, as its existence was long years ago. But the new thing is that how it operates and presenting its activities for the purpose of serving customer requirements to increase their well being in the sense of wealth. Banks also provide many services for clients to make easy their life in a busy environment. In this competitive environment in today’s world, the entire bank increases their facilities in favor of their customers to retain them and capture more share of the market to be leader. Interest is one of the main factors in attracting customers and also one of the significant factors in increasing extra income from providing loans besides other service income. So, it can be said that conventional banking systems are interest-based system. Bangladesh is one of the largest Muslim countries of the world. The people of this country are deeply committed to Islamic way of Life as it is mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah. But it is not possible for the people to establish and design their economic lives...
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...Internship Report On Performance Appraisal System Of INTERNSHIP REPORT On “Performance Appraisal System of AB Bank Limited, ABBL” Of HR Division, Head Office. (This report on internship in AB Bank Limited is submitted as a requirment of the partial fulfilment of BBA Program) Report prepared for Probal Dutta (1st), Senior Lecturer, BBS, BRAC University Shantu Kumar Ghosh(2nd) Senior Lecturer BBS, BRAC University. Report prepared by MD. ULLAH AL MAMUN Student ID: 06104007. BBS Department, BRAC University. Date Of Submission 13th May, 2010. BRAC University Students Assertion I hereby announced that the extensive study entitled “Performance Appraisal System of AB Bank Limited, ABBL” (Conducted on behalf of AB Bank Limited, Head Office, HR Division) Prepared in partial accomplishment of the requirements for the award of the degree in Bachelor of Businesss Administration (BBA) From BRAC University BBS Department. Is my original work and not put forward For the award of the any other degree/fellowship Or other similar designation or accolade. …………………………………… MD. ULLAH AL MAMUN Student ID: 06104007. Certificate of Approval The internship report of MD. ULLAH AL MAMUN Student id: 06104007. BBS Department, BRAC University Titled “Performance Appraisal System of AB Bank Limited, ABBL” (Conducted on behalf of AB Bank Limited, Head Office, HR Division) Is approved and is suitable in eminence and...
Words: 27411 - Pages: 110
...Need Assessment Report on Need Assessment Report on Trainers’ Skills Trainers’ Skills In Vocational Employability In Vocational Employability Building Building Disclaimer NSDC engaged MART to conduct the study and prepare this report, which is based on independent research and analysis done by MART. This report is not based or derived from any other report or research paper. Any similarity with any other paper may purely be a co-incidence. All rights reserved. All copyright in this report and related works is solely and exclusively owned by NSDC. The same may not be reproduced, wholly or in part in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this presentation), modified or in any manner communicated to any third party except with the written approval of NSDC. This report is for information purposes only. While due care has been taken during the compilation of this report to ensure that the information is accurate to the best of MART’s and NSDC’s knowledge and belief, the content is not to be construed in any manner whatsoever as a substitute for professional advice. MART and NSDC neither recommend nor endorse any specific products or services that may have been mentioned in this report and nor do they assume any liability or responsibility for the outcome of decisions taken as a result of any reliance placed in this report. Neither MART nor NSDC shall be...
Words: 22453 - Pages: 90
...Internship Report On Performance Appraisal System Of INTERNSHIP REPORT On “Performance Appraisal System of AB Bank Limited, ABBL” Of HR Division, Head Office. (This report on internship in AB Bank Limited is submitted as a requirment of the partial fulfilment of BBA Program) Report prepared for Probal Dutta (1st), Senior Lecturer, BBS, BRAC University Shantu Kumar Ghosh(2nd) Senior Lecturer BBS, BRAC University. Report prepared by MD. ULLAH AL MAMUN Student ID: 06104007. BBS Department, BRAC University. Date Of Submission 13th May, 2010. BRAC University Students Assertion I hereby announced that the extensive study entitled “Performance Appraisal System of AB Bank Limited, ABBL” (Conducted on behalf of AB Bank Limited, Head Office, HR Division) Prepared in partial accomplishment of the requirements for the award of the degree in Bachelor of Businesss Administration (BBA) From BBS Department. BRAC University Is my original work and not put forward For the award of the any other degree/fellowship Or other similar designation or accolade. …………………………………… MD. ULLAH AL MAMUN Student ID: 06104007. Certificate of Approval The internship report of MD. ULLAH AL MAMUN Student id: 06104007. BBS Department, BRAC University Titled “Performance Appraisal System of AB Bank Limited, ABBL” (Conducted on behalf of AB Bank Limited, Head Office, HR Division) Is approved and is suitable in eminence and figure Academic supervisor ...
Words: 27502 - Pages: 111
...period Fatima Satter, Lecturer of Eastern University was my academic supervisor and Md.Ayub Assistant Vice President &MD.Masum Manager Operation was my field supervisor. A study on a particular topic is a mandatory part of the internship program. I was authorized to make a study on the “performance evaluation on National Credit & Commerce Bank Limited”. In this whole study I tried to connect my own financial knowledge to the financial data of. I tried my level best to produce a quality study on “Performance evaluation on National Credit & Commerce Bank Limited”. 1.2 Problem Statement & Justification The financial performance evaluation on bank is unknown. The reason for the research was to do a pilot study and we wanted to identify bank’s financial data analysis or change in year by year. By this study Bank organization can make better decision to improve their growth and to compare the competitor they visualize their position. 1.3Limitations of the study It was a great opportunity for me to work in NCC Bank limited as an Intern and a make a study on the financial performance analysis of it but there were surely some limitations while making this study. They are- * Difficulty in accessing latest data of internal operations for data security. * Since the bank personnel are very busy with their activities, as a result they were unable to provide much information about the study. * As I have done this kind of study for the first time and the subject matter...
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